Chapter 817 A disaster from heaven

“Ninghan, what time is it?” Fan Qingyao asked.

It was Ning Han who was helping Nanny Xu carry the bathtub outside and said, "Miss, it's just past midnight."

Fan Qingyao remembered that when his grandfather sent Prince Heshuo away, he had just arrived in Xu.

Grandpa looked like he was a military commander, but in fact he was not rough-minded. Crown Prince Qingchuan was obviously sleepy when he left. Grandpa would never continue to sit at the Prince's Mansion in Heshuo County.

Thinking about this, Fan Qingyao stood up and walked towards the front yard. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the yard, he saw his grandmother walking out with the support of Aunt He.

Fan Qingyao looked at his grandmother's expression and knew that he was right. His grandfather had indeed not come back yet. "I accompanied my grandmother to the door to have a look. By the way, I asked Fan Zhao to lead people to meet him on the way to his adoptive father's house. Welcome Grandma."

Tao Yuxian nodded and walked to the door of the house with Fan Qingyao.

It was Fan Zhao who was arranging the night watch. He saw the old lady and the young lady coming together, and hurriedly came over and said, "My subordinates saw that the master has not come back yet, so he sent someone to meet him on the only way..."

Before he could finish his words, a burst of noisy footsteps sounded from the end of the alley.

Hearing the sound, Fan Zhao quickly took a lantern and looked ahead, only to see several nurses who had just been sent out running back carrying an unconscious man.

As the nurses quickly approached, Fan Qingyao subconsciously held her grandmother's arm tightly.

 Grandpa is in trouble!

Tao Yuxian, who also saw the situation clearly, swayed, but fortunately Fan Qingyao helped him in time, so he didn't fall to the ground. Seeing Hua Yaoting covered in blood being carried back by the nurse, he quickly gave instructions , "Send it to the front yard quickly! Aunt He, hurry up and order someone to boil hot water!"

Fan Qingyao also hurriedly asked someone to send a message to his yard and send his medicine box to the front yard.

As Hua Yaoting, who was seriously injured and unconscious, was carried to the front yard, everyone in the mansion was alarmed. When they found out that the master was injured, they hurriedly ran to the front yard.

 Soon, everyone gathered in the front yard.

Fan Qingyao helped his grandmother into the back room. His grandfather had been placed on the soft couch. Under the candlelight, there was blood everywhere on his body, and it was impossible to tell where he was injured.

Fan Qingyao hurriedly walked over and pressed his hand on his grandfather's wrist. After a long while, he said, "The pulse is quite stable."

 The pulse is stable, which means the root has not been damaged.

Tao Yuxian took a deep breath and started to unbutton Hua Yaoting's clothes. The three layers inside and outside were already stained with blood. Looking at the scars on his body, there were dozens of them!

The deepest part is right below the heart. If it goes a little higher, I'm afraid...

Fan Qingyao's pupils trembled when he saw this, it was obviously a deadly move.

But now was not the time to talk. Fan Qingyao took out a silver needle while his grandmother was suturing his grandfather's wound, and locked the blood vessels to stop the bleeding. Then he took out the life-saving safety device from the medicine box and let his grandfather hold it in his mouth. .

By the time the grandfather and grandson were done with everything, it would already be an hour later.

Fan Qingyao saw his grandmother sitting next to his grandfather in silence, so he left the back room and went to the main hall. He looked at everyone and said, "Grandpa is fine now, but he still needs to cultivate carefully for a while. Grandpa is still here at the moment." I'm unconscious, my aunts should go back and rest early, before they ruin their bodies."

After hearing this, the daughters-in-law in each room knew that they could not help here much, so they might as well recharge their batteries and have a good sleep, and come back tomorrow morning to help their mother-in-law guard the front yard.

Before leaving, Mu Yan looked at her third sister worriedly. It wasn't that she didn't believe in her medical skills, but she was just a little worried about her grandfather's injury.

Fan Qingyao looked at Mu Yan and smiled lightly, "Go back, it's okay."

