The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 800: Depends on whether the high branches can hold up

Chapter 800 Depends on whether the high branches can be held up

“Cough cough cough… cough cough cough…”

As soon as Fan Qingyao entered the door, he heard a violent cough. He quickly walked to the bed and saw the unconscious fifth prince frowning and breathing heavily in his chest.

 “Zhao…Yi…er, Yier…”

  Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yi'er's name came out from the fifth prince's mouth again.

The guard guarding the fifth prince looked at the appearance of the fifth prince and was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and said, "Prince Concubine, the fifth prince has been calling this name in the past few days, and sometimes he will Spit out the food you put in..."

Fan Qingyao looked at the guard with a cold face, "Why didn't you tell me before?"

The guard trembled, but he did not dare to speak again.

But even if he didn't say it, would Fan Qingyao really not know?

Now that the fifth prince is being trained in the Military and Horse Department, everyone in the Military and Horse Department is not frightened for fear that something will happen to the fifth prince. It is impossible for the people in the Military and Horse Department not to report this kind of thing, so the only possibility is that Baili Rongze will give it to him. Pressed down.

As for why Baili Rongze pressed down, the purpose is clear without even thinking about it.

 I'm afraid he just wishes that the fifth prince would never wake up again!

Fan Qingyao looked at the guard kneeling in front of him. Even though he was filled with anger, he knew that Baili Rongze's little actions were disgusting, but the real problem was not here.

Even if Baili Rongze doesn't want the fifth prince to wake up, as long as the fifth prince strives for his own success, can Baili Rongze really stab someone to death?

 Of course it’s impossible.

A person like Baili Rongze, who is extremely hypocritical, can only play small tricks behind his back.

 So the problem still lies with Zhao Yier.

Wanting to understand this, Fan Qingyao called Nanny Xu in front of her when she returned home, "Can I trouble Nanny Xu to go to the Dali Temple Minister's house in person? There is no need to identify the fifth prince. You only need to tell the fifth prince's current name." If you know the situation, just inform Aunt Zhao in the young master’s room.”

 Mother Xu is an old man in the house, so it was only because she came forward that she took this matter more seriously.

 The comatose person is still conscious, so the fifth prince can only hear Zhao Yi'er's voice at the moment.

Fan Qingyao doesn't really need Zhao Yi'er to turn around and marry the fifth prince, a person who has become someone else's concubine. Even if Zhao Yi'er really has that intention, not to mention Fan Qingyao, even the Queen Mother will not agree. of.

Mama Xu left quickly, but came back very slowly.

Nearly an hour later, the curtain was lifted and the door was entered.

"Little miss, I'm an old slave and have no use for it. I haven't seen Aunt Zhao." Nanny Xu said with an unkind expression.

"What happened?" Fan Qingyao, who was writing a reply to Baili Fengming, stopped writing. Nanny Xu handled things carefully and properly. She had gone out with her grandmother to do a lot of things before. She didn't believe that the problem would be with Xu. On grandma’s body.

What can Xu Yan look at the gaze of Miss?

  Tell the truth, of course.

Aunt Xu indeed knocked on the door of Dali Temple Qing's Mansion, got through to the concierge, and went to the mansion to call Aunt Zhao's personal maid. , and even spent a lot of money.

Unexpectedly, the maidservant had been gone for most of an hour. When she came back, she only told Aunt Xu that Aunt Zhao had said that she and the fifth young master were just ordinary friends. They were not close to each other, so it was best not to meet each other in the future.

Fan Qingyao's face turned cold.

normal friend?

Thanks to that Zhao Yier for being able to speak out!

Fan Qingyao knew who the fifth prince was. He was able to think about Zhao Yier and even concealed his identity. A dignified prince spent all his time trying to please the beauty, even condescending and spending money and effort. , and as a result, we got a simple friend!

Zhao Yi'er used to eat and use the fifth prince, but how come she never had **** with a man or woman?

Now that I have become an aunt, do you feel like you are flying up a branch and becoming a phoenix? Fan Qingyao smiled coldly, she thought well.

If Zhao Yi'er is really a person who appreciates kindness and repays her kindness, then forget about it. Since she plans to turn her back on him, Fan Qingyao doesn't need to pamper her anymore.

“Go and invite the housekeeper from the fifth prince’s residence.” Fan Qingyao looked at Nanny Xu and said.

The housekeeper of the fifth prince's residence came very quickly. As soon as he saw Fan Qingyao, he knelt down to say hello, "Old slave, please say hello to the Crown Princess."

Fan Qingyao asked Ninghan to bring a chair and motioned for people to sit down and talk, "I wonder if the old housekeeper knows the accounts of the fifth prince's house?"

When the old housekeeper was in the house, he often heard his Highness praise the Crown Princess. In addition, with the relationship with the Prince, the old housekeeper knew everything about Fan Qingyao, "It's clear, it's all clear. The prince has always been thrifty, so whether it is the expenses of the palace or the money spent by the fifth prince, it is all well-organized and well-documented. "

Fan Qingyao nodded and said, "This is best, but I still have to trouble the old housekeeper."

 The old housekeeper hurriedly said, "Whatever the princess has to say, just ask her."

Ninghan stood aside and listened to her young lady explain one by one to the old housekeeper of the fifth prince's residence. However, she really didn't know what the young lady was going to do, so she could only look at Nanny Xu for help.

 Mother Xu, “…”

 Silly boy, why do you even need to ask? It’s obvious that the young lady is going to make big moves!

It was already an hour later when Ninghan sent the old housekeeper of the Fifth Prince's Mansion out.

Fan Qingyao sat in front of the desk but did not show any signs of relaxation.

 Zhao Yier's move is undoubtedly not to kill the donkey. This kind of trick was something that Fan Qingyao had seen frequently on Liao Yuwei when he followed Baili Rongze in his previous life.

Having achieved your goal, you just want to pat your **** and leave?

  I really thought that the fifth prince was an innocent and easy-going bully.

Fan Qingyao’s lips curled into a sneer.

 Zhao Yi'er wants to climb a high branch, but she must first see if she can hold up the high branch under her feet!

Fan Qingyao has never been a person driven by anger. She knew very well that if she wanted to recover the debts of the fifth prince from Zhao Yier with interest, it was not enough to just rely on the old housekeeper in the fifth prince's house.

 She also needs an introduction.

 A stepping stone that can knock on the door of the Dali Temple Qing’s residence.

When it comes to the relationship network in the main city, Sun Contong's mother is naturally the best. But this matter involves the fifth prince after all. Fan Qingyao doesn't want to make this matter too big, otherwise the fifth prince will not be able to behave well after he wakes up. .

After thinking about it, Fan Qingyao thought of Yan Hanbai.

The eldest prince is the first among this group of princes to be crowned king. There are many people who want to curry favor with him. Even if they don't curry favor with him, they all want to have a good relationship. However, high-level mansions are all about face. Yes, of course the men in the house will not come forward, so this matter basically falls on the ladies behind the scenes.

Those ladies who want to establish relations with Prince Pinglai’s Palace have no choice but to approach Princess Pinglai!

"Ninghan, you go to Prince Pinglai's Mansion now." Fan Qingyao looked at Ninghan and said.

Ninghan nodded, turned around and walked out the door.

 (End of this chapter)

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