Chapter 806 It’s all Fan Qingyao’s plan

If it were before, Zhao Yi'er would certainly not dare to say that.

 Because in her understanding, the Yuan family are the high officials of the main city.

 But things are different now. The person who has always liked her and held her in his hands is the current fifth prince!

 The real grandson of the dragon and the phoenix!

Even if she is married now, it doesn't matter. After all, her body is still clean. As long as she seizes the opportunity to get close to the fifth prince, and then cooks with the fifth prince, a small Yuan family will be nothing more. An ant that was stepped on by her feet!

 Speaking of which, she also wanted to thank the Crown Princess.

Without the guidance of the Crown Princess, she would have been an aunt in the Yuan family for the rest of her life.

With this in mind, Zhao Yi'er got up and walked to her wardrobe. She rummaged through all the clothes that the fifth prince had bought for her. After carefully selecting for a while, she finally picked out a set of light blue clothes. Water skirt, thinking that when she put on this skirt, the fifth prince didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Then she matched the jewelry and sat in front of the dressing table to study the makeup on her face. Whenever she thought that she would be the fifth prince's woman in the future, she would smile from ear to ear.

The night passed like this, and there was no need for anyone to give instructions the next day. When it was just dawn, Zhao Yier got on the carriage heading to the Bingma Division.

 The appearance of Zhao Yi'er can be said to have shaken the spirits of the guards in the Bingma Division.

As soon as he heard that this person was here to visit the fifth prince, the guards quickly made way for him, and the captain of the guard personally took Zhao Yier to the backyard.

Zhao Yi'er came all the way to the room where Baili Lingyu was recuperating. Looking at Baili Lingyu's naked upper body on the bed, she couldn't help but blush and her heart beat.

In fact, she had admitted early on that Baili Lingyu had a handsome face, but at that time she only thought that Baili Lingyu was an ordinary little person, so even if Baili Lingyu was outstanding, she subconsciously kept it distance.

 But it’s different now.

 The current Baili Lingyu is the current prince!

Thinking like this, Zhao Yi'er walked to the bed and reached out to touch Baili Lingyu's handsome face.

"Your Highness, Fifth Highness, Yi'er is here to see you. Yi'er misses you too during this period." Zhao Yi'er was slightly possessed, burying her head in Baili Lingyu's ear and whispering slowly.

 Baili Lingyu, who was in a coma, moved his fingers unconsciously, obviously hearing Zhao Yi'er's words.

Looking at Baili Lingyu's reaction, Zhao Yi'er was also overjoyed, "Your Highness, you really lied to Yi'er, it's so hard, but Yi'er doesn't blame you, I just hope that you can wake up soon. Yi'er is wherever you are, even if she has no status, Yi'er is willing to always be by your side..."

Zhao Yi'er thought very clearly that with Baili Lingyu's status, it would be very easy to **** her away from the Yuan family. Even if she could not become the princess by following Baili Lingyu, From then on, she also belonged to the fifth prince.

Compared with future glory and wealth, what does status mean?

Besides, the fifth prince likes her so much. As long as she has a good belly, she can really give birth to a son for the fifth prince. Even if she doesn't become the prince's concubine, she can still become the fifth prince's concubine.

Having made up her mind, Zhao Yier slowly untied her clothes.

As long as today is passed, as long as she and the Fifth Prince cook the rice, no one will be able to block her way...


Just when Zhao Yier was half-undressed, the closed door was suddenly kicked open!

Zhao Yier turned around in shock and saw Mrs. Yuan looking at her with the same shocked expression.

 Mrs. Yuan’s family was really shocked. They are all people who have been here before. Looking at Zhao Yi'er's current appearance, Madam Yuan's family thought that if she didn't know what was going on, then half of her life would have been in vain.

At first she didn't understand why the master insisted on letting her quietly follow Zhao Yi'er to the Army and Horse Division last night. Now she finally understood. The master knew early on that this **** Zhao Yi'er was restless!

"You bitch! How dare you openly seduce the current prince!" Mrs. Yuan rushed over and slapped Zhao Yi'er in the face.

Zhao Yi'er was knocked to the ground and cried, "Madam, please be merciful. It was my grandfather who made the marriage arrangement with your family. Now that all my grandfathers are gone, why are you insisting on this marriage?" ? I really like the fifth prince..."

Hearing this, Madam Yuan’s wife was so angry that she almost pushed her away on the spot.

What did this little **** say?

This is clearly accusing the Yuan family of plundering by force!

You are telling lies in broad daylight, why don’t you have any shame?

Fortunately, she was prepared, "Come here! Drag this restless **** back to the house!"

Following Mrs. Yuan's order, several young men rushed in.

Facing the boy’s pull, Zhao Yier was eventually knocked unconscious and carried out even if she didn’t want to leave.

This matter made a big fuss in the Bingma Division. When Baili Rongze heard about it, his head almost split open.

No matter how bold the Yuan family is, how dare they make trouble in the Military Department?

Besides, if the Yuan family knew early on that Zhao Yi'er had something to do with the Fifth Emperor's brother, how could they let anyone in?

 Baili Rongze sent someone to inquire carefully and found out that Fan Qingyao went to Yuan's house yesterday. Then he thought about the chaos in the Army and Horses Department today, and there was something else he couldn't figure out.

 In the final analysis, all this is Fan Qingyao’s plan!

Of course, Baili Rongze didn't want to care about this mess, but even if he didn't want to care about it, he had to get someone to suppress the matter quickly. Otherwise, once it spread to his father's ears, wouldn't it be said that he was in the Military and Horse Division? Lax management?

When the rumors finally subsided, Baili Rongze sat on his chair and realized something belatedly. Fan Qingyao had plotted against the Yuan family, plotted against Zhao Yier, and seemed to have plotted against him as well. ah!

 Otherwise why would he go to all the trouble to quell the rumors for the Fifth Emperor's brother?

And just when Baili Rongze was being taken advantage of for no reason, Zhao Yier had been forced back into the house by Mrs. Yuan's family.

If Zhao Yier really becomes involved with the fifth prince, the Yuan family will naturally not be able to take action again, but now that Zhao Yier is innocent, she is still the concubine of the Yuan family.

A concubine is restless and wants to seduce the current prince. The Yuan family must be crazy to keep such a rebellious person in the house.

 Fortunately, the Minister of Dali Temple had already told her that once Zhao Yi'er became restless, he would act in accordance with the family rules, so Mrs. Yuan's family was really merciless in handling matters.

While Zhao Yi'er was still unconscious, she had her hair twisted and sent to the Guzi Temple outside the city to become a nun.

 When the Minister of Dali Temple returned home in the evening, Mrs. Yuan sighed and said, "I still have the foresight."

The corners of Dali Temple Qing's lips twitched. Even if he had the foresight, he would not have planned where to go. If it hadn't been for the explanation given by the Crown Princess at the gate of the mansion yesterday, the Yuan family would not be sure how anxious it would be right now.

 Princess Princess…

 You are not very old, but the city is ridiculously deep.

 “Come here, send a message to the Hua family and tell the Crown Princess truthfully what happened today.”

 “Yes, sir.”

 (End of this chapter)

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