Chapter 826 Can this be said?

It is a rule set by the ancestors for adult princes to live outside the palace. Emperor Yongchang did not want anything to happen to the third prince, but he did not want to break the rules of his ancestors. Otherwise, how would he face the people in the Ancestral Temple when it was time to worship his ancestors? Ancestors?

 Queen Zhenxi, “…”

  She sighed again, why was she so blind that she fell in love with such a thing.

Looking at the emperor's hesitant look, Queen Zhenxi was so disgusted that she almost vomited out her overnight meal.

Oh, I want to protect the third prince, but I don’t want to take any responsibility or risk. Is there a father like you? Why don’t you go to heaven!

"Although it is against the rules for the fifth prince to stay in the palace, the fact that the fifth prince is still in a coma does not break the ancestor's rules. I know that the emperor is filial and unwilling to do anything that goes against the great ancestor. The emperor's painstaking efforts, I, I know this in my heart, how about I recommend myself and let the fifth prince live in my Fengyi Palace after entering the palace?"

To put it bluntly, if you have me standing in front of you, even if your ancestors settle the accounts in the middle of the night, they are still looking for me.

Emperor Yongchang's complexion improved a lot, "This will be a hard work for the Queen."

Empress Zhen Xi smiled tenderly, "I am the emperor's wife, and it is my duty to share the emperor's worries."

Emperor Yongchang was satisfied and sat with the queen for a while before getting up and leaving to announce the decree.

As soon as the emperor left, Queen Zhenxi quickly called Lily over, "Go and get me a cup of tea."

She was really afraid that she would spit it out if she didn't take a sip of tea and press it down.

Seeing this, Lily quickly handed over the tea cup that had already been warmed, "My queen, please be patient."

 Empress Zhen Xi drank all the tea in the teacup in one breath, and then exhaled a long breath, "To be honest, sometimes I really admire Concubine Yu."

 Lily, “…”

 Where do you start talking about this?

"In the face of such an extremely hypocritical and extremely selfish man, she can still act like a little bird and be flattered all day long. She has been fawning over him for ten years. Not to mention whether she is tired of it or not, she herself is not disgusted. It’s really not easy.”

Lily was shocked.

 Oh my God, can I say this?

Empress Zhen Xi didn't care about Lily's shocked face. She finally felt happy after saying the words. As for Concubine Yu, even if she tried her best this time, it still wouldn't work.

The emperor's decree came very quickly. Before Baili Rongze left the palace, he received an oral order from Bai Tu, ordering Baili Rongze to personally **** the fifth prince into the palace for recuperation.

 Baili Rongze knelt on the ground and felt his eyes going dark.

Let Lao Wu walk out of the Army and Horses Division alive, which was originally a fact that he could not accept, but now he is willing to let him **** him personally...

 It’s unacceptable even to individuals!

But regardless of whether Baili Rongze accepts it or not, the emperor's oral edict is there. Baili Rongze knows that it is not something he can compete with. Moreover, if he wants to quell the people's criticism now, he really needs to go there in person. .

At noon that day, Baili Rongze personally escorted the fifth prince lying in the carriage out of the Army and Horses Department on horseback. There were people from the Army and Horses Department in front, left and behind to clear the way. It was simply a spectacle.

“Miss, these three princes are really capable of doing things.” Ning Han, standing in the crowd, muttered, thinking that there was no such pomp when Dong Lin came to visit.

Fan Qingyao looked coldly at Baili Rongze who was riding on horseback, and smiled coldly, "If this is not the case, how can we quell the abuses of the people?"

Baili Rongze is like this, he calculates and maximizes all things that are beneficial to him. Soon, the curses from the people gradually dissipated. Some people even felt that they had misunderstood the third prince, so they began to speak to the third prince in the crowd, and even thought of the third prince's kindness.

Listening to the voices praising the third prince, Ninghan frowned and tried to reason with the people. The third prince was just showing off. Could it be that these people really couldn't see it?

Fan Qingyao took Ninghan's hand and shook his head gently.

Is Baili Rongze really happy when he gets praise from the people?

How can it be.

Fan Qingyao was right, Baili Rongze really wanted to change the people's attitude towards him by sending the fifth prince back to the palace, but now no matter how much the people praised him, he couldn't be happy, or in other words, Whenever he thought of sending the fifth prince away with his own hands, he felt depressed and his heart ached.

As the fifth prince was sent to Fengyi Palace, it was not only Baili Rongze who felt heartache, but also Concubine Yu.

 Baili Rongze knew full well what Yunyue did to the fifth prince, couldn’t it be that Concubine Yu didn’t know it too?

 It is naturally clear.

So when the fifth prince moved into Fengyi Palace, Concubine Yu came to the house under the guise of visiting the fifth prince. Unfortunately, as soon as she entered the courtyard, she was stopped by Lily.

"The Queen has a destiny, and the fifth prince needs to rest, but Concubine Yu, please rest assured that I will definitely bring Concubine Yu's thoughts to the Queen." Lily stood in front of Concubine Yu calmly, with a smile on her face and a respectful attitude. , can't find any fault at all.

 But the more this happened, the more Concubine Yu could not swallow this breath.

Now even a slave from Fengyi Palace dares to be arrogant in front of her?

“Who are you to dare to block the way of this palace?” Concubine Yu walked around Lily and was about to go inside.

Lily stepped forward again and blocked Concubine Yu's way. "When the fifth prince was sent in, my servant looked not very good. At this time, Concubine Yu had better avoid suspicion."

"When I do things in the palace, I need you as a slave to give me instructions for verification? Are the people in Fengyi Palace so unruly now? Since the Queen is kind-hearted and not cruel in teaching, I will help the Queen to control you unruly slaves!"

Following Concubine Yu's angry scolding, Aunt Ying immediately took a few steps forward with a few old ladies.

But before Grandma Ying could take action, she heard a cold snort, "Concubine Yu is really angry. When did I, Concubine Yu, need to worry about the big and small matters in Fengyi Palace?"

Mammy Ying's raised hand stopped in mid-air, and looking up, she saw Queen Zhen Xi walking towards this side step by step with Yan Qian's support.

If she were the former empress, Aunt Ying would naturally not take her seriously, but she has suffered too much at the hands of the empress during this period. Now even Aunt Ying does not dare to make a mistake, and quickly knelt down to say hello, " The old slave pays his respects to the Queen."

 When other old ladies saw this, they also knelt down to say hello.

Concubine Yu looked at the people beside her kneeling on the ground, and her heart ached even more, "The queen came at the right time. I was just worried about the fifth prince and wanted to visit him, but the servants of Fengyi Palace blocked him in every possible way. Even if the Queen is the Lord of the Sixth Palace, she can’t be so monopolistic, right?”

 (End of this chapter)

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