Chapter 836 How could it be His Royal Highness?

 You didn’t tell me you were late, but you still planned to let others greet you in person afterwards?

Fan Qingyao's face also turned cold.

Having been born in two generations, there are many people who are arrogant, but it is really rare to see people who are so arrogant.

Tao Yuxian's face was already extremely ugly. Hua Yaoting had never been involved in the affairs between the women in the backyard, but seeing his wife's unkind expression, for fear of getting angry, he hurriedly invited everyone to eat.

 Who can really have an appetite if they are just pretending?

The meal was tasteless. After putting down the dishes, everyone hurriedly went back to their respective courtyards.

Ninghan, who was making the bed, saw her young lady coming in and asked in confusion, "Why did the young lady come back so soon? Is it because my cousin and grandma are not easy to get along with?"

Fan Qingyao snorted coldly, "You don't know if you can get along well with him or not, you have to at least meet him in person."

Aunt He, who came in later, heard the news from the concierge and couldn't help but sigh, "I thought that my cousin's temperament could change in the past few years, but now it seems that she is still the same as before."

    How can a normal person go out to be a guest and then swim in the mountains and play in the water on the road?

"Go down and sleep." Fan Qingyao might have been interested in hearing about her cousin before, but now, she didn't want to hear a word about it.

It would be best if people just don’t have fun in Fengcheng.

If you come again, today’s events will have to be discussed carefully.

This night, all the lights in the courtyards of the western suburbs mansion were turned off early, probably because the cousin was out of mood.

Fan Qingyao also went to bed early. Unexpectedly, before he could sleep for a long time, he heard a movement in the yard.

Soon, Ninghan, who was keeping watch outside, crept in and said, "Miss."

Fan Qingyao hummed, "What happened?"

“A person from the concierge said that a guest has arrived. He introduced himself as the Yuan family’s wife and came to see the lady instead.”

 Mrs. Yuan?

Isn’t that from the Qing family of Dali Temple...

"Everyone in the house has gone to sleep. Don't disturb other people. Please invite them in quietly."

 “I understand, miss.”

Ninghan went out to invite people, and Fan Qingyao also got up.

Although Mrs. Yuan's wife is also a woman, she is a guest after all. It is not easy for Fan Qingyao to see people like this. He hurriedly changed his clothes and combed his hair casually. However, as soon as he finished tidying up, the curtain at the door was removed. Lifted up.

As soon as Mrs. Yuan entered the door, she said to An, "I disturbed the Crown Princess's rest. It is my wife's crime that deserves death."

Fan Qingyao quickly stretched out his hand to help the person up, "Mrs. Yuan's family does not need to be polite." Mrs. Yuan's family stood up following Fan Qingyao's strength, but in the end she was still very reserved. She stood there holding the handkerchief in her hand, as if I don't even know how to speak anymore.

Fan Qingyao motioned to Ninghan to bring a chair over, "Let the people in the kitchen boil water and make tea."

Ninghan nodded, turned around and walked out the door.

Mrs. Yuan's wife sat on a chair, listening to Fan Qingyao's instructions, her eyes widened in surprise.

Speaking of which, the last quarrel between the Yuan family and the Crown Princess was not very pleasant. In addition, when she was at the Yuan family that day, the Crown Princess had an amazing momentum. She came to knock on the door of the Hua family today because she had prepared a day in advance. construction.

"When I was at the Yuan family last time, there was indeed a big incident, but it was not for Mrs. Yuan and Mrs. Yuan. Since Mrs. Yuan is here today, she is my guest, so there is no need to be cautious." Fan Qingyao could see the uneasiness in Mrs. Yuan's eyes at a glance.

 Mrs. Yuan’s family, “…”

 I never expected that such a powerful Crown Princess could be so approachable.

But they came here, and Mrs. Yuan’s family didn’t say a word. “What the Crown Princess said is that everyone in the Yuan family would like to thank the Crown Princess for cleaning up the Yuan family. As early as when I first When I met Zhao Yi'er, I realized that this woman was very ambitious, but who made my master owe the Zhao family..."

Fan Qingyao smiled faintly, "Of course you have to pay back what you owe. I heard from the prince that the Minister of Dali Temple is frank and upright. The last time I saw him, I really admire the character of the Minister of Dali Temple."

Mrs. Yuan's wife has been making public appearances for the Yuan family in recent years. Now, listening to Fan Qingyao's words, it is inevitable that she will be a little impressed. She can win the favor of the prince with her words and deeds. This princess is really not an ordinary person.

"Zhao Yi'er committed such a thing, and I sent someone to send her to the Guzi Temple that day. I thought she would give up, but I didn't expect that the people at the Guzi Temple would tell her that Zhao Yi'er was gone within a few days. Later, I also asked someone to send her to the Guzi Temple. We have inquired a lot, but there is still no news.”

Even now, Mrs. Yuan's wife still itch with hatred when she mentions the word Zhao Yi'er. If it weren't for that person whose eyes are as high as the sky, she wouldn't be so bow-headed now.

Fan Qingyao was also stunned when she heard that Zhao Yi'er was missing, but she was not wasting her time for unimportant people sitting here now, "I can't get involved in Mrs. Yuan's housework, but I thought that Mrs. Yuan's appearance late at night I came here not just to talk about Zhao Yier, right?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Yuan's hand tightened her hand on the handkerchief. After a long while, she lowered her voice and said, "Actually, the reason why I came here this time is because the people who disappeared and returned just an hour ago Someone among them drew a portrait of the thief who caused trouble that day. The wife always felt that this person looked familiar, so she thought of bringing it to the Crown Princess to see..."

Ning Han, who was standing at the door, laughed out loud when he heard this, "This is a great thing. I don't know how worried I am about this matter recently. If the thief can be caught in one fell swoop, the main city will truly be at peace. "

Fan Qingyao frowned slightly, but without any smile. If it was really a good thing, Mrs. Yuan's wife wouldn't be sitting here now. "Mrs. Yuan's family, you might as well say it directly if you have something to say."

Mrs. Yuan's wife looked at Fan Qingyao's expression and guessed that the Crown Princess might have guessed something. She sighed in her heart and didn't expect the Crown Princess to be so smart. She quickly took out the portrait she had brought with her from her lapel. .

Just when she handed it to Fan Qingyao, Mrs. Yuan hesitated again.

Fan Qingyao took the portrait and opened it in his palm.

 With the faint candlelight in the room, the faces in the portrait soon became clear.

Ninghan stepped forward curiously and looked at the portrait. She never imagined that it was just like this, and she was so shocked that her eyes almost fell off.

That, that’s...

Your Highness the Crown Prince? !

Fan Qingyao looked at the face in the portrait. His facial features were exquisite, handsome and elegant. He really looked like Baili Fengming.

 (End of this chapter)

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