The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 835: Didn't take the Hua family seriously

 Chapter 835: Not taking the Hua family seriously

In Fan Qingyao's understanding, although Mu Yan is introverted, she is not difficult to get in touch with. On the contrary, as long as others show kindness to her, she will definitely repay it twice as much.

 But now when she mentioned her cousin, Mu Yan was obviously repulsed and disgusted.


Looking at Mu Yan's reaction, Fan Qingyao became more and more curious about his upcoming cousin.

But seeing that Mu Yan really didn't want to say more, Fan Qingyao simply stopped questioning carefully. After selecting a few accessories, he told Mu Yan to go back early tonight and left the warehouse.

Just when Fan Qingyao wanted to get on the carriage, Peng Jing chased him out breathlessly, "Miss!"

Fan Qingyao stopped and turned around, "Is something wrong?"

Peng Jing was confused by the question. The words were on his lips, but he didn't know how to say them.

Looking at Peng Jing's appearance, Ning Han couldn't help but joked, "If you have anything to say, just say it. Why do you have to push back in front of the lady?"

 Peng Jing, “…”

 Is this how push, three, block and four are used?

"I'm talking about Peng Jing. Could it be that you have fallen in love with a girl from some family and want the young lady to rob a common girl for you?" Ning Han looked at Peng Jing and teased. They all came to the young lady in a group. Yes, even if Peng Jing and Yue Luo Qingnangzhai help, their feelings for each other have not become alienated because of this.

Peng Jing's face turned red when Ning Han said that, and he suddenly summoned up the courage to say, "I, I want to marry Yue Luo!"

  Ninghan, “…”

 Mine, did you really let her talk about it?

Yue Luo, who was walking towards this direction, immediately froze in place.

"During the time that Yue Luo and I have been together day and night, our personalities and temperaments are quite compatible. I just dare to ask Miss to make the decision. Miss, please betroth Yue Luo to me." When Peng Jing spoke, even his eyes They all dared not open their eyes. It was the first time that I found myself so nervous.

Hearing these words, Fan Qingyao looked at Yue Luo.

 Looking into the eyes of his young lady, Yue Luo lowered her head shyly and nervously.

Looking at this reaction, what else doesn’t Fan Qingyao understand?

 Just when she looked at Peng Jing again, she did not immediately agree, "I remember, Yue Luo is a few years older than you, right?"

 “Three years older, but I don’t care.”

“Yueluo fell before me, but she was betrothed to someone else.”

"It was just an engagement. Later, Yue Luo's betrothed husband died of illness. Those people wanted to force Yue Luo to have a secret marriage, so Yue Luo ran away. I know Yue Luo's life was hard before. Don't worry, miss. I will definitely cherish Yue Luo in the future. of."

Fan Qingyao only knew that Yue Luo was engaged, but she never asked her why. Now seeing that Peng Jing knew so much in detail, and even took the initiative to help Yue Luo smooth things over, what else could she worry about?

“When I get back, Aunt He will pick an auspicious day for you.” Fan Qingyao said with a smile.

Peng Jing was stunned on the spot. Do you agree?

 He thought that because the young lady kept asking him questions, she didn't intend to marry Yue Luo to him.

Ninghan helped Fan Qingyao get into the carriage. Seeing that Peng Jing was still stunned, she couldn't help but sneer, "Idiot!"

                                                              int so to speak?

Yue Luo walked to Peng Jing's side and looked at the young lady's carriage with red eyes.

Mu Yan walked over with a smile and said softly, "Third sister is afraid that Peng Jing won't treat you badly, so she asked all the questions that need to be asked. Don't worry, with Third Sister here, Peng Jing won't dare to treat you badly."

Yue Luo nodded with tears in her eyes. She knew the lady’s painstaking efforts. She knew them all.

On the carriage not far away, Baili Rongze looked at the scene in Qingnangzhai and couldn't explain how he felt. He and his mother and concubine were worried to death because of the fifth prince's affairs, but Fan Qingyao was still there. Do you have the leisure to help a few slaves maintain matchmaking?

The staff, who were also sitting in the carriage, saw that the third prince was absent-minded and quickly said, "Your Highness, there is no way back for us now."

“Yes, Your Highness, since we chose to do this in the first place, we must not fail!”

"If we can't take the opportunity to dismount the prince, all our previous efforts will be in vain..."

 Baili Rongze came back to his senses and looked at the staff in front of him with heavy eyes, "Of course I know what's going on, so I'll have someone take action tonight."

 Several staff members finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

The mansion in the western suburbs was bustling. Aunt Xu was afraid that she would be too busy by herself, so she lent Aunt He over and together she and the servants in the mansion cleaned the courtyard, even though they had been cleaned for several days. , Nanny Xu is still worried.

 In the final analysis, their cousin’s daughter-in-law is not so easy to get along with.

My cousin got married to Lingcheng very early and went into business with her cousin. When the sisters and young men in the house were still young, my cousin had a prosperous life in Lingcheng. Otherwise, the cousin's family was When the daughter-in-law first came to Hua's house, she wouldn't be so arrogant.

"Some time ago, I heard the old lady mention that my cousin's family is now the largest merchant in Lingcheng. If I dare not let the emperor hear it, he is the local emperor of Lingcheng." Nanny Xu lowered her voice.

Hearing this, Aunt He also had a look of bitterness and hatred on her face, "My cousin is better, but my cousin's daughter-in-law is really...sigh..."

Seeing that Aunt He also started to sigh, Nanny Xu felt even more unsure. She quickly called on a few maids and walked towards the guest courtyard. No, she had to have someone clean the guest courtyard a few more times. all over.

Everyone in the western suburbs mansion was busy until evening. Because guests were coming, all the people in the courtyard gathered in the main courtyard to have dinner together.

 Just in a blink of an eye, it was already an hour later than the agreed time, and there was still no report from the concierge.

The daughters-in-law looked at the table full of food and could not eat it. They looked helpless but did not dare to say anything.

 There is nothing else to do but wait.

Fan Qingyao looked at the expressions of his aunts, really wanting to see what kind of person that cousin was.

Another hour passed in a flash. Tao Yuxian sent people back and forth to the concierge to inquire several times. Seeing that the food on the table was getting cold, his face gradually darkened.

 “Old lady!”

 The concierge finally ran in.

Tao Yuxian asked quickly, "But people have arrived?"

The concierge said, "The person who came here is the person who sent a message to the Cao family. He said that he just happened to catch up with the fireworks banquet tonight in Fengcheng. My cousin and my cousin are going to visit the lake for a few days. They will not arrive in a few days. We will wait until then. Send us a message and ask us to respond in front of the city gate."

Hearing this, the several daughters-in-law looked a little gloomy on their faces.

The Cao family came to the main city this time just to talk about their marriage, but instead they went to visit the lake?

Besides, there are inns in every city now. Even if something is really delayed, you should write a letter in person and ask the people at the inn to deliver it. Fengcheng is right next to the main city, and the people at the inn are working hard. Delivering letters is always faster than asking a servant to run errands.

 In the final analysis, people just don’t take the Hua family seriously at all!

 (End of this chapter)

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