Chapter 812: Ordered to arrest people

Fan Qingyao was worried about the fifth prince, so he asked Ninghan to send him to the Military and Horse Division first.

After Ninghan and the other ladies got off the carriage, they went straight to Fengtian Mansion.

 Fengtian Fuyin looked at the book of severance in his hand and didn't know what to say.

I have seen cruel children, but I have never seen such a cruel mother!

The severity books were all obtained, and Ninghan was going to threaten Hua Fengning to the silver. Feng Tianfu Yin naturally couldn't sit at the sight of it.

 In the end, I really saw Xinying sitting in the carriage, holding a dagger and forcing it on her neck to kill her.

 Fengtian Prefecture Yin were all shocked.

Ninghan quickly reminded, "Hurry up and arrest them. Didn't you see that Miss Xinying is threatening my eldest young master?"

 Fengtianfu Yin, “…”

Originally, the mother who wrote the letter of renunciation was terrible enough, but I didn’t expect that this younger sister would go even further!

 Is this thing also inherited?

Fengtian Prefecture Yin did not know Hua Fengning, but he was also a person of flesh and blood. Inexplicably, he sympathized with Hua Fengning's experience. In addition, he knew that Ninghan was the maid next to the princess, so he was more than sympathetic to Hua Fengning. Coupled with sympathy, he ordered the arrest almost without saying a word.

It was Xinying who was crying and wiping away her tears in the carriage. She was frightened when she saw the government servants who suddenly rushed in.

However, the yamen officials didn't care about the situation and acted businesslike when ordered to arrest people.

Hua Fengning naturally disagreed, and as a result, he was slapped in the face by the letter of renunciation in the hand of Fengtian Fuyin.

Fengtian Prefecture Yin looked at Hua Fengning's devastated look at that moment, and also persuaded her with sincerity, what use would it be to keep a mother and sister like this? They would be too big to take up space in the house, otherwise Hua's family If the eldest young master really can't think about it, why not go out and find a godmother?

Fengtian Prefecture Yin firmly believes that even if he just pulls anyone from the street, he will be better than such a mother and daughter!

Hua Fengning looked at the severance letter, but he didn't say anything. He just held Fengtian Fu Yin's hand on his sleeve, and finally let it fall down weakly.

 Fengtian Fuyin is so pleased.

  With a look of relief, he patted Hua Fengning on the shoulder.

People, always have to look forward.

 Let’s not talk about whether there will definitely be surprises ahead, but there will definitely be no more troubles for your mother and sister.

Xinying was really panicked when she saw Hua Fengning's silent expression. She struggled and rushed in front of Hua Fengning. She even warned Yin of Fengtian Prefecture that she was the sister of the current crown princess.

 Fengtianfu Yin, “…”

 Without any precaution, spit foam was sprayed all over his face.

Seeing Xinying refusing to cooperate, Fengtian Prefecture Yin laughed angrily.

Your mother's disclaimer letter is still in my hands. Do you think you are innocent just because you are innocent?

To put it bluntly, which normal person can threaten his brother with death?

have to! Don't cry here and wipe away your tears. Hurry up and follow me back to Fengtian Mansion. Otherwise, you will disturb the rest of the nearby people and scare people out of their wits. I will have to punish you for disturbing the security of the main city.

After all, Xinying is just a girl who has not yet been married. How can she withstand Fengtian Fuyin's intimidation?

His eyes widened and he fainted.

 When Ninghan came back, it was already half an hour later.

 When she returned to the yard, she told her everything that happened at the gate of Qingnangzhai, "Miss, my servants have told me everything."

 Having said this, I naturally said it to Hua Fengning and Mu Yan.

After Xinying was taken away, Hua Fengning stood still and did not move. Mu Yan was also frightened and turned pale.

Ninghan hid in the dark and observed for a long time. He was afraid that something would happen to these two people, so he told them everything. Fan Qingyao nodded, "Go down and have a rest."

“Miss, the young master won’t blame you, right?” Ning Han said worriedly.

"It's okay." Fan Qingyao smiled and shook his head.

The eldest aunt's letter of disclaimer was sent to Fengtian Mansion, and Xinying was taken away. Even if the incident happened suddenly and my brother couldn't figure out what was going on, he would always try to figure it out after he calmed down.

Rather than letting her brother guess, she would rather tell him.

 For the Hua family, neither Ling Wei nor Xinying has anything to do with them.

Although my grandfather and grandmother valued family ties, they were also decisive people.

It is precisely because of this that Ling Wei and Xinying chose to start with other people in the house when they were desperate.

The road ahead is still so long, and my brother's life has just passed the beginning. Of course, Fan Qingyao will not allow Xinying and Ling Wei to stay in his brother's body, constantly sucking up the happiness that should belong to his brother.

"Little miss, Miss Mu Yan is here." Aunt He walked in and said.

Fan Qingyao originally planned to let Mu Yan come in, but when he stood up, he was warmed by the wind blowing through the window lattice. After thinking about it, he simply walked out on his own initiative.

 The days will get hotter and hotter, and such peaceful nights will not always be available.

 In the yard, Mu Yan shed tears as soon as she saw Third Sister, "Third Sister..."

Fan Qingyao smiled and walked over and said, "You don't sleep at night, so you come to me to shed tears?"

Mu Yan bit her lip and shook her head. Of course not. After the third sister found out about this matter, she did not find her first, but took action behind her back. Finally, she asked people from Fengtian Mansion to take away the eldest sister. There was no plan at all. Challenging her...

  She knew that the third sister did not blame her.

  No matter what the reason was, it was wrong for her to steal Qingnangzhai’s money.

“Third sister, I’m sorry, I let you down.” Third sister gave Qingnangzhai to her because she believed in her, but she did such a thing.

Fan Qingyao looked at Mu Yan and said, "Then why didn't you tell me from the beginning?"

"Everything big or small in the house has to trouble Third Sister. My mother said that Third Sister is actually not much older than us sisters, but she can bear more than anyone else. I am getting engaged this year. Now, I have grown up, and I also want to help the third sister to share some things..."

“If that’s the case, what’s your fault?”

Mu Yan was stunned.

How could she be right?

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "Since I gave Qingnangzhai to you, it is yours. If you use your money to help me avoid disasters, aren't you helping me share the burden? Although this matter can't be handled It's somewhat disgraceful, but in this world, what things are really clean? Regardless of whether it's glorious or not, as long as your starting point is good, you have nothing to disappoint. On the contrary, I still want it. Proud of you."

 Muyan, “…”

Can you still think about this kind of thing?

"Remember, when you encounter something in the future, don't just look at the surface. If you are blindly led by others, it is a compromise rather than a way to deal with the matter. If you want to solve a matter, you must have your own opinions and fundamentally Finding the problem is the key to solving it.”

Mu Yan nodded. After what happened this time, she really had a long memory.

After Fan Qingyao sent Mu Yan away, he did not return to the house. Instead, he asked Aunt He to take out the cloak that had been prepared, and went straight out of the mansion and got on the carriage heading to Fengtian Mansion.

 (End of this chapter)

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