Hua Fengning waited for Mu Yan to leave, then walked to Fan Qingyao and said, "Grandpa, please accompany your grandmother to take care of him. I'll go to Heshuo County Prince's Mansion to see how the situation is there."

Fan Qingyao just cared about his grandfather's injury. After hearing his brother's words, he nodded and said, "Okay, brother, be careful on the road." Hua Fengning touched Fan Qingyao's hair and said, "Don't worry, I'll come back to you when I get back. Peace."

After Fan Qingyao watched his brother leave the front yard, he went back to his yard in person, took out a few medicinal materials from the warehouse, took them to the kitchen and cooked them before pouring them into the bowl and returned. forecourt.

 In the back room, Tao Yuxian was sitting on the soft couch with his eyes closed, his hands always holding Hua Yaoting's left hand.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Tao Yuxian woke up and opened his eyes. When he saw it was Fan Qingyao, he relaxed again. Fan Qingyao handed over the medicine bowl in his hand, "It's a medicine to calm the nerves. Grandma will drink it even if she doesn't want to drink it anymore." If you go down, your body will be exhausted, and grandpa will feel distressed again when he wakes up."

Tao Yuxian knew that Xiao Qingyao was considerate, but now he really couldn't smile. He was holding the medicine bowl and sipping it one mouth at a time, and he couldn't even detect the bitterness of the medicine.

“Grandma, do you know who my grandpa has had any grudges with lately?” Fan Qingyao asked softly.

Tao Yuxian shook his head, "After the incident on the 15th, the main city was very peaceful. In addition, the emperor handed over the incident on the 15th to the Military and Horse Division for investigation, not to mention your grandfather, even the Prince of Heshuo County. Always being an idler.”

Fan Qingyao understood what his grandmother meant. Since he had become an idler, there was no way he could make enemies with others. However, the wounds on his grandfather’s body were all cruel. It was obvious that he had no intention of leaving a way for his grandfather to survive.

“Cough cough cough… cough cough cough…”

 A coughing sound suddenly sounded.

Fan Qingyao and Tao Yuxian looked at the soft couch at the same time, and saw Hua Yaoting's eyelids moving, and then slowly opened his eyes. His weather-beaten eyes were distracted for a moment when they looked around. Fortunately, When he saw Fan Qingyao and Tao Yuxian, the light gathered again.

Hua Yaoting moved his lips and asked hoarsely, "How is Prince Heshuo...cough cough cough..."

Fan Qingyao replied softly, "Grandpa, don't worry, my brother has already gone to his adoptive father, and there will be news soon."

Hua Yaoting looked at Fan Qingyao and wanted to nod, but found that he couldn't move anywhere now.

Tao Yuxian's eyes turned red when he saw her husband like this, "You were fine when you left. How long has it taken you to become like this? What happened?"

Hua Yaoting glanced at his wife helplessly, "I guess Prince Heshuo provoked someone. Those people covered their faces, but they were very aggressive. They were all targeting Princess Heshuo and Crown Prince Qingchuan. Go."

Tao Yuxian was startled, "Are the princess of Heshuo County and the young prince okay?"

Hua Yaoting shook his head. If he hadn't protected their mother and daughter at that time, he wouldn't have been injured. He just didn't know what the situation was like on the side of Prince Heshuo. Before he fainted, he saw that Prince Heshuo was also blushing. .

Hearing this, Tao Yuxian felt uncomfortable asking further questions. After all, this matter had nothing to do with the Hua family.

Hua Yaoting was lying down when he suddenly became hungry. Tao Yuxian was thinking about asking Nanny Xu to make a bowl of soup, but Hua Yaoting took advantage of her injury and insisted on drinking sugar-watered eggs.

 Tao Yuxian, “…”

I have never seen anyone with an injured appetite still have a healthy appetite!

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "Grandma, just feel free to go and leave this place to me."

Tao Yuxian had no choice but to get up and walk out the door.

Fan Qingyao kept watching his grandmother go out. When he turned back to look at his grandfather again, the smile on his face had long since disappeared, "Grandpa, what on earth is going on?"

 (End of this chapter)

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