Chapter 837 Everyone is possessed

 The room fell into silence for a while.

The occasional "sizzling" sound made by the candlestick can make people feel a little frightened for no reason.

Mrs. Yuan's wife looked at Fan Qingyao's expression, but she couldn't figure out the reason no matter how she looked at it. She simply said bravely, "My master also saw that the person in the portrait was so handsome, Your Highness, so let's let him go." The minister's wife brought the portrait to the Crown Princess overnight."

 In the final analysis, it was not because of the incident involving Zhao Yier last time that the Yuan family suffered a loss first. Now that this matter has been committed in the hands of the Minister of Dali Temple, the Minister of Dali Temple naturally wants to repay this debt.

 Fan Qingyao naturally understands the thoughts of the Minister of Dali Temple.

What Fan Qingyao has never understood is what Baili Rongze's purpose was in attacking the fifth prince.

But now looking at the portrait in his hand, what else does Fan Qingyao not understand?

Baili Rongze saw that Baili Fengming was getting more and more attention from the emperor, so he sent people to make trouble in the main city on the fifteenth day. Unexpectedly, the fifth prince who went to investigate the matter discovered the purse, and Baili Rongze Li Rongze probably felt guilty as a thief, so he knocked out the fifth prince, and then asked Yunyue to poison the fifth prince.

 As for the portrait in front of you...

What will happen if the people in the main city identify that the murderer is the prince?

Originally, the missing children in the two cities have not yet been found out. Once the portrait is made public, the people will subconsciously believe that the reason why the prince has not been able to find the missing children is because he spent all his energy on following up. Sibling intrigues.

Even if the common people have heard that imperial power has always required intrigues, who dares to really put their lives in the hands of emperors who play with their lives in order to compete for power?

 When that time comes, those who are waiting for Baili Fengming will completely lose the support of the people!

Mrs. Yuan's wife looked at Fan Qingyao's uncertain face and whispered, "My master also believes that His Highness the Crown Prince would never do such a thing that makes fun of people's lives, so this time my wife came here because she wanted to Let me warn the princess in advance. As for this portrait... I don’t know who threw it outside the Yuan family house. My master is willing to pretend that he didn’t see anything. "

 This is the maximum the Yuan family can do.

Ninghan did not expect that the person who helped a lot in the end was the Yuan family. She was about to bow and thank her on behalf of her young lady when she saw Fan Qingyao returning the portrait in his hand.

“The Minister of Dali Temple has always been fair and honest, it would be bad if he became depressed because of this matter.”

Mrs. Yuan's family was stunned, "The Crown Princess means..."

Fan Qingyao paused and said, "Just take care of official business."

 Mrs. Yuan’s family, “…”

  Completely shocked!

Mrs. Yuan felt that if a normal person encountered such a thing, their first thought would be to calm the matter down. Why did it become so abnormal when it came to the Crown Princess?

However, looking at the expression on the Crown Princess's face, she didn't seem to be joking. Mrs. Yuan had no other choice but to return to the house with a confused look on her face, and told her master exactly what the Crown Princess had said.

 The Minister of Dali Temple, “…”

  It is indeed quite unexpected. "In my opinion, the Crown Princess is afraid. After all, she has not married the Crown Prince yet. If something happens to the Crown Prince at this time, the Crown Princess will not be too implicated." Mrs. Yuan's family analyzed this matter. To put it nicely, it means giving up on oneself; to put it unpleasantly, it means that they both flew away when disaster struck.

 The people of the royal family have always been indifferent to emotions, and such things are not uncommon.

The Minister of Dali Temple felt helpless when he saw his wife's clear analysis. Although he still didn't know what the Crown Princess was planning, he believed, "Others may do it, but the Crown Princess definitely won't."

If the Crown Princess was really that kind of person, there would be no Hua Family today.

Thinking back then, the stagnant situation in the Hua family was all brought to life by the Crown Princess. How could a person who could push more than a hundred coffins to the palace gate and demand justice for the Hua family be so ruthless and ruthless? A righteous person?

Fan Qingyao didn't know that the Minister of Dali Temple gave her such a high evaluation. As soon as Mrs. Yuan left, she got on the carriage.

Baili Rongze wants to take advantage of Baili Fengming's absence from the main city to frame him, but the prerequisite is to see if he has the shrewd mind. If Baili Rongze really succeeds in this matter, , Baili Fengming wants to stand up again, it is difficult to reach the sky!

Fan Qingyao clenched his hands into fists under his sleeves, and his heart was heaving.

Since Baili Rongze has declared war, he must be prepared to stand till the end. If she doesn't let Baili Rongze get away with this incident, she won't be called Fan Qingyao.

 “Miss, we’re here.”

 The carriage that had been speeding suddenly stopped.

Fan Qingyao opened the car door and was helped out of the carriage by Ning Han. What he saw was a messy alley entrance.

Compared with the prosperity of the main city, this place is like another world.

"I heard from the common people before that many of the people who were kidnapped lived here. At that time, I was also curious and came over to take a look. I didn't expect that there is such a place in our main city. I heard that it was the former I was ordered by the imperial court to move here a few years ago." Ninghan sighed, she really didn't expect that the imperial court would do such a thing.

Fan Qingyao is not surprised. With the emperor who is not doing his job properly in politics, the court's affairs will naturally not be so open and aboveboard.

The reason why all the poor people are gathered here is also the intention of their emperor. After all, for him, who always likes to be praised by the people, the suffering of these poor people will only highlight him as a selfish, ignorant and helpless person. The emperor of Tao.

Fan Qingyao led Ninghan all the way to the alley. Compared with the high-end mansions in the main city that had long extinguished their candles, most of the people here were still busy. Many of them were small traders setting up stalls. , some are hunters who have just returned from hunting, and others are sitting on the street in a daze with dull eyes.

Just as Ninghan was about to ask a question, she heard a vendor who came back with a wooden cart saying, "These people have become nervous since they were rescued, and sometimes they will go crazy and bite people. We all say that these people She has been possessed by evil spirits and her soul has been taken away by evil spirits. It is better for the girl not to touch them. "

Ninghan was stunned for a moment, "Where can I rescue him from?"

“It was the people from the imperial court who found him after he disappeared on the 15th.”

 “Are these all?”

“That’s right, but the missing children have not been found yet, but I think there is not much hope. Even if they can be found, they will probably be as crazy as these people.”

Ninghan was stunned. The court only posted a notice saying that the person had been found, but it never said that the people who were rescued were all crazy!

 (End of this chapter)

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