Chapter 818: How old are you to fight each other?

 My grandfather has been on the battlefield for many years, and his observation of the enemy is very keen. Fan Qingyao never believes that his grandfather really can't see what the purpose of those people is.

Especially when his grandfather obviously wanted to send his grandmother away, Fan Qingyao became even more sure of his guess.

At this time, Hua Yaoting also became serious, "Although Prince Heshuo and I are still serving the court, we can't count the ministers promoted by the emperor in the past few years. To put it bluntly, Heshuo and I The two princes have been ignored for a long time. If they don't still have some old relationships to maintain, what difference would they make to useless people? "

Fan Qingyao frowned, "So what grandpa means is..."

Hua Yaoting seemed to be smiling but not smiling, "Xiao Qingyao, when have you ever seen a disabled person still able to make enemies?"

Fan Qingyao’s heart skipped a beat.

If it is not a personal enmity, then the only reason that may lead to death is in the court.

"Those people probably didn't even think about leaving a way for me and Prince Heshuo to survive, otherwise they wouldn't have attacked Princess Heshuo and Crown Prince Qingchuan. They clearly wanted to distract us and catch us off guard. ." Hua Yaoting sighed. Fortunately, he and Prince Heshuo could still lift it with their old arms and legs, otherwise they would have gone to the Palace of Hell to report.

 “Does Grandpa have anyone to guess?”

"Now that the third prince has performed meritorious services in the main city, it is a time for him to be in the limelight. He takes the opportunity to incite public opinion and win over the people. The purpose is just to erase the prince's impression in the hearts of the people in the main city. In this way, Heshuo County and I The two kings are naturally an eyesore. If the two of us who are old and ungrateful really die, the prince's position in the court will be in jeopardy..."

Prince Heshuo and Hua Yaoting have no real power in their hands, but they still have some connections after having been in the court for decades. Once something happens to them, how will the people in the court treat the prince?

 The most important thing is!

There happened to be a thief in the main city now. No matter whether Hua Yaoting and Prince Heshuo were dead or not, there was no evidence that they were dead. I am afraid that those who acted quickly would shift the responsibility to those thieves.

Such a vicious method is more like Baili Rongze's style.

Fan Qingyao's heart felt cold, and the murderous aura in his eyes was steaming silently.

If it was really Baili Rongze who did this, she, Fan Qingyao, would definitely fight to the death!

When Fan Qingyao got up and left the front yard, his brother happened to come back from the Prince Heshuo's palace. The injuries on Prince Heshuo were not serious, but fortunately, the Princess Heshuo and the Crown Prince Qingchuan were not seriously injured. As for other matters, The heart is similar to what my grandfather analyzed.

Hua Fengning has been in the officialdom after all, so he is worried, "If this matter is really blamed on the thieves who made trouble, wouldn't my grandfather and Prince Heshuo still be in danger for their lives?"

 Unless those thieves can be caught in one fell swoop, if someone can take advantage of the reputation of those thieves for the first time, there will be a second and third time.

Fan Qingyao smiled coldly, "If this was really done by the third prince, he simply wanted to use the injury of his adoptive father and grandfather to send a warning to the princelings. Baili Fengming is not in the main city now. The prince's party is naturally panic-stricken. If they are really frightened by this incident, it is normal for them to temporarily seek refuge with the third prince's party. "

They have poached themselves to this extent, it is really shameless!

Of course Fan Qingyao couldn't just watch Baili Rongze get what he wanted. He looked at his brother and said, "Excuse me, brother, I'll go to my adoptive father's place again, but this time it will be more grand."

Hua Fengning was stunned, "What do you mean..." "The third prince's idea of ​​using this matter to intimidate the prince and his party is good. The injuries of his adoptive father and grandfather cannot be hidden, but as long as the reason is changed, it will It doesn’t mean it’s really irreversible.”

If it is true that Baili Rongze wants to take advantage of the situation to build momentum, it also depends on whether she will give him this opportunity.

Hua Fengning's eyes turned cold when he heard this. Why didn't he think of it?

It's no longer a matter of time, just do it.

Hua Fengning immediately called Fan Zhao in front of him, and selected a few loud nurses to follow him to the Heshuo County Prince's Mansion. Fan Qingyao asked Ninghan to open the warehouse and select from it. I asked my brother to bring many valuable medicinal materials with him.

After a stick of incense, Hua Fengning took the people, and the people brought gifts, and went to the Prince of Heshuo County in a mighty manner.

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, and the people on the street have not completely dispersed. Hua Fengning’s commotion soon attracted many people to watch, and then spread the news. When Hua Fengning arrived and When he arrived at Shuojun Prince's Mansion, the people who came to watch almost filled the street.

Hua Fengning stood at the door of Heshuo County Prince's Mansion, and without saying a word, he knelt on the ground. He opened and closed his mouth to ask Heshuo County Prince to forgive his grandfather's recklessness. With the support of the nursing home next to him, the people listened. Listen, listen...

 They were all shocked!

So this means that Prince Heshuo and the old general of the Hua family, one thinks his son is good, and the other thinks his grandson is great, and neither of them obeys the other, so why don't you just hold the sword and I hold the sword?

Although the people thought this matter was a bit ridiculous, many people saw it with their own eyes when Prince Heshuo went to his mansion in the western suburbs today. Moreover, when Prince Heshuo and the old general of the Hua family were comparing their children and grandchildren, they were standing at the door of the mansion. Some people also heard it.

 The common people connected together the whole story they knew, and then looked at the young master of the Hua family who was kneeling at the door of Heshuo County Prince's Mansion, apologizing to Heshuo County Prince...

 There is absolutely no reason not to believe it!

It was Prince Heshuo who was recuperating in the mansion when he heard the commotion outside. He glanced at Princess Heshuo and understood what was going on. Since he wanted to pretend, he had to pretend to be presentable. Soon and Princess Shuojun came forward in person, firstly to support Hua Fengning and sing the whole drama, and secondly to break the news that both Prince Shuojun and Hua Yaoting were injured.

 The common people were really shocked when they heard the conversation between Princess Heshuo and the eldest young master of the Hua family.


Not only did Prince Heshuo have a disagreement with the old general of the Hua family, they discussed swords in Huashan. In the end, they were both seriously injured and bedridden.

Soon, the news spread throughout the main city.

When they went to court the next day, they were shocked to see Prince Heshuo and Hua Yaoting asking for leave one after another.

 Not only did they get into a fight over a verbal dispute, but they also ended up sending each other to bed...

 Can you still be more successful? !

 Although it is not a glorious thing to fight and seriously injured each other, it is impossible for whoever wants to promote the development of this matter behind the scenes.

 (End of this chapter)

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