Chapter 811 Letter of Severance

“Here, these were all taken away by Xinying?” Ling Wei looked up at Fan Qingyao in shock.

Fan Qingyao nodded, "Everything is correct, it's all in the hands of big sister."

Ling Wei was silent for a long time, and then said again, "You said it was at Xinying's place. Fan Qingyao, do you think I will really believe you?"

"The silver was taken from Mu Yan. Unfortunately, my eldest brother happened to bump into me a few days ago. If my eldest aunt doesn't believe it, I can find anyone to ask. Even if my aunt doesn't believe Mu Yan and me, she will always You have to trust your elder brother, right?"

Ling Wei was silent again.


Is it true that Xinying took all the silver on this?

 Why didn’t she see a penny?

Fan Qingyao could see Ling Wei's thoughts clearly on his face, "I heard from eldest sister that eldest sister-in-law is already planning a marriage for eldest sister."

 This sentence played right into Ling Wei’s wish.

The son gives money every month, but how can the money be enough for the mother and daughter to wear gold and silver?

 She had no choice but to plan a good marriage for Xinying.

 That's right, the people we've been talking to these days all have wives and concubines or are older, but we can't help but think that they are rich. As long as they have money, they can live a good life. She also thinks about Xinying!

But what does it mean that Xinying is carrying her behind her back and constantly pulling money into her own hand?

"The eldest sister has been a very independent person since she was a child. Of course her marriage must be in line with her wishes. I heard from Mu Yan that the eldest sister said she wanted to use the money to save a dowry for herself. I believe that from the eldest sister's perspective, As long as the eldest sister likes you, you will definitely be able to honor your eldest sister-in-law in the future."

What this says...

Ling Wei felt that Fan Qingyao was openly mocking her!

However, Fan Qingyao always had a faint smile on his face, and Ling Wei couldn't find a reason even if he wanted to speak.

 No one knows better than her what kind of temperament her daughter has. Xinying has a lofty temperament. If she is really asked to find one, she will probably have to get married in her lifetime!

"So why did you come here today?" Ling Wei looked at Fan Qingyao defensively. No matter how bad his daughter was, she would always be closer to him than this outsider.

Fan Qingyao smiled lightly and said, "I'm here today to give money to my eldest sister-in-law."

 Ling Wei, “…”

 Can you be so kind?

 The smile on Fan Qingyao's face did not change, and he took out a small box from his arms.

 After opening it, there was a thick pile of banknotes inside, each worth one thousand taels.

Ling Wei's eyes widened when she saw it. There were hundreds of banknotes in this box, which added up to...

 Hundreds of thousands taels? !

"These are all for me?" Of course Ling Wei didn't want to believe Fan Qingyao, but now that the neat banknotes were placed in front of her, she had to believe them even if she didn't want to.

“As long as my aunt gives me what I want, these banknotes will be my filial piety to my aunt.”



 “You, what did you say?” Ling Wei didn’t hear clearly.

"A letter of severance from the eldest sister-in-law who is willing to take the initiative to sever the relationship with the eldest brother." Fan Qingyao explained patiently.

 At this moment, Ling Wei couldn't laugh anymore.

 She knew that this **** Fan Qingyao had no good intentions!

"You want me to never meet my son? Fan Qingyao, you are really cruel. No wonder Fan Mansion kicked you mother and daughter out! In my opinion, a cruel little **** like you should Being immersed in a pig cage!" Ling Wei's scream was sharp and harsh.

It was Ning Han who was waiting at the door when he heard these words and rushed in. "Our young lady is now the crown princess appointed by the emperor! How can you insult someone just because you say insults? If the emperor blames you, how many heads do you have?" I can afford it!”

As soon as he heard that he was related to the royal family, he didn't dare to speak anymore, but his hateful eyes were fixed on Fan Qingyao, and he wanted to cut Fan Qingyao into pieces every minute to relieve his hatred. Fan Qingyao signaled Ninghan to step back behind him, then looked at Ling Wei and said, "Some people think that family love is priceless, but everyone's life is different, and no one can empathize with it. Maybe in the eyes of some people, Come on, a letter of renunciation can be exchanged for hundreds of thousands of taels, which is a very worthwhile thing."

Ling Wei stared at Fan Qingyao and remained silent.

"When I was in the house, my eldest sister-in-law was always the best dressed. Now, even if she is not as good as before, she still pays great attention to her appearance. However, my eldest brother only earns a hundred taels of silver in the **** agency every month. Brother Ren is living day by day. When I grow up, my aunt thinks, how many more years can my eldest brother’s money be given?”

Ling Wei gritted her teeth and said, "I am his mother. As long as he lives, he must support me!"

Fan Qingyao smiled lightly and said, "That's right."

But the next sentence suddenly changed the subject, "Grandpa and grandmother are getting older, and Brother Ren is growing up. We sisters will eventually marry out of the family. As the eldest grandson of the Hua family, the eldest brother will naturally have to bear all these burdens in the future. It falls on the eldest brother’s shoulders. It’s really unclear how much the eldest brother can devote to his aunt at that time.”

 This time, Ling Wei did not speak.

 She knew that her son cared about family affection, and this was what she had always been concerned about.

Now she can hold on to her son's weakness because the Hua family doesn't completely need him. When the day comes that Fan Qingyao said, she knows that her son will never abandon the Hua family. , as for her...

I will also take care of it, but definitely not like now.

I have to say that Fan Qingyao's words really touched her most worried point.

Fan Qingyao was not in a hurry, just waiting quietly for Ling Wei to make a decision.

 Everyone has feelings, and she believes that even the eldest sister-in-law has feelings.

 It’s just that for my eldest sister-in-law, compared with money, things like feelings are relatively low.

“Is it better than Japanese paper?” Ling Wei said after some time.

Fan Qingyao laughed after hearing this, as expected.

“Ninghan, bring over the prepared pen, ink, paper and inkstone.”

 “Yes, Miss.”

Not long after, Fan Qingyao walked out of the house with the letter of severance written by Ling Wei.

Getting on the carriage, Fan Qingyao handed the letter of separation to Ning Han, "Send it to the people in Fengtian Mansion."

Ninghan was stunned, "Why don't you find Mr. Sun?"

“Sometimes, things can be done more easily with acquaintances than with strangers.”

Sun Che is not only familiar to her, but also to her brother. If he really wants Sun Che to handle this matter, he will be tied up.

“Miss, if we really arrest Miss Xinying, will the young master hold a grudge?” Ninghan was worried that her young lady would be thankless for her efforts.

 “If it had been a few days ago, my brother might have done it.”

 But now, no more.

If Xinying's persistent stalking and threatening death only made her brother's pain worse...

Then this letter of renunciation was a fatal blow to my brother.

 (End of this chapter)

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