The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 821: Grasping the wound and constantly rubbing salt on it

Chapter 821: Grasping the wound and pouring salt on it

Lily looked at this scene and said in a panic, "It's all my fault. I was negligent..."

Lily has been serving the Queen personally for decades, how could she not be able to do even this little thing well?

Moreover, just as Yunyue came to the door, Lily came in and spread the word.

Fan Qingyao thought, maybe Lily just brought two soup cups in the door on purpose. People from the royal family don't need anything, but they must have face. This is clearly trying to chase Yunyue away.

Queen Zhen Xi also looked at Yunyue and said with a smile, "Qingyao is a child who pays too much attention to rules. She always sends someone to report before entering the palace. Seeing that she is weak, I sent someone to prepare a meal in the small kitchen in advance. There’s some soup in it.”

The Queen is the Queen, she can scold Yunyue for coming here rashly and not understanding the rules, and at the same time she has a smile on her face, as if everything is the listener's carelessness.

If this matter had been left to Concubine Yu, she would have flipped the table and left long ago, but Yunyue could still sit on the chair safely, and she did not forget to echo the Empress, "What the Empress said is, Concubine. It looks a bit weak and needs to be replenished. "

 Queen Zhenxi, “…”

This face is really much thicker than that of her mother-in-law.

Seeing Yunyue's determined look, Fan Qingyao knew in his heart that just targeting it wouldn't work, so he picked up the soup cup and said, "Since it is the queen's wish, my daughter-in-law will accept the order."

Queen Zhen Xi watched Fan Qingyuan pick up the soup cup, then she lowered her head and started drinking the soup.

Yun Yue obviously refused to leave. What could she do without drinking the soup? Did she really have to sweep people away with a broom and beat them out?

Fan Qingyao scooped up a tablespoon of Sijunzi soup and slowly put it into his mouth. Although this soup was made from Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, ginseng, and Zhigancao, the heat was well controlled and it did not have the bitterness of traditional Chinese medicine. , on the contrary, it melts in your mouth and warms your heart.

It is estimated that this soup has been cooked in the small kitchen for a long time, and Lily brought out two cups specifically to stimulate Yunyue.

Yunyue watched Fan Qingyao and the Queen drinking soup. She would be lying if she said she wasn't embarrassed.

What Yunyue couldn't understand the most was that Fan Qingyao's dining etiquette was so good that it was hard to find fault with it. Yunyue couldn't find fun even if she wanted to watch jokes. It looked like she had been kicked out of the house since she was a child. , a wild child who grew up wandering outside?

"My daughter-in-law heard that the envoy from the Donglin Kingdom was coming, and I'm afraid that the palace will be lively again during this period." Fan Qingyao, who was drinking soup, suddenly said.

Yunyue's heart skipped a beat when she heard this.

Queen Zhen Xi did not expect that Fan Qingyao would suddenly mention the Donglin Kingdom, but she still nodded and said, "The Donglin Kingdom has always had a good relationship with us in Xiliang. This time, the Donglin Kingdom specially sent the sixth prince to accompany us, which shows that we have a good relationship with the Donglin Kingdom." We in Xiliang attach great importance to it, but it’s a pity for the sixth prince, alas..."

"Why is the Queen Mother so melancholy all of a sudden?" Fan Qingyao had only heard about the sixth prince of Donglin Kingdom from Yan Hanbai. He didn't ask in detail at that time, so he didn't know the reason for the Queen Mother's sigh.

"Speaking of which, the sixth prince of the Donglin Kingdom also had a hard life. I heard that when his mother-in-law was pregnant with him, she was so weak that she could only rely on soup and medicine to survive. Later, she passed away after giving birth to the sixth prince. The sixth prince has finally been raised, but he always looks innocent."

 Innocent appearance?

I'm afraid this is just a nice thing to say. Fan Qingyao thought about it carefully. Since the sixth prince of the Donglin Kingdom could propose marriage in person, it meant that he had already performed the crowning ceremony, but he still looked innocent...

 You are obviously an idiot!

Fan Qingyao paused and then said, "What can my daughter-in-law do to help my father's worries?"

Yunyue subconsciously tightened the handkerchief in her hand. Which princess would dare to have such a tone and dare to say that she would help the emperor share his worries. Normally, as a royal daughter-in-law, she would not even have a chance to show up, but Fan Qing Yao just can and dares to say this, just don't be too arrogant.

  What's hateful is that Fan Qingyao has crazy capital!

Not only is she the crown prince of Xiliang, her medical skills are so superb that even the emperor praised her. If Fan Qingyao really cured the stupidity of the sixth prince of Donglin Kingdom, it would be a great honor for the country.

"Some time ago, your father specifically asked the judge to check the pulse of the sixth prince of Donglin Kingdom. The judge said that the stupidity of the sixth prince of Donglin Kingdom was brought out from his mother's womb. There may be a possibility of cure, but time I'm afraid it will take longer, maybe a year and a half, or maybe thirty or fifty years." Queen Zhen Xi sighed, it was really difficult for the children of the royal family to grow up safely.

"Everyone has his own destiny. God will never treat a person badly all the time. If he owes something, he will definitely make up for it." Fan Qingyao knew that if his master said this, he would be afraid that the sixth prince of Donglin Kingdom would It is basically impossible to cure the disease. Many things that are brought out from the mother's womb, no matter how much you try to make up for them the day after tomorrow, it will be too late.

Yunyue felt her right eyelid twitch heavily when she heard Fan Qingyao's words.

What does it mean to make up for any shortcomings?

After experiencing the last marriage proposal in public by the sixth prince of the Donglin Kingdom, Yunyue would still be awakened by nightmares even if she slept now. If Fan Qingyao said such words at this time, could he be implying that she would be married to the Donglin Kingdom? God cannot compensate that fool!

The more Yunyue thought about it, the darker her face became. Most likely, she couldn't find a reason even if she wanted to question it, because Fan Qingyao was not there when Dong Lin entered the palace, so how could he know about the marriage proposal?

Empress Zhen Xi caught a glimpse of Yun Yue's face that could no longer hold a smile, and finally understood Fan Qingyao's intention. This was clearly to rub salt into Yun Yue's wounds.

Although it was a bit unreasonable, Queen Zhen Xi was still willing to follow suit, "Speaking of which, the sixth prince from Donglin Kingdom has good taste. He even proposed marriage to Yunyue last time."

 Yunyue, “…”

Which pot should not be opened? !

Fan Qingyao pretended to be surprised and looked at Yunyue, "I didn't know this happened, but Princess Yunyue is gentle, virtuous, well-educated, and beautiful. It is normal for her to be loved by others. The Queen Mother did say that Yes, the sixth prince of Donglin Kingdom is a visionary."

Yunyue felt that Fan Qingyao was gloating about his misfortune, but Fan Qingyao's smile and sincerity made her unable to find any clues.

This time Yunyue really couldn't sit still. She suppressed the urge to stand up and rush over to tear Fan Qingyao's smiling face apart. She forced herself to calm down and said, "Now that the fifth emperor brother is still in a coma, where can I be?" I’m thinking about my own affairs, I wonder if the Crown Princess has visited the Fifth Emperor’s brother recently?”

 Fan Qingyao finally became serious when he heard the words "Fifth Prince".

 Could it be that the reason why Yunyue has not left for so long is related to the fifth prince?

 (End of this chapter)

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