Chapter 843 A group of bumpkins

Sun Contong has always been a good believer. Hearing the quarrel coming from downstairs, he quickly opened the window of the private room.

The reason why this teahouse is called Yaquan is because its architectural pattern is a circle, with hollows from the bottom to the bottom. Therefore, even if Sun Congtong and others are in the private room on the second floor, they can clearly see the lobby on the first floor. situation.

At the moment, Fan Qingyao looked at the few heads gathered around the window and didn't know what to say.

 The reason why the teahouse is designed like this is to allow the guests inside to better listen to music and watch the show. But now it is regarded as a convenience by you to watch the excitement.

At this time, at the entrance of the lobby, a woman dressed as a maid was holding her waist and looking at the shopkeeper behind the counter, "I want to ask you, do you in this teahouse look down on our third prince's aunt?"

Hearing these words, the few people who were lying by the window subconsciously turned back to look at Fan Qingyao.

 The third prince’s aunt…

Isn’t that Fan Qingyao’s sister?

Fan Qingyao glanced out the window curiously after hearing the voice, and looked at the maid carefully before nodding and saying, "I did see this face last time at the third prince's residence, but it seemed that the maid was still there at that time. The third prince’s concubine serves.”

Sun Congtong was extremely surprised, "Nowadays, aunts dare to **** the maids of the princes and concubines?"

Isn't this too arrogant?

Fan Qingyao was also a little surprised, so he continued to look downstairs.

The shopkeeper at the counter also looked at the maid helplessly, "I'm really sorry, the Longxu Cake is a limited supply in the shop. Just now, a customer has reserved the rest. There is really no more. Why don't you come back tomorrow? , the store will definitely keep it for you.”

The maid snorted coldly, "Who are the other guests? How can they be compared to Aunt Fan from the Third Prince's Mansion?"

Han Jingchen watched the waiter bring out several plates of Longxu Cake from the back kitchen, heading towards their private room, and silently cast his eyes on Sun Contong.

 When it comes to foodies, Sun Contong is the leader among them.

Sun Contong shrugged helplessly. When she made the reservation, she never expected that there would be such a smooth agreement...

Seeing this, Fan Qingyao had no intention of giving in.

She is not bad at eating, but whether she eats or not is one thing, and others reaching out to grab it is another matter. It happened that Fan Xuening's maid put her hand into her mouth to grab the food. Such an arrogant behavior , it is naturally impossible for Fan Qingyao to get used to him.

“Stop!” When the maid saw the waiter about to go upstairs with the Longxu Cake, she stopped him directly.

The shopkeeper was also panicked when he saw this, and hurried over to persuade her, "Girl, you'd better stop arguing. The guests in the private room upstairs have already been booked."

The maid said resolutely, "What is the status of the third prince, and what is the status of the others? Do you think that something happened to the third prince, so you started to look down on him?"

 Baili Rongze is indeed still imprisoned in Dali Temple, but the matter has never been decided. Even if the people in the main city reject the third prince in their hearts, they would never dare to say this to his face.

No matter how bad the third prince is, he is still a son of a dragon and a phoenix grandson. How can others comment on him?

"I don't dare to look down on the third prince, but I really can't give these plates of dragon beard cakes to the girl. They are a few distinguished guests, not to mention that the shop can't be neglected, they are Fan from the third prince's house. Auntie, I'm afraid I can't afford to be neglectful either," the shopkeeper advised earnestly. After all, when Han Jingchen decided to settle here, he got the Sixth Prince's Mansion sign.

"Bah! What kind of distinguished guest? I can't help but think that he is just a country bumpkin who has never seen a few plates of Dragon Beard Cake. How can he compare with Aunt Fan from our Third Prince's Mansion? Even those country bumpkins deserve it!" The maid sneered. , during this period of time, Aunt Fan, the tide in the mansion was rising, and even the third prince and concubine had to give in a little bit.

Originally, Han Jingchen did not intend to get involved in this kind of dispute, but he never thought that an aunt's maid could be so arrogant. If she didn't speak up, wouldn't she be bullied to the top of her head?

Just when the shopkeeper and the maid were in a stalemate, Han Jingchen, who was lying at the window, sneered and said, "Aunt Fan in the Third Prince's Mansion is really good. She really makes me feel inferior."

This voice…

The maid was stunned for a moment, and her first thought was that it sounded familiar.

As Han Jingchen's voice sounded, people in the lobby on the first floor also looked upstairs subconsciously, and the maid took the opportunity to also look up...

When she clearly saw the people standing by the window, the maid felt like she was struck by thunder, her legs instinctively became weak, and she just said, "Plop!" ’ He knelt down on the ground with a cry.

 Sixth Prince Concubine, Princess Ping Lai, Crown Princess…

No matter who it is, it is something that a little slave like her cannot afford to offend!

 The shopkeeper looked at the maid's appearance of instantly wilting, without any pity.

  If you had known this, why did you do it in the first place?

 For a time, the lobby on the first floor was as quiet as a chicken. No one expected that they would meet such a few distinguished figures appearing together.

Han Jingchen looked at the maid kneeling on the ground and sneered, "Weren't you so impressive just now? Why are your legs and feet suddenly not flexible? But is there any hidden disease you were born with?"

The maid was so frightened that she knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing, "Sixth Prince, please forgive me, forgive me..."

Yan Hanbai looked at the maid's face that changed in an instant, and remembered Fan Xuening's face turning her face away. A burst of retching came to her heart, "Since you are a slave, you must keep your duty and never admit your mistakes." , but he only knows how to ask for forgiveness from others, isn’t this the style of the Third Prince’s House?”

The maid only dared to cause trouble in the Third Prince's Mansion, but she did not dare to throw dirty water on the Third Prince's Mansion. She quickly said, "It's all my fault. It's because I don't have eyes to see Mount Tai, so I asked Princess Pinglai to give me a lot of help. "

This maid is indeed worthy of being able to crawl to Fan Xuening's side. She is indeed somewhat scheming. Even if she made a mistake first, she acted in a low-key manner in time, showing a pitiful appearance of knowing her mistakes and being able to change them. If Yan Hanbai and Han Jingchen did it again, If we continue to pursue the case, it will appear to be unreasonable.

Yan Hanbai was so angry that why were the things around Fan Xuening so cunning?

Han Jingchen patted Yan Hanbai on the shoulder, "You still have a baby in your belly. Don't get angry because of irrelevant people."

Yan Hanbai sighed, even if he was unwilling to do so, he could only give up.

When the maid saw this, a hint of cunning flashed in her eyes, and she took the opportunity to get up and leave.

Fan Qingyao suddenly said, "I suddenly remembered that I received an invitation from the third prince concubine a few days ago. Since we met today, you should go back and tell Aunt Fan in your house that we will be together in a few days." The country bumpkin who can't even afford Longxu Cake will definitely come to visit, and then he will have to trouble Aunt Fan. "

 (End of this chapter)

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