Chapter 807 The parasite attached to the Hua family

Fan Qingyao had just returned to the yard after dinner with his grandfather and grandmother when he heard Ninghan say that the boy from the Yuan family was here and told him everything.

"My slave, I think it would be an advantage for someone as restless as her to be a sister-in-law!" Ning Han said angrily. She had seen the fifth prince before. He was handsome and had a good personality. How could he be so scheming? The woman was plotted against.

Fan Qingyao listened calmly. It had been expected for a long time, and there was nothing special about it.

Zhao Yi'er is a person with lofty ideals. After knowing the identity of the fifth prince, it would be strange to be able to stay in the Yuan family with all her heart.

In fact, even if the Yuan family didn't take action, Fan Qingyao had already thought about the follow-up.

Unexpectedly, the Yuan family sent the person directly to the Guzi Temple, and they were probably worried. In this way, Fan Qingyao saved a lot of things.

 As for the fifth prince...

Fan Qingyao is not worried. Even if a person in a coma is conscious, it is very weak. It is for this reason that he will use his remaining consciousness to worry about the knot in his heart that he cannot let go. Now, no matter what the outcome of Zhao Yi'er is, her The fifth prince must have heard the sound.

 This is enough.

As for what the fifth prince will think and plan after he wakes up and hears about this, it depends on him.

Early the next morning, Fan Qingyao got on the carriage heading to the Military and Horse Division. Sure enough, when he diagnosed the fifth prince's pulse, he found that the pulse was much thicker. This was a gratifying sign.

If this pulse condition continues and the poison is eliminated for a month, this person should be able to wake up.

 Half an hour later, Fan Qingyao left the Army and Horse Division carrying the medicine box.

Sitting on the carriage and looking outside, although there were more people on the street than there were some time ago, they were completely incomparable to the crowds in the main city.

When I had dinner with my grandfather last night, I heard that my grandfather said that Baili Rongze had informed the emperor about the disappearance of the people in the main city. The emperor ordered the troops to be sent to the moat to salvage the people in the court hall.

 Just the whole day yesterday, not a single body was found.

Fan Qingyao understands that as long as the missing person is not found, the hearts of the people will not be at ease.

It was Yueluo who was waiting outside the door of the mansion. When she saw Fan Qingyao getting off the carriage, he hurriedly greeted him, "Miss."

Fan Qingyao asked softly, "But what was found?"

Yue Luo nodded vaguely.

Fan Qingyao took Yueluo back to the courtyard. When the two of them entered the house, he spoke again, "Let's talk."

Yue Luo calmed down and then said, "Just last night, Peng Jing discovered that there was another mistake in the money in the account, so I kept an eye on it and followed Miss Mu Yan. Then I saw Miss Mu Yan. After getting on a carriage, the slave waited outside and listened carefully, and heard Miss Mu Yan talking to a woman, and the slave also heard Miss Mu Yan calling the woman "eldest sister."

Someone who can make Mu Yan call her big sister?


Fan Qingyao should have thought of it a long time ago. If Mu Yan is helpless and unable to tell the people at home, how many people can be there if he thinks about it carefully?

Yueluo looked at the young lady's expression, and paused before adding, "My slave also heard that the people on the carriage asked why the money was not enough, and said that if the money from Mu Yan was not enough, they would go to the palace gate to cause trouble. If it affects the young lady’s marriage, don’t blame her for being ruthless.”

Fan Qingyao laughed angrily when he heard this.

How can a marriage decided by the royal family be made just by Xinying?

 She really dared to say it.

“What else did you hear?” “That person asked Miss Mu Yan to continue handing over the money tomorrow night.”

Since the affairs of the Wu family came to an end, Xinying was kicked out of the Hua family along with her eldest aunt.

Fan Qingyao didn't hear his sister-in-law say afterward that his eldest sister-in-law was still secretly writing letters to her eldest brother.

Fan Qingyao did nothing because she was always his biological mother and sister. Not to mention that his eldest brother would keep in contact with him. Even if his eldest brother secretly took money for relief, Fan Qingyao would not stop him and would even help him. But What is Xinying doing now?

  You can’t get much benefit from your eldest brother, so you start to focus on others?

Today it is Du Yan, who will it be tomorrow?

“Keep staring at Mu Yan, don’t disturb her, and report to me directly if you have anything.” Fan Qingyao looked at Yue Luo and ordered softly.

Yue Luo nodded, "Don't worry, Miss."

After Yueluo left, Fan Qingyao called Ninghan in again, "Go and find out where my eldest sister-in-law lives and her current situation. The sooner the better."

Ninghan and the others never said anything to the young lady's instructions, they turned around and walked out the door.

Fan Qingyao looked at the sky outside before it was too late, so he got up and walked towards the east yard.

In the east courtyard, Wu Qiuzao and Hua Fengning were playing with their son. The little boy was a chubby ball. When he was teased, his little eyes narrowed into a slit when he smiled. Just looking at him made him laugh. People can't help but laugh.

Wu Qiuzao looked at Fan Qingyao entering the door and stood up, "Why are you here now?"

Fan Qingyao stepped forward and pressed Wu Qiuzhuo's shoulders, then looked at his little nephew on the bed, and took out a lot of gadgets from his sleeves like magic, "I miss our brother Ren, come and take a look." Look, our brother Ren has grown up again."

Ren Geer, who was still smiling with squinted eyes, suddenly burst into laughter.

 Wu Qiuzao, “…”

 You are so snobbish at a young age...

 She really wanted to cover her face!

Hua Fengning smiled and picked up Brother Ren and handed it to Fan Qingyao, "It's no wonder Brother Ren likes little Qingyao. Whenever little Qingyao comes, he either takes food or plays with it. Brother Ren doesn't care. He can tell the difference between good and evil, and he is willing to smile more at people who treat him well."

Fan Qingyao took Brother Ren from his brother's hands and weighed it carefully. Well, the brat has weighed a lot again.

Brother Ren really likes this little aunt. He lies in Fan Qingyao's arms, babbling happily. Not only does the little aunt's skin feel soft and easy to touch, but she also always has a light fragrance on her body.

Since then, Brother Ren’s fat little paws naturally scratched Fan Qingyao’s face...

Wu Qiuzhuo was afraid that his brat would catch his sister-in-law badly, so he hurriedly came over to take her away. As a result, Brother Ren stretched out his arms and hugged his sister-in-law's neck, and buried his head in the crook of her neck. Inside, it's obviously like, I can't see you, you can't see me.

Seeing this, Hua Fengning couldn't close his mouth with laughter, "In my opinion, Brother Ren really likes Xiao Qingyao."

 Wu Qiuzao, “…”

 In my opinion, this guy just has itchy skin!

 (End of this chapter)

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