Chapter 813: Take the money and get out of here

Of course Fengtian Prefecture Yin knew that Xinying would not stay in Fengtian Prefecture for too long, and besides, it was just a blackmail. Even if he wanted to, he could not hold him for long, but when he heard that the Crown Princess came to the door in person, he was still fooled. One jump.

“Why is the Crown Princess here in person?” Fengtian Prefecture Yin, who hurried out to greet her, put a smile on his face when he saw Fan Qingyao.

Fan Qingyao said with a smile, "Today's affairs have already troubled Fengtian Prefecture Yin a lot. It should be a matter at home, but I have troubled Fengtian Prefecture Yin to take care of it. Let's settle the matter quickly so that Fengtian Prefecture Yin can have the energy to go." Busy with other things, after all, the main city has been uneasy recently. "

Hearing these words, Fengtian Prefecture Yin didn't know what to say, so he quickly stretched out his hand to invite people inside.

  It is so comforting to hear the words of the Crown Princess. Really, just for these words, he is willing to help with a hundred things, not to mention one thing.

Fan Qingyao followed Fengtian Fuyin as he walked toward the cell, and asked casually, "The people who caused trouble in the fifteenth main city are still not caught?"

When Fengtian Prefecture Yin thought of that incident, he had a headache. "To be honest, Princess, those thieves were too cunning. They broke up after the incident. The minister once wrote a note hoping that the emperor could close the city gate." , Only in this way can we catch people better, but there has been no movement since I sent the zhezi, and the same goes for Wei Chen, alas..."

Hearing this, Fan Qingyao frowned unconsciously.

At that time, seeing the delay in sealing the city gate, she thought it was due to Fengtian Mansion's dereliction of duty. From this point of view, it seemed that the emperor had been holding back. Could it be that the emperor was also frightened at the time and had no intention of reviewing the memorial?

"The steps inside are steep, Princess, be careful." Fengtian Fuyin's words interrupted Fan Qingyao's thoughts.

Fan Qingyao raised his head and saw that he was already standing at the door of the iron prison.

As the iron door of the iron prison was opened, Fan Qingyao calmed down his thoughts and stepped in.

The iron prison in Fengtian Mansion is different from that in Dali Temple because they only hold small-time prisoners. Although some torture instruments can be seen on the surrounding walls, they are far different from those in Dali Temple.

Fan Qingyao walked a few steps before he saw Xinying locked up in the cell.

 Xinying was really frightened. She huddled in the corner and trembled all over.

Hearing the footsteps, Xinying suddenly raised her head and shouted, "Brother..." However, the moment she saw Fan Qingyao, all the joy on her face turned into resentment.

Fan Qingyao didn't pay much attention to Xinying's eyes. He just leaned slightly and looked at Xinying through the wooden fence and said, "Now you know how to call me brother. When you were full of threats, you thought that that person was your brother." ?”

Fengtian Prefecture Yin saw that the Crown Princess was tired standing outside, so he quickly ordered the jailer to bring a chair and placed it behind the Crown Princess himself, and then he wisely withdrew.

Xinying looked at Fengtian Fu Yin's eagerness for Fan Qingyao, and the light in her eyes became even more hateful, "It's you Fan Qingyao! You found someone to catch me here, right? Fan Qingyao, you don't deserve to die!" Aren’t you afraid of being struck by lightning if you do this?”

Fan Qingyao held up her skirt and sat on the chair with a calm expression, "It is true that I asked Fengtian Mansion to come forward, but have you ever thought about it, how could Fengtian Mansion arrest people without my aunt's letter of renunciation?" ?”

Xinying was stunned.

Fan Qingyao kindly reminded, "Without the aunt's letter of disclaimer, how you threatened your brother would be a family matter. Only if the letter of renouncement was taken in Fengtian Mansion and you had no relationship with your brother, your threats would be considered serious." It's extortion."

Xinying’s face changed drastically when she understood, “Fan Qingyao, you are talking nonsense!”

Fan Qingyao smiled, "If I were talking nonsense, eldest sister wouldn't be here now."

Xinying trembled all over and turned pale, "Fan Qingyao, what method did you use to force my mother to agree to write a letter of renunciation?"

 “Why is it persecution? I gave my aunt hundreds of thousands of taels of silver.”

 “You, what did you say...”

“I think my eldest sister-in-law is still counting banknotes in your little house where you hang bacon.”

Hearing this, Xinying's eyes widened in disbelief.

If Fan Qingyao didn't come to the door in person, how would he know that there were bacon hanging in their yard?

  So...    Did Fan Qingyao really give money to his mother?

"No, mother will not agree, you lied to me..." Xinying kept shaking her head.

"When you came to threaten Mu Yan, wasn't my aunt not aware of it? Now that she's holding the money and not telling you, I think it's reasonable." Fan Qingyao just tore it apart. Get rid of Xinying's self-deceptive disguise.

 Xinying’s selfishness was completely inherited from Ling Wei.

 As the saying goes, like mother, like daughter.

Don't Ling Wei know what writing that letter of severance means to Xinying, who is now threatening Mu Yan and Hua Fengning?

How could you not know?

 But she knew it and wrote it anyway, obviously complaining that Xinying hid money behind her back.

 Selfish people will never know how to think about the other person. Whether it is Xinying or Ling Wei, when it comes to themselves, they will only put their own interests first.

Xinying's eyes were burning with fire, "Fan Qingyao, what do you want!"

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "It's very simple. I'll let you out, and you and your aunt will leave the main city forever."

Xinying didn't want to fulfill Fan Qingyao's wish, "What if I don't?"

"That money, I gave it to my eldest sister-in-law, I have a way to get it back. As for long as I let the people in Fengtian Mansion release the news that you are blackmailing your brothers and sisters, do you think any in-laws will dare to ask for you? ?”

Fan Qingyao calmly distracted Xinying, "Of course, if you still want to come to Hua's house to cause trouble, and there is a letter of renunciation placed there by the eldest aunt, you will come to the door to cause trouble. By then, even if you don't worry about the prison sentence, If you sit tight, you won't be able to get out in three to five years."

Hearing these words, Xinying's eyes became even more angry, "Fan Qingyao, how dare you!"

Fan Qingyao shrugged and looked at Xinying in the cell, "What do you think?"

 Xinying was confused when she heard this.

If Fan Qingyao didn't dare, how could her mother write a letter of renunciation?

If Fan Qingyao didn't dare, why would she be sitting here now!

 The more Xinying thought about it, the angrier she became, and her eyes began to turn black.

 But she had to admit that what Fan Qingyao said was true.

This feeling of wanting to struggle but being unable to do so is driving Xinying crazy!

Fan Qingyao didn't have time to sit here and waste time with Xinying. She had already finished what she needed to say. Seeing that Xinying was unwilling to speak, she got up and left.

Xinying was really panicked this time, "Fan Qingyao, you, stop!"

Fan Qingyao turned around and looked at Xinying silently.

 Xinying was really reluctant, but she had to lower her head and said, "Let me out..."

Hearing this, Fan Qingyao smiled with satisfaction.

It would be great if it was like this earlier. Take the money and get out of here with your mother.

 (End of this chapter)

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