Chapter 825 Thirty-year-old baby

 Now it’s better, the whole main city knows about it.

Fan Qingyao struck while the iron was hot and asked Ninghan to release the news that the fifth prince was recovering from his injuries in the Soldiers and Horses Division.

Since it’s messy, the more messy it is, the better.

The people in the main city had known for a long time that the fifth prince was injured while investigating the case. However, the people did not know that the fifth prince had been recuperating in the Army and Horse Department. As a result, the Army and Horse Department, which had not caused trouble for eight hundred years, was Someone broke into me at night, so what if this wasn't the negligence of the Bingma Division?

To go a step further, the Military and Horse Division didn’t take the fifth prince seriously at all!

Had it not been for the lack of defense by the Soldiers and Horses Division, how could they have been broken into at night without incident?

 Once conspiracy theories are stirred up, they will only develop in a more conspiratorial direction.

The people then thought that the third prince was serving in the Army and Horse Department, and the fifth prince was recovering from his injuries in the Army and Horse Department. Is it possible that the third prince deliberately neglected defense and wanted to kill the fifth prince? Or, perhaps, those thieves were the third prince himself. Directed and acted by himself, the purpose is to take the life of the fifth prince.

Although the common people have never experienced royal power struggles, they have never eaten pork or seen pigs running away. The struggle between princes has always been to kill one and lose the other.

 For a time, the people came to the gate of the Army and Horses Division spontaneously and threatened that the Army and Horses Division was ruthlessly killing people.

Baili Rongze, who was inexplicably put into a big pot, his face turned black to ashes at the bottom of the pot.

Now, whether Baili Rongze intends to kill the fifth prince or is unintentionally implicated, it is unclear. Knowing that this matter is no longer something he can do to turn the tide, Baili Rongze can only go to the palace to take this matter. The matter was reported to the police.

In the palace, Queen Zhen Xi had heard the commotion outside early in the morning, so she asked Lily to invite people to have breakfast while the emperor had gone to court.

Emperor Yongchang calculated that it was true that he had not shown up to the queen for a long time. Anyway, it was just for a meal, so he did not refuse. Who would have thought that as soon as he stepped into Fengyi Palace, his buttocks were still not hot, and he heard the soldiers and horses being beaten. Something about night raids.

 Emperor Yongchang, “…”

How to eat this meal?

Empress Zhen Xi looked at the emperor's expression and said with great worry, "Today's thieves are really too bold. There were some who made trouble in the streets, and then there were those who broke into the army at night. Fortunately, the third prince and the fifth prince are safe. of."

Emperor Yongchang glanced at the Queen calmly, "The people outside are spreading rumors that this night attack was carried out by Lao San in order to kill Lao Wu. The Queen has never been seen favoring Lao San before. Third, why is it so strange today?"

Empress Zhen Xi slightly raised her lips, "Chen Concubine and Concubine Yu have never gotten along well. It's all Chen Concubine's fault. In recent years, I have not been able to get Sister Yu to accept Concubine Chen, but Concubine Chen You know, since the emperor has given this harem to me, he trusts me. If this is the case, how can I cause trouble to the emperor? "

This seems to be a question but not an answer, but in fact the Queen has already answered thoroughly. Regarding Concubine Yu’s virtue of protecting her son like a ball of eyes, not to mention that I dare not take the initiative to get involved, I am the only one who really She was willing to take sides, and she might be twisted by Concubine Yu.

"But it's different now. After all, the third prince's child was raised by my concubine. Although he has a bad temper with the fifth prince, he is an upright man and cares about his siblings. He has gotten along well with all the princes in the palace these years. I, concubine I don’t believe that the fifth prince can do such things as harm his brothers, and I don’t want to be slandered like this by outsiders.”

Emperor Yongchang was silent as he listened to these words, his eyes fixed on the Queen, as if he wanted to see how true or false the Queen's words were.

It's just the emperor's little calculation, but it can't escape the eyes of Queen Zhen Xi. Old scumbag, don't you want to be sincere? I will let you see what sincerity is.

Under the gaze of Emperor Yongchang, Queen Zhenxi's eyes were a little red, but she suppressed the flushing and pressed it down. She looked very similar. She was obviously worried, but she was afraid of the emperor. I misunderstood that she was acting out when the situation happened, but she always wanted to maintain a normal appearance. Fengyi Palace fell into silence for a while.

It was Lily standing at the door who saw this and quickly sent out all the palace servants serving in the palace.

I don't know how long it took before Emperor Yongchang spoke again, "Concubine Yu is still too young and always likes to play with the temper of a child. The queen is tall, so she should be given some mercy. However, the queen is good to the third prince. Yu The noble concubine will always understand one day."

 Queen Zhenxi, “…”

Your family can still be called children if they are over thirty years old?

Empress Zhen Xi now had no time to care about the big baby in the emperor's heart, she sighed softly and said, "What the emperor said is, in fact, it doesn't matter even if sister Yu never understands me, as long as the children are good to me, I will be satisfied." "

Emperor Yongchang nodded, "The Soldiers and Horses Division was invaded at night. Speaking of this matter, the third child was also innocent and implicated. Now that he is misunderstood by the people, it is indeed unjust."

Damn old scumbag, just say that you are partial, talk about innocence and injustice, and what kind of virtue your own son is, don't you have any idea in your heart?

Empress Zhen Xi really felt sick to death when she saw the emperor's angry old face, but she still smiled and said, "What the emperor said is that the kid of the third prince can't do it." The matter of killing brothers and sisters is still brewing in the public opinion in the main city, I am afraid that I cannot explain this matter."

“Then I will ask people to go door to door to explain!” Emperor Yongchang said angrily.

"I know that the emperor loves his son very much, but now the people are angry. At this time, the emperor sends someone to come forward. If the people misunderstand his hard work again, then the gain will really outweigh the loss."

Emperor Yongchang glanced at the queen and then fell silent.

Empress Zhen Xi snorted coldly in her heart. Sure enough, for jealous and selfish people, once their own interests are involved, they can abandon their sons and wives.

Emperor Yongchang has always valued his status in the hearts of the people. If this matter really affects his reputation, he naturally does not want it, but he cannot leave Lao San alone.

“I have a solution,” Queen Zhen Xi suddenly said.

Emperor Yongchang did not have any doubts this time and said directly, "Let's listen to what the queen has to say."

"Since the incident happened because of the fifth prince, I thought that the person who tied the bell must untie it. As long as the people know that the third prince actually cares about the fifth prince, the public opinion in the main city will naturally dissipate."

 “So what the queen means is...”

"I feel that since the Army and Horses Division was invaded at night, it is not appropriate to leave the fifth prince in the Army and Horses Division. It would be better to let the third prince take this opportunity to personally deliver the fifth prince to the palace. As long as the common people send the fifth prince's Seeing kindness in my eyes, I thought that the people would understand the innocence and painstaking efforts of the fifth prince. "

Emperor Yongchang was stunned when he heard the queen's words, but did not immediately agree.

 (End of this chapter)

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