Chapter 834 I feel like a monkey

Of course Empress Zhen Xi is serious.

She just wanted the emperor to see with his own eyes what kind of evil she had done.

Soon, under the good intentions of Queen Zhenxi, Emperor Yongchang, who was about to go to Yueyu Palace for dinner, heard about what happened in front of the palace. After sending someone to inquire, he found out that the eldest lady of the Yu family was actually I came here because of the fact that the heirs of the Hua family were accompanying me to study, and I was furious on the spot.

It was Concubine Yu who was happily waiting for the emperor in Yue Yu Palace. She never imagined that what she was waiting for would be a scolding from the emperor.

Emperor Yongchang became so angry when he thought of the Yu family's audacity that they didn't even obey his own will. He couldn't think of eating. After making a big fuss in Yueyu Palace, he just walked away, leaving Yueyu behind. The people in the palace knelt on the ground, not daring to express their anger.

 It was Concubine Han Xian who came to pay her respects, “…”

He still raised his feet in mid-air, not knowing whether to go in or out.

Concubine Yu was almost mad to death, and immediately sent someone out of the palace to send a message to the old lady of the Yu family.

 The result can be imagined, the eldest wife of the Yu family was taken away by the Yu family.

The old lady of the Yu family never expected that the eldest lady of the Yu family would be so unrepentant. In a fit of anger, she simply asked Brother Sen to come to her side and would not allow the eldest lady of the Yu family to come closer.

Now, Mrs. Yu’s wife is no longer making trouble.

The eldest lady of the Yu family was completely confused.

When Fan Qingyao found out about this, she actually breathed a sigh of relief. She expected that Mrs. Yu's wife would not give up, and she also knew that Mrs. Yu's wife would definitely take action. Although she didn't know how Mrs. Yu's wife would punish Mrs. Yu's family. Madam, as long as it serves the purpose of setting an example to others, that's all.

In this way, even if the Yu family and the Hua family are still at odds with each other in the future, when Brother Ren really becomes Brother Sen's companion, the Yu family, at least on the surface, will not dare to look down on Brother Ren anymore.

 I just didn’t expect that the old lady of the Yu family could directly ask someone to leave.

Fan Qingyao thought about Mrs. Yu's method of educating children. Now that Mrs. Yu takes her child with her, it is also a good thing for the child.

“Go and spread the news to eldest brother’s yard.” Fan Qingyao looked at Ninghan and said, always trying to make his sister-in-law feel at ease.

Wu Qiuzao never expected that there would be such a follow-up. Although he was relieved, looking at his infant son, he couldn't let go of his worries.

When Hua Fengning came back, he saw his wife looking at him with bright eyes.

 Hua Fengning, “…”

 What's the situation?

“I plan to let Brother Ren practice martial arts, what do you think?” Wu Qiuzhuo felt that only if his son’s fists became stronger, he would no longer be bullied by others.

Hua Fengning doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with practicing martial arts, it’s just...

"Brother Ren is so young, he can't even walk yet. It's too early to start practicing martial arts now."

Wu Qiuzao disagreed, "Don't they all say that you should practice martial arts as early as possible? I heard that the boys of our Hua family can memorize the art of war at the age of three, and start training with their grandfather in the army at the age of five."

"It's true, but you don't start practicing martial arts before you can even walk." Hua Fengning looked at his son's little arms and legs, and thought it would be ridiculous to let the child practice martial arts now.

Wu Qiuzao disagreed, "As a man, the earlier the better, isn't it? Even if Brother Ren can't practice martial arts now, he can still watch it. Why don't you give Brother Ren a set of punches every day?"

 Hua Fengning, “…”

  Starting from the second day and continuing every day thereafter, he had to get up half an hour early to give his son a set of boxing skills before he could go out...

When the Hua family heard about this, they couldn't stop laughing. Maybe it was because they hadn't seen a man practicing boxing in the family for a long time. I don't know since when, the Hua family was used to getting up half an hour early. We gathered together in Hua Fengning’s yard to watch Hua Fengning boxing. Hua Fengning, “…”

 I feel like I am becoming more and more like a monkey. Is this a big deal?

Fan Qingyao didn't expect that her sister-in-law could come up with such a solution, but seeing her sister-in-law's relieved expression, what else could she say?

 Can’t say anything.

 Just watch silently...

In the middle of summer, my aunt and grandmother finally decided on a date to come to the main city. However, it was not my aunt who came to the main city this time, but my aunt's daughter-in-law who brought her daughter to come and marry her. But even if Even so, everyone in the Hua family packed up early.

Fan Qingyao thought about his daughter's family and always liked some accessories, but he couldn't be too public about it when he wanted to say goodbye, so he hurried into the palace to check the fifth prince's pulse and then took a carriage to Qingnangzhai.



 As soon as they saw Fan Qingyao, Yue Luo and Peng Jing's eyes lit up.

Mu Yan, who was in the warehouse, heard the noise and ran over quickly, "Why is the third sister here?"

Fan Qingyao took out a handkerchief and carefully wiped the sweat on Mu Yan's forehead, "We are all about to get married, why are we getting more frizzy?"

Mu Yan’s cheeks turned red and she couldn’t even lift her head, “Third sister will make fun of me.”

Fan Qingyao saw that Mu Yan was really shy, so he stopped teasing her, took her hand and said, "I heard that my aunt and grandma's family is coming today, so I thought of coming to you to pick something as a meeting gift. "

During this period of time, Qingnangzhai had launched new products, and there was an endless stream of customers every day. Mu Yan was so busy that she forgot about this matter. After hearing the words of the third sister, she was suddenly stunned, and then brought He followed Fan Qingyao to the warehouse at the back.

Yue Luo and Peng Jing looked at this scene and smiled without saying a word.

 The warehouse of Qingnangzhai is filled with a variety of sachets, ornaments, and hairpin accessories, all of which are filled with different herbs to achieve various health-preserving purposes.

When Fan Qingyao handed over the shop to Mu Yan, he deliberately cleared the inventory in the warehouse in advance, in order to let Mu Yan learn to make his own things, instead of always following in her footsteps. Unexpectedly, It has only been more than a year, and the originally empty warehouse is full of things again.

Fan Qingyao looked at the densely packed decorations on it, and couldn't help but sigh again. Mu Yan has grown up, and this time she can really stand alone.

“I don’t know what my granddaughter’s preferences are, so I can only choose a few.” Fan Qingyao said softly.

Mu Yan murmured softly, "It's not so much what Leshan likes, but what our cousin likes."

Leshan is the granddaughter who is coming for a blind date this time.

Fan Qingyao was stunned and looked at Mu Yan doubtfully, "How do you say this?"

Mu Yan thought that the third sister was the closest person to her, so she said without any worries, "The third sister doesn't know something. In fact, when I was still young, my aunt and grandmother came to our house as a guest with Leshan."

Fan Qingyao was not at Hua's house at that time, so he didn't know about these things. Now that he heard Mu Yan talk about it, he couldn't help but be curious, "What happened?"

Mu Yan shook her head, "I can't explain a sentence or two clearly. Third sister will know when people come."

 (End of this chapter)

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