Chapter 820 I was so angry that I stood up!

Fan Qingyao stayed by the side of the fifth prince for a while, then got up and got on the carriage entering the palace. Now that Baili Fengming was not in the main city, she had to discuss many things with the Queen.

In Fengyi Palace, Queen Zhen Xi had been thinking about what happened to Prince Heshuo and Hua Yaoting on the Dragon Boat Festival. However, it was just the time when the storm was coming, so it was inconvenient for her to do anything to attract more attention. Now the situation has finally calmed down. She was thinking about asking Lily to go to the western suburbs mansion to spread the news, but she didn't expect Fan Qingyao to come on his own initiative.

Fan Qingyao entered the door and saw Queen Zhenxi waving to her, "There is no one else who comes to sit next to me without those false courtesy."

Fan Qingyao knew that the Queen was different from Concubine Yu. If the Queen said she didn't need to salute, it was because she really didn't want her to be so polite, so she just sat down next to the Queen obediently.

Queen Zhen Xi looked around Fan Qingyao carefully first. Seeing that he was still in good spirits, she asked, "Have you found out anything about your grandfather and your adoptive father?"

When Fan Qingyao heard this, he knew that the empress did not believe that her grandfather and her adoptive father were fighting each other. Fortunately, Lily had sent all the palace people away in advance, so it was convenient for her to speak now, that is, she would What happened that day was explained to the Queen in detail.

 Queen Zhenxi, “…”

Those who were so angry stood up!

“When I first heard the news, I felt something was wrong, but I never expected that things would turn out like this. A group of insidious and ruthless dogs are really getting more and more aggressive!”

Since meeting the Queen, Fan Qingyao has never seen the Queen lose her composure. It can be seen that she is really angry. Thinking like this, she doesn't know what to say.

Seeing Fan Qingyao hesitate to speak, Queen Zhen Xi knew that she was frightened. She took a deep breath, then sat down and said, "But have you found out who did it?"

Fan Qingyao shook his head, "Although I have some suspicions, I haven't got any evidence yet."

Queen Zhen Xi sighed, "I know that you have always been calm. During this time, Feng Ming is not in the main city, and some people have set their sights on other places. Don't worry, once this matter is decided, , I will definitely not let it go.”

Fan Qingyao nodded. She naturally believed what the Queen said.

"Mother, actually I came here today because I have one more thing to say." As Fan Qingyao said, he handed Baili Rongze's purse to the Empress, and took the opportunity to tell him everything about today's Bingma Division. Read it again.

 In fact, Fan Qingyao had already had doubts about the fifth prince. However, recent frequent incidents had made the Empress very anxious. In order to prevent the Empress from being distracted and worried again, she had not said anything.

 But now, it’s impossible not to say I’m afraid.

Queen Zhen Xi looked at the purse in her palm and her heart skipped a beat, "Do you think this matter has something to do with the third child?"

Fan Qingyao heard this but did not nod immediately.

Of course she believed that Baili Rongze's wallet would never appear out of thin air in the fifth prince's hands.

 But she had to think more deeply, what if Baili Rongze had put it in this purse?

If Baili Rongze's purpose is to seduce her into doubting him, and then make the matter bigger, and finally Baili Rongze bites her back, what will she do?

The two people were talking when Lily walked in and said, "Queen, Princess Yunyue is here."

Queen Zhen Xi and Fan Qingyao looked at each other. Although they didn't expect Yunyue to come at this time, it was hard to drive them away directly on this sunny day.

 “Let someone come in.” Empress Zhen Xi stuffed the purse into her sleeve.

Not long after, Yunyue walked through the door. She probably didn't expect Fan Qingyao to be there. After being stunned for a moment, she knelt on the ground and greeted the Queen, "My son, please give my regards to the Queen. May the Queen be blessed and safe." Zhen The former Queen smiled vainly and quickly asked Lily to sit down, "Why are you so free today?"

Yunyue sat on the chair with a sweet smile, "It's not easy for me to return to the palace this time, and I don't know when I left. Naturally, I want to visit my mother more often when I have time. My mother has always regarded us as her own children, and now When we are older, it is natural for us to be filial to our mother.”

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 If nothing else, Yunyue's mouth is really sweet.

"It is said that raising children requires raising sons, but I just like daughters. Daughters know how to care for people. Fortunately, I still have Yunyue and Qingyao by my side. It would be better if I were surrounded by those brats all day long. Sooner or later, I am afraid that they will **** me off to death." Queen Zhen Xi seemed to be very impressed by Yunyue's words, but at the end of her words, she turned the conversation to Fan Qingyao.

The meaning of this is clearly to remind Yunyue that she has guests here now and has no time to accompany Yunyue to chat here.

Yunyue was secretly surprised when she heard this.

Fan Qingyao is a daughter-in-law, how can she be compared with her as a princess?

She knew that the Queen had always loved Fan Qingyao, but she didn't expect that she could really love her to such an extent.

If other people had been so hinted and compared, they would have probably stood up and left long ago, but Yunyue just sat still, and even took the initiative to cast her eyes on Fan Qingyao, "I don't know why today, but I just wanted to come and visit." Mother, I didn’t expect that the Crown Princess would come by such a coincidence, it’s considered fate.”


 Is it the fate of being thrown into the lake?

Fan Qingyao really admired Yunyue for being able to pretend to be ignorant and play with understanding to such a proficient level. It was like throwing her and Fan Xuening into the lake last time was a dream.

However, facing the cheerful face of Princess Yunyue, Fan Qingyao also had a smile on his face, "I am lucky to have such a predestined relationship with Princess Yunyue."

You can pretend to be in the first grade of junior high school, and I can pretend to be the fifteenth grader.

 Isn’t it just pretending, as if no one can do it?

Yunyue looked at Fan Qingyao's smiling face, feeling furious in her heart. She even pushed her into the lake a few days ago, but now she seems to be alright.

No matter how much she hates her in her heart, Yun Yue still has a warm look on her face, "The Crown Princess is just polite, we are all a family. If you are so polite again, the Queen Mother will be angry."

Not only do you want to drag Fan Qingyao, but you also want to drag the Queen in for a chat?

Fan Qingyao looked at Yunyue's lively look with a smile, always feeling that Yunyue had some ulterior secrets in her visit to Fengyi Palace.

 Just at this time, Lily entered the door with two maids.

The two maids held a soup cup in their hands, one was placed in front of Queen Zhen Xi, and the other was placed on the wooden table beside Fan Qingyao. There was no Yunyue.

This is a bit embarrassing.

 (End of this chapter)

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