Chapter 816 Old children and young children

The princess of Heshuo County smiled and said, "Some time ago, I brought Qingchuan to the palace to see the world, and I happened to meet the emperor. The emperor saw Qingchuan's affinity and gave him his name."

 The Qingchuan belt is long and thin, and the carriages and horses will be idle.

Although it is not as surging and magnificent as moving forward, it has an elegant atmosphere and clear hope.

Although Fan Qingyao does not approve of the person sitting on the imperial chair, it is undeniable that the name is good.

 Touching the young prince’s round head, Fan Qingyao handed over the red envelope that he had prepared, “I was thinking of going over to see you later, but since you took the initiative, it saves me trouble.”

Prince Qingchuan looked at the red envelope but did not extend his hand. He blinked at Fan Qingyao with his big eyes.

Princess Heshuo looked at Crown Prince Qingchuan and said with a smile, "Since my sister gave it to you, you can just take it. You just accepted someone else's things, and you will remember their kindness from now on. Do you understand?"

Prince Qingchuan nodded ignorantly before taking the red envelope, "Thank you, sister."

Fan Qingyao really saw that the little prince was so cute, so he bent down and picked him up. At this moment, Wu Qiuzao came over with Brother Ren. When he saw that Brother Ren was usually only kind to him, My little aunt actually fell in love with her, and she immediately started babbling in her mother's arms to protest.

 Wu Qiuzao, “…”

 At this young age, you are still competing for favor?

Seeing this, Crown Prince Qingchuan struggled out of Fan Qingyao's arms, "Sister, hold him...he is young."

 It’s really rare for a little person to know how to be humble even though he can’t even speak politely.

 Prince Heshuo stroked his beard and looked at my son.

Hua Yaoting has always been an upright person, but now seeing his grandson being compared to others, he looked at little Ren Ge and puffed his beard and stared, saying, "Come down and walk by yourself! How can a man be rigid?" On top of these trivial things!”

 Ren Ge'er was so young that he was frightened to tears by his grandfather's appearance.

Seeing this, King Heshuo persuaded him, "The child is still young and will gradually get better in the future. Unlike our Qingchuan who has been so sensible and obedient since he was a child, he doesn't even have the innocence of a child."

Unless Hua Yaoting was deaf, he wouldn't have heard the full meaning of showing off, "Since you are born sensible, you shouldn't waste your time. In my opinion, Prince Heshuo might as well send Prince Qingchuan away after the new year." Go to the barracks to practice

stand up. "

 Heshuo County Prince, "…"

Hua Yaoting, can’t you afford it?

 After all the years passed, Crown Prince Qingchuan was still only over two years old!

 Let a two-year-old child enter and practice in the army. Is this something that a human being can do? !

Hua Yaoting took it for granted, "A real man should work harder if he is able."

“Why don’t you send your grandson to the military camp? In my opinion, your grandson is quite suitable to work hard!”

"This is natural. My grandson, Hua Yaoting, can't be any worse."

“Okay, but this is what you said, don’t go back on your word when the time comes!”

 “A man’s words are hard to follow!”

Facing Hua Yaoting and Prince Heshuo, even Brother Lian Ren couldn't stop crying. Crown Prince Qingchuan even looked at his mother with a confused look on his face, completely unaware that he had been The fact that his own father was sold.

The Princess of Heshuo County, "..." I really want to dig a hole and bury the old one in my family.

 Is it embarrassing for a person who is still quarreling at his age to go out?

Tao Yuxian looked at Princess Heshuo and smiled and said, "Men are childish by nature. Let's go in and sit down first."

Princess Heshuo County nodded in complete agreement, "This will disturb the old lady of the Hua family."

The female relatives walked towards the flower hall one after another, but Brother Ren couldn't stay idle. Before he could enter the door, he was struggling to get off the ground. Seeing that Brother Ren couldn't stay any longer, he was also in his mother's room. My arms became restless.

Seeing this, Crown Prince Qingchuan simply sat on the lawn outside the flower hall with the two little Doudings who didn't even know how to walk. The three of them played around in harmony.

Aunt He and Aunt Xu have always liked children, but it is a pity that the original children in the house have grown up over the years. Now they finally have the opportunity to get along with the children. They do not need anyone to give them orders, they just take the initiative. The task of looking after three little carrot heads.

The flower hall was soon filled with the sounds of women chatting, accompanied by the laughter of three carrot heads on the lawn from time to time. Just listening to it made people feel good.

Hua Yaoting and Prince Heshuo looked at each other and relaxed their expressions tacitly.

After lunch, the little ones were all cheering up. The Princess of Heshuo County originally wanted to leave, but Wu Qiuzhao was worried that Prince Qingchuan would get winded on the way, and he had to coax Brother Ren to sleep anyway. Then he invited Princess Heshuo to his courtyard.

Princess Heshuo County thought that she had not finished sharing her experience of becoming a mother with Wu Qiuzao, so she smiled and nodded and went happily. It happened that Hua Yue narrowed her eyes when she saw Qiu Zhao, and followed the two of them.

The missing people were found. Although it was the third prince who made the contribution, these are not worth mentioning compared with the people's safety. Prince Shuo and Hua Yaoting were both happy from the bottom of their hearts. Went to the study and played chess.

Fan Qingyao continued chatting with his grandmother and aunts, enjoying a rare moment of leisure.

 After dinner, Prince Heshuo headed back home.

Hua Yaoting saw that it was getting dark, so he asked the porter to prepare the horses, and personally sent Prince Heshuo and his family out of the western suburbs mansion, and walked slowly towards the Prince's mansion.

As soon as Prince Heshuo and his wife left, Hua Yuelian and Sun Che also said goodbye.

Before leaving, Qingxin reluctantly stayed in Fan Qingyao's arms and refused to come down. It was not until Fan Qingyao put Qingxin to sleep that the little girl was returned to her mother's arms as if she had been dropped. .

Everyone in the western suburbs mansion also spent the whole day saying goodbye to Prince Heshuo and his wife, and then returned to their own courtyard.

When Fan Qingyao returned to the yard, Mother Xu had already prepared the bath water. Lying in the steaming tub, Fan Qingyao relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief.

 In total, it had been a while since she received a reply from Baili Fengming. Ever since Baili Fengming said that Qianqi School had found something, his reply to her letters had become slower and slower.

Although Fan Qingyao didn't know what Baili Fengming had found, Baili Rongze now thought of inciting the people's hearts in the main city. Nancheng and Fengcheng could not find any results. If this continues, it will only be harmful to Baili Fengming.

While thinking about it, Fan Qingyao actually fell asleep leaning against the tub.

When he opened his eyes again, the water in the bathtub was a little cold. Fan Qingyao got up and put on his clothes. Looking out the window, he saw that the lanterns at the mansion were still on.

 Is it because my grandfather hasn’t come back yet?

 (End of this chapter)

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