The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 838: Who doesn’t know how to throw dirty water?

Chapter 838 Who doesn’t know how to throw dirty water?

The vendor looked at Ning Han and asked, "The girl doesn't look like she is from here."

"Ah? Ah, I, I am here to accompany my young lady to find her bride." Ninghan had always been proud that her young lady was the princess, but she didn't dare to say it now.

The imperial court and the royal family have always been involved, but now that the imperial court has found a group of evil people, they will ignore them. If she dares to say that her young lady is related to the royal family, she is afraid that she will be kicked out.

“It’s strange that people come to such a poor place to look for relatives. What is the name of the family you are looking for?”

 “Call, what is it called...”

Ninghan really didn't expect that the people in this alley were so hospitable, so she made up a name at random. Who would have thought that there was actually someone with this name in this alley? Seeing that Ninghan was not old, the merchant took the initiative to accompany her. I took Ninghan to look for someone.

  Ninghan, “…”

Who can come and save her!

Fan Qingyao took advantage of Ninghan's struggle with the vendors and walked over to the nearby people who were sitting on the edge of the alley. He squatted down and gently pressed his wrists, his brows getting tighter and tighter.

By the time Ninghan came back covered in sweat, Fan Qingyao had already checked the pulses of many people.

“Miss, are these people really having their souls taken away by evil spirits?”

Fan Qingyao curled his lips and wanted to sneer, but found that he couldn't laugh at all. "They were all stimulated to varying degrees, so they all went crazy."

 Those with superb medical skills can detoxify and cure diseases, but they cannot cure diseases that distort the will in the heart.

 This disease can be said to be a terminal illness.

Ninghan exclaimed, "So, they are hopeless?"

Fan Qingyao closed his eyes in silence, feeling so powerless for the first time.

Ninghan looked at the people scattered all over the alley, feeling angry and anxious, and tears fell from her eyes. "Who is so cruel to do such a thing to these innocent people?"

 Hell is empty, evil spirits are in the world.

When people are cruel, how can evil spirits compare to them?

In order to frame someone, they even used innocent people as bait. Such cruel methods are really outrageous!

Who else can be so ruthless and vicious?

Baili Rongze…

If such a person is really allowed to inherit the throne, how can Xiliang talk about the future!

"Miss, if all the people are like this, how can any portrait be drawn? When the matter is really made public, won't His Highness the Crown Prince die without any evidence?" No matter how slow Ninghan reacted at this moment, he still understood. The son is here.

Fan Qingyao slowly opened his eyes, his dark eyes filled with cold light, "Since they want to frame us, they naturally hope that we will die without any evidence, but they are not the only ones who can splash dirty water."

Since Baili Rongze is playing dirty tricks, she just has to accompany him to the end.

 Prescribing the right medicine is what she is best at.

Fan Qingyao took Ninghan back to his mansion in the western suburbs in a carriage, and had dozens of portraits drawn overnight.

  Then he called Lang Ya and Ning Tian in front of him and "pasted these portraits in every corner of the main city."

After Langya and Ningtian left, Fan Qingyao called Nanny Xu over again, took a stack of banknotes and handed them over, "Nanny will go to the Sun Mansion at dawn. I remember my mother gave her a The street for porridge is at the corner not far from East Street. From now on, please take the people from East Street with you. If my mother doesn’t have enough money, just send someone to me to get it at any time.”

Since Baili Rongze took advantage of these people, she had to secretly send people to watch their every move. Now she could not help these people in a big way, so she could only temporarily solve their food and clothing problems. After everything was taken care of, Fan Qingyao sat by the window and waited for dawn.

As the rising sun illuminated the main city, the main city completely exploded!

All the streets are plastered with signs signing anonymous reports of missing people, and the faces exposed to the sun cannot be said to be completely similar to the third prince, they can only be said to be exactly the same!

 “I really didn’t expect that the third prince would be such a person!”

“No wonder this matter has been handed over to the Military and Horse Division for investigation. The Military and Horse Division has not even caught a single person so far. I think it is simply a disguised cover-up by the Military and Horse Division.”

“Perhaps the Third Prince ordered the Military and Horse Division to do those things that caused trouble in the first place!”

 For a time, rumors and rumors flew into the sky, and the people were completely in chaos.

It was the minister of Dali Temple who was about to enter the palace with the portrait in his hand. He was immediately stunned.

He expected that the Crown Princess would not give up easily, but he did not expect that the Crown Princess would make a big move.

 What is this going to do?

It was clear that the dog bit her, and she was going to bite the dog back!

In this way, even if the Minister of Dali Temple also handed over the prince's portrait to the emperor, it would not be enough to prove the innocence of the third prince. On the contrary, Baili Fengming was not in the main city at this time, but Baili Rongze But he was still alive in the main city. In order to calm the anger of the people, Emperor Yongchang could only detain Baili Rongze in Dali Temple for questioning.

The emperor gave the order, and the court naturally did not dare to neglect it. The minister of Dali Temple personally came to the door to block the people.

Fan Xuening was almost scared to death in the third prince's residence, but there was no reason for her to step forward in front of the court. No matter how worried she was, she could only hide in her small courtyard.

Just like that, the third prince, who didn't even have time to wash up, got on the carriage of the Minister of Dali Temple with everyone's eyes on him.

When Concubine Yu learned about this, Baili Rongze was already on the way to Dali Temple. When she learned that her son was being taken to Dali Temple, Concubine Yu's eyes were filled with darkness, as if she had been struck by lightning. .

"What are you doing here, why don't you hurry up and find a way to save your brother!" Concubine Yu slumped on the chair and looked at Yunyue and yelled angrily.

Yunyue didn't expect that things would turn out like this. Facing the furious mother-in-law, she could only say truthfully, "The people who were sent back this time are all crazy, and there is no way to prove the innocence of the third emperor's brother..."

I originally thought that finding someone to draw a portrait of the prince would definitely discredit the prince in the hearts of the people. Even if the prince had all kinds of abilities, he would still have trouble speaking in the face of unproven matters.

 How could I have thought of...

 In the end, they had nowhere to complain!

After Concubine Yu heard this, she wanted to slap her, "You reassured me that you had a way to dislodge the prince, but this is your way? The prince's portrait has indeed been presented to the emperor, but But the people did not see the portrait of the prince, but the portrait of Ze'er! "

Yunyue was so scolded that she couldn't even lift her head, "Originally, this matter was always carried out in secret, and the people found were all the staff around the Third Emperor's brother. I didn't expect that things would turn out like this. Erchen thought that Someone must have leaked the news in advance, giving people the opportunity to bite the Third Emperor's brother back."

"What's the use of talking about this now?" Concubine Yu didn't know what happened this time and how Yunyue and Baili Rongze planned it. But now that things have become like this, if she can't quickly prove her son's innocence, the people will How should we view this matter?

 The longer the time goes on, the more people’s hearts and minds will be lost!

 When the people’s support is lost, what else can we fight for?

Yunyue thought for a while and said, "My son, I will go and beg the Queen now."

No matter how incompatible Baili Rongze and Baili Fengming were in private, on the surface, since the queen was the mother of a country, she could not have any partiality.

Yunyue came to Fengyi Palace and knelt down in front of the Queen. She cried so hard that her heart was broken, and she looked really pitiful.

 (End of this chapter)

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