Chapter 844: Who are you looking at?

 Pan Yulu posted the post, why did she insist on informing Fan Xuening?

 It is natural to prepare her to serve others.

On that day, in addition to the prince's concubine, the only ones present were the princess and the crown prince. Naturally, a little aunt could only serve as a servant.

After hearing this, the maid's legs became weak again, and she almost fell to the ground again.

Originally, she thought that as long as she pretended to be pitiful, no matter what happened to the Crown Princess and others, it would not be easy to pursue, and the matter would pass without anyone noticing. However, who would have thought that the Crown Princess would treat Aunt Fan as soon as she opened her mouth? Got involved.

Now, the maid can’t hide it even if she wants to!

 The princess is a devil, right?

Otherwise, why would you press on someone else’s life as soon as you take action?

Just thinking about Aunt Fan's sinister face after hearing about this incident can make the maid cry out of fear.

The maid left with a look of despair, and Long Xusu was also sent in by the servant.

Han Jingchen wanted to laugh when he looked at the Long Xusu on the table, "Qingyao is better, otherwise that **** slave will really take advantage of him."

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "It just happened to occur to me."

When she received Pan Yulu's post, she didn't take it seriously at all. It could even be said that she had no intention of going there. But today when she saw that even the maids around her ran to Fan Xuening's side, Fan Qingyao felt that the Third Prince's Mansion I'm afraid something unknown happened here.

Thinking about this, Fan Qingyao asked, "Have you received any messages from the third prince's concubine?"

Yan Hanbai and Han Jingchen both nodded. Originally, they had no plans to go. After all, their relationship was not good. Could it be that they were overly jealous after going there?

Fan Qingyao said, "Some time ago, I heard from the eighth prince's concubine that she had some quarrels with the third prince before she fell ill. Now, although the third prince's concubine is still recovering from her illness, it is not Aunt Fan's turn. Showing off one's strength, I always feel that there is something fishy about this matter..."

Han Jingchen pondered, "Qingyao, do you mean you want to go and have a look?"

Fan Qingyao nodded after hearing this.

Although Fan Xuening and Pan Yulu are both beings she despises, if compared with the two, she naturally hopes that Pan Yulu can crush Fan Xuening's head. If Fan Xuening really takes the opportunity to climb up, for Not good news for her.

Han Jingchen said, "Then I will go and take a look with you."

Yan Hanbai also smiled and said, "Anyway, it was an idle day, so count me in."

Sun Contong, “…”

 Have never regretted not becoming the prince's concubine so much. She really didn't want to miss such excitement...

The date on the third prince's post was on the second day after Chinese Valentine's Day, so Fan Qingyao and others did not get together too late that day. They went back to the mansion early to sleep, intending to recuperate for the next day. Charge up.

Who would have thought that Fan Qingyao had just finished washing up the next day when he saw Ning Han running out of the door in a hurry, "Miss, someone from the third prince's residence just now told me that the third prince's concubine was unwell and canceled today's gathering. "

Nanny Xu frowned and said, "Logically speaking, the third prince's concubine can be considered a lady, how could she be so rude and unruly? If she really wanted to cancel, she should have sent someone early on the day of the banquet. If you cancel again, who can afford it?”

Fan Qingyao also laughed angrily. He had sent someone here, so he looked down on her.

 “Continue combing my hair.” Fan Qingyao stood up and walked to the dressing table.

"Is the young lady still planning to go?" Nanny Xu was a little worried. The third prince's concubine did something unethical, but if the young lady insisted on going her own way to the third prince's mansion and was rejected, wouldn't it be a slap in the face? .

But Fan Qingyao was thinking about something else, "It was the third prince's concubine who posted the post, and now she is the one who canceled the party. If I really followed her wishes, I would be really embarrassed. The third prince's concubine Her status may sound noble, but she is nothing in front of me.”

After Fan Qingyao calmed down his anger, he got into the carriage and headed towards the third prince's residence.

She wanted to see if Pan Yulu had the ability to keep her, the princess, out of the door!

The morning sun was so warm that the guards at the entrance of the third prince's residence secretly dozed off.


Suddenly he heard the sound of horse hoofbeats coming from far and near. The guard opened his eyes impatiently and was about to ask who had disturbed his rest. He didn't expect to be completely dumbfounded when he saw the person coming.

 “Tai, Crown Princess?”

Ninghan helped Fan Qingyao up the steps, looked at the wide-eyed guard and angrily said, "You are such an unruly thing. Why don't you go in and announce the arrival of the Crown Princess?"

The guard came to his senses belatedly and quickly turned around and ran into the mansion.

Fan Xuening, who was having breakfast in the room at this time, heard that the Crown Princess had arrived and was right outside the door. She was so shocked that the spoons in her hands fell on the table. She clearly sent someone to push them away in the name of the Third Princess. After today's small gathering, why is Fan Qingyao still here?

“I will ask the maid next to the third prince to go out and reject the prince.” The maid standing beside said so and left.

Fan Xuening shouted angrily, "Stop!"

The maid was stunned by the scolding, "Does Aunt Fan really intend to let the Crown Princess in? But if the Crown Princess really sees something, how will Aunt Fan explain to the Third Prince when he comes back?"

It’s not that Fan Xuening doesn’t understand these principles.

 But Fan Xuening knows better than anyone how difficult Fan Qingyao is.

The most hateful thing is that Fan Qingyao now has the status of a princess to support him. Even the third prince's concubine is nothing in front of Fan Qingyao, let alone a little aunt.

 “Get me dressed.”

 “But Aunt Fan…”

"Shut up!"

Fan Xuening looked at herself in the mirror and suppressed the panic in her eyes.

Just after the maids had packed up, Fan Xuening did not go to the entrance of the mansion immediately. Instead, she took a detour and walked into the front yard where the third prince and concubine were.

No one knows what Aunt Fan said to the Third Princess. The only thing the servants in the yard heard was the extremely suppressed crying sound of the Third Princess.

The main courtyard is not far from the entrance of the mansion. It was Fan Qingyao who was standing at the door. She vaguely seemed to hear bursts of crying. But just when she wanted to listen carefully again, she suddenly heard a cry from behind her. The sound of horse hooves.

Fan Qingyao turned around in surprise and saw several carriages parked behind him.

Soon after, Yan Hanbai, Han Jingchen, and even the eighth and second princesses all got off the carriage.

 (End of this chapter)

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