Chapter 801: You have a pretty good appetite?

In Prince Pinglai's Mansion, Yan Hanbai was pulling Prince Pinglai to talk about today's events. Unexpectedly, Ning Han came to the door.

After Ninghan finished explaining his purpose, King Pinglai and Yan Hanbai felt a familiar smell coming to their faces.

They are all people who have been abused by Fan Qingyao, and the feeling is naturally clear.

After Ning Han left, Yan Hanbai looked at Ping Lai Wang and said, "I really didn't expect that Zhao Yi'er to be so shameless. This is obviously killing the donkey. If the fifth prince really can't wake up from this..."

King Pinglai glanced at his wife, "I didn't say I wouldn't agree to help, why are you excited?"

  Yan Hanbai, “…”

 I'm not afraid that you won't agree.

King Ping Lai said, "Since I experienced being demoted last time, I have indeed been a lot more careful, but things are handled differently. Since we are on the side of the prince, the princess's affairs are our business. Besides, Both you and I are indebted to the Crown Princess, so in your mind, am I just a villain?"

"Of course not!" Yan Hanbai blurted out, but when he finished speaking, he felt that what he said was too direct. When he looked into King Pinglai's smiling eyes, his old face turned red.

King Pinglai looked at his wife and smiled and said, "The minister of Dali Temple is named Yuan. Think carefully about the people you have dealt with during this period. Is there a wife of the Yuan family?"

Yan Hanbai thought about it carefully, and it really came to her mind.

When she went out for a banquet some time ago, she seemed to have really met a Mrs. Yuan family. However, she didn't expect to have any deep friendship at that time, so she didn't listen carefully. Now, no matter how hard she thinks about it, she can't think of that person. Mrs. Yuan told her something.

 Fortunately, the maid next to Yan Hanbai has a good memory and quickly reminded her, "Some time ago, the Yuan family's little grandma just got a grandson, so she will have a full-moon banquet this month."

  Yan Hanbai, “…”

 That seems to be the case.

“Hurry and go to the warehouse to pick out a decent item and send it over. Just say it’s a little thought from our palace.”

Although it is not according to the rules to give gifts in advance, Yan Hanbai did not leave any words for Mrs. Yuan's family at that time. If he does not send the gifts quickly now, I am afraid that the post about Full Moon Wine will not be delivered to Prince Pinglai Palace. .

Sure enough, when Mrs. Yuan received the things from Ping Lai Prince's Palace, she didn't come back to her senses for a long time. However, she thought that it would be better to make good friends than to be speechless, so she quickly asked her servants to bring the post to Ping Lai. Prince Lai's Mansion sent it.

As soon as Yan Hanbai got the post, he sent someone to send a message to Fan Qingyao.

 It’s a coincidence that the Yuan family’s full moon wine will be served the day after tomorrow.

Fan Qingyao also didn't expect that things would turn out this way. After seizing the time to arrange the things at hand, he had packed up early on the day when the Yuan family put out the full moon wine. Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the house, he saw the Prince of Pinglai. carriage.

“The buns are still hot, come up and eat together!” Yan Hanbai stuck his head out of the car window and shook the buns in his hand.

Seeing this, what else could Fan Qingyao say? He could only tell Ninghan, "Follow me with your men."

Ninghan nodded, "Don't worry, Miss."

As soon as the carriage door was opened, the aroma of steamed buns hit our nose.

It was Yan Hanbai who was sitting on the soft couch enjoying a meal. He saw Fan Qingyao sitting opposite and hurriedly pushed the buns on the short table over, "I can't help it. This is what I want when I'm pregnant. You can eat it with confidence. This is mine." After eating all over the city, I found the best steamed bun shop, with thin crust and big fillings. ”

Fan Qingyao had actually eaten when he went out in the morning, but now that Yan Hanbai said this, the greedy man was also seduced, so he simply picked up a steamed bun.

 After one bite, it is indeed tender and juicy.

Yan Hanbai looked at Fan Qingyao opening his mouth to eat, and was stunned. After a long while, he muttered to himself, "Did you really eat it?" Fan Qingyao asked, "Didn't you ask me to eat it?"

Yan Hanbai laughed at himself, "Aren't you afraid that I will poison the buns?"

During this period, she also participated in various gatherings in the main city. Gradually, she understood a truth. No matter how good the friendship was, she would never eat what was handed to her alone.

 Firstly, there was no evidence when the accident happened, and secondly, where are the people’s hearts now? Everyone is smiling on their faces, but there is no hidden agenda behind them.

When Yan Hanbai handed over the buns, he actually felt that he had exceeded the rules, but he thought that Fan Qingyao didn't know how to eat them, so he didn't say anything. How could he have thought that Fan Qingyao would actually eat them?

 And it tastes delicious?

 Thinking about it, she and Fan Qingyao were mortal enemies who became red-eyed as soon as they met!

"Have you been poisoned?" Fan Qingyao asked Yan Hanbai, not forgetting to take another bite of the bun in his hand.

Hearing this, Yan Hanbai became very angry, "Are you kidding! I, Yan Hanbai, can stand up straight. If I really can't see someone, scolding him in front of him would be cool. If he does small tricks behind his back, he is a hero!"

"That's it." Fan Qingyao said and took out another bun from the oil paper.

  Yan Hanbai, “…”

I'm spitting out foam and stars are flying all over the sky, but you still have a good appetite?

Looking at Fan Qingyao eating the steamed buns slowly, Yan Hanbai, who was furious just now, began to feel sour and red in his eyes.

If this matter were placed on other people, who wouldn't have to explain it hypocritically?

 But Fan Qingyao couldn't explain, let alone say a single word. She would only tell her with actions that her trust in her did not require any verbal explanation.

This kind of Fan Qingyao is really indescribably loved and hated.

 “Stop eating, leave some for me.” Yan Hanbai sniffed and said.

Fan Qingyao raised his eyes and looked at Yan Hanbai, then picked up a bun.

  Yan Hanbai, “…”

 That's really rude.

 Subconsciously, Yan Hanbai quickly picked up a bun.

 The two of them were eating, and suddenly they looked at each other and smiled.

This feeling is really indescribable.

“What are you going to do today?” Yan Hanbai asked curiously.

Fan Qingyao said calmly, "Does Zhao Yi'er really think that he can rest easy by fluttering his wings and landing on the branches of the Yuan family? If you want to climb a high branch, you can, but you have to pay back what you owe others first. The fifth prince doesn't have to. , but as a sister-in-law, I cannot turn a blind eye."

Looking at Fan Qingyao like this, Yan Hanbai felt a strong sense of familiarity coming over him.

Basically, when she was beaten to a pulp in the past, Fan Qingyao always had such a calm and cold expression.

 Think about the time when you were abused...

Yan Hanbai would really rather have nightmares than think about it!

Looking at Fan Qingyao's calm but cold cheeks again, Yan Hanbai knew that she was probably not going to be nice anymore. As for her...

 Let’s eat the buns in silence.

 (End of this chapter)

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