The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 814: It's not too much to give him a stack

Chapter 814 Even a stack for him is not too much

Hua Fengning didn’t know until early the next morning that Xinying had been released last night.

 After further inquiry, I heard from the Yamen servant that the Crown Princess was here in person.

When Fengtian Prefecture Yin heard that Hua Fengning had arrived, he thought for a while and walked out in person. Looking at Hua Fengning's silent expression, he began to persuade him, "Young Master of the Hua family, do you really think that the Crown Princess has worked hard for you?" don't know?"

Hua Fengning felt a pang in his heart. He didn't understand Qingyao's painstaking efforts, but he just didn't know how to face it.

"Our main city is a place of crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and there are many relatives of the emperor. I should not say this. Once this person becomes famous, who is willing to look back? For example, the Crown Princess. Not to mention it’s rare, but looking at the main city, no matter what methods the Crown Princess uses, she still has a good heart. "

Fengtianfu Yin really felt that he had dug it up, crushed it into pieces, and said everything that should be said and shouldn't be said.

 Is he willing to interfere?

 He is not full of food.

 The main problem is that what the Crown Princess did was so exciting. She was able to do so for her cousin, which made it seem cold-blooded for him not to participate.

 Really, if there is such a sister, a bunch of them would not be too much for him.

Hua Fengning smiled when he saw Fengtian Prefecture Yin wanting to press his head and confess his mistake to Qingyao, "Thank you Fengtian Prefecture Yin for speaking out. I know what to do."

As soon as Fengtian Prefecture Yin heard this, his eyes lit up, "In that case, I wonder if the eldest young master of the Hua family can help me say a few good words in front of the Crown Princess?"

 Hua Fengning, “…”

 After coming out of Fengtian Mansion, Hua Fengning directly found the small house in the west of the city.

It was still the same house in my memory, but it had long since been deserted.

Surprisingly, Hua Fengning did not show any surprise or sadness at this. In fact, he had already known that the result would be like this, or in other words, he knew the nature of his mother and sister, but as the eldest son, he could not Don't shoulder the responsibility of taking care of your mother and sister.

Now that the person is gone, he feels a sense of relief.

 Outside the small house, a vendor selling beggar's chicken suddenly passed by.

Hua Fengning smiled when he smelled the fragrant smell. He remembered that this was Qingyao's favorite food when he was a child.

Carrying the steaming beggar's chicken, Hua Fengning returned all the way to the western suburbs mansion. This time he didn't even hesitate and walked towards the yard where Fan Qingyao was.

At this time, Fan Qingyao was mixing medicinal materials in the yard. She smelled a strong aroma of meat. When she looked back, she saw her brother striding towards her with a beggar's chicken.

“We met just in time, and it’s still warm.” Hua Fengning smiled and raised the beggar’s chicken in his hand.

"Now in the main city, beggar chickens are rare." Fan Qingyao said with a smile. The yellow mud used to make beggar chickens is not ordinary yellow mud. Nowadays, pavilions and pavilions are being built in the main city. Although the yellow mud is Cheap but hard to find.

Hua Fengning saw that the weather was nice, so he made the mistake of sitting on the stone bench in the yard. Fan Qingyao looked at his contented brother, and walked over with a smile and sat on the opposite side.

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other, but Hua Fengning was afraid to look directly at them.

 Having a guilty conscience. Fan Qingyao just laughed, "I heard from the young master of the Su family a few days ago that my brother's work in the **** agency is getting better and better. Now that the Su family's industry is expanding, they have plans to continue to open new shops, so this is I was thinking about whether my brother could start his own business. I thought it wouldn't be a big problem, so I agreed to help him first. Even if he felt it was inappropriate, he couldn't scold me. "

Hua Fengning was stunned, "But now the money I have on hand..."

Fan Qingyao interrupted with a smile, "Brother doesn't need to worry about the money. The young master of the Su family has already negotiated with me. The money for the new **** bureau will be provided by the Su family. When the **** bureau opens in the future, my brother can take over the Su family." For other freight, you only need to waive the fee when transporting Su's freight."

 The main city has the largest number of merchants in Xiliang, and the number of goods traded every year is even greater.

The Su family's freight transportation is already famous in the main city.

 To put it bluntly, more than half of the merchants in the main city now believe in the Su family.

Now Su Shaoxi asked him to take over the new **** agency. Not only did he still use the Su family's name, but he could also receive the goods privately. If this was really the case, he would be able to rely on the Su family to win over him in less than a year. to your own network.

Once a person has a repeat customer, what does he want to do but he can’t do it?

What is the difference between this and giving money to him for free!

 Hua Fengning frowned, "The young master of the Su family doesn't seem to be a person who can do business at a loss."

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "It's not considered a loss. After all, the Su family doesn't charge any fees for taking goods."


“The young master of the Su family still approves of his brother very much.”

  Or it’s okay to say that you don’t agree with it.

His sister was the first to plot against Tianyu. Even if it was his sister who suffered in the end, although I heard that she is still raising him on the bed, it was his sister who initiated the matter. Fan Qingyao would not be able to settle the accounts later. , but when she picked up Su Shaoxi's wool, there was still nothing she couldn't do.

Su Shaoxi was helpless. If this matter were placed on anyone else, he would definitely want to get his money back with interest. But when he met Fan Qingyao, he changed his mind to give it back with interest. .

 The most important thing is!

Not only do you have to be recognized, but you also have to ask if you have gathered enough and do you want more?

Hua Fengning certainly thinks this is feasible. He is already familiar with freight transportation. Although he is not familiar with all routes, most of them have already been opened.

"Since my brother agrees, just find the young master of the Su family directly when you have time. He is free these days."

Hua Fengning saw her sister speaking so confidently, what else didn’t she understand?

With her sister’s intelligence, she could have already guessed that he would agree, so she had paved all the roads for him in advance and waited for him to walk up.

Otherwise, Su Shaoxi, who has always been busy with social activities, how could she be free by chance?

Thinking of this, Hua Fengning felt even more guilty.

Yesterday, he was still immersed in his own emotions and couldn't extricate himself. But on the other hand, Qingyao had already considered everything for him. Compared with Qingyao's overall view, he was really...

 Too petty.

"The matter between mother and sister..." Hua Fengning had already gathered up her courage, but when the words finally came to her lips, she still found it so difficult to say them.

 (End of this chapter)

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