The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 845: Fan Qingyao will not bear this responsibility

Chapter 845 Fan Qingyao will not bear the blame

 In fact, not long after Fan Qingyao received the news that the Third Prince's Mansion had sent someone to cancel the get-together, the other princes and concubines also received the news.

However, based on the understanding of the princes and concubines about Fan Qingyao, they always felt that Fan Qingyao would never get used to the fact that the third prince and concubine could make such a careless act, so the princes and concubines could not understand it. Xuandi sent people to keep an eye on the third prince's residence in advance. Now that they heard that Fan Qingyao was indeed here, they couldn't be absent.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

It's really rare for you two to work together.

"You will pay more attention to Princess Pinglai later, and remember to take care of her body." Fan Qingyao whispered to Han Jingchen, don't implicate innocent lives because of adults' matters.

Han Jingchen nodded, "Don't worry, just leave it to me."

The eighth prince's concubine had long known that the crown prince and the sixth prince had a good relationship. Now that she saw the two of them talking quietly, she consciously took a step back and admired the scenery outside the third prince's residence.

The second princess looked at the back of the princess and hesitated to speak. Although she wanted to step forward to speak, she felt ashamed when she thought of what happened when she invited the princess to the house last time.

 While everyone was thinking about their own thoughts, the closed door of the third prince's residence finally opened slowly.

Fan Xue Ning Leng, who came out to greet him in person, felt his scalp numb when he saw so many people. He subconsciously looked at the guards on the side. Didn't he say that Fan Qingyao was the only one? What was going on with these people now?

The guard, who was also a monk two feet tall, was confused. When he went in to report, it was clear that the princess was alone...

Fan Qingyao saw Fan Xuening's eyes communicating with the guards, "Looking at Aunt Fan, does it mean she is not welcome?"

Fan Xuening quickly put on a smile and said, "Sister, I was joking. It was the third prince's concubine who took the initiative to post it. Now that all the princes and concubines can come to visit, the third prince's mansion should be in full bloom."

Yan Hanbai could not stand Fan Xuening's double-dealing. He snorted coldly and looked away, fearing that if he looked at her one more time, he would have to spit out his overnight meal.

Han Jingchen really admires Fan Xuening. She is clearly hiding her smile, but she can still call her sister so kindly. She really is not embarrassed by herself, it is others who are embarrassed.

Fan Qingyao has no time to practice Tai Chi with Fan Xuening here. "Aunt Fan is really warm and hospitable. She is completely different from the arrogant and arrogant servants around her. However, I am very curious. Aunt Fan is so humble. , how can you teach such a slave with his eyes above his head?"

Even the servants are poorly disciplined masters, who at best are weak and incompetent and at worst are useless.

These words were clearly a slap in Fan Xuening’s face.

The eighth prince's concubine was curious after hearing this, "What slave is so arrogant?"

Yan Hanbai snorted coldly, "More than just arrogance, I think we in Xiliang are almost unable to accommodate her. Not to mention me and the sixth prince, even the prince is a bumpkin in the eyes of others!"

 Eighth Princess, “…”

 My, where is the brave man who dares to ridicule the Crown Princess like this?

The second princess also looked surprised, "I didn't know there were such rampant slaves."

Han Jingchen glanced sideways at the second prince and concubine, "Then the second prince and concubine is really ignorant and ignorant. We don't know how Aunt Fan trained her to condition her slave to look like that."

 We don’t know either, and we don’t dare to ask.

Fan Xuening, "..."  I felt cold sweat flowing down my back!

"Speaking of which, it was all my fault in training. I have severely punished that slave. Now he is waiting inside to apologize to the Sixth Prince, Princess Pinglai and my sister." Fan Xuening turned sideways and quickly invited the person inside. , that anxious look, as if there was a wolf chasing after him.

However, Fan Xuening did not lie. She followed everyone to the main courtyard. As soon as she entered the courtyard, she saw the maid kneeling on the ground and being tied up.

At this time, the maid's tongue had been cut out, her teeth had been knocked out, her whole red and swollen face was covered with blood scabs, and the front of her clothes was covered with dark brown blood stains. She was supported by two old ladies, and she had obviously entered the hospital. More anger and less anger.

Such a **** scene frightened several princes and concubines present.

Yan Hanbai subconsciously held his stomach and took a step back. His face turned extremely pale. Did he beat the person to death?

Fan Xuening explained with a smile, "Since he bumped into the Sixth Prince, Princess Pinglai and the Crown Princess, this slave deserves to die."

Fan Qingyao is very aware of Fan Xuening's hobby of removing things from people's bodies, just like in her previous life, every piece of flesh on her body was cut off by Fan Xuening.

But now you have committed the crime yourself, but you still want to let others take the blame for you?

 Sorry, she can’t bear the blame!

"I remember when I came here last time, I saw her serving the third prince's concubine. Whether it was given to Aunt Fan by the third prince's concubine or received by Fan Xuening from other places, she should be treated well." Fan Qingyao A word that was neither salty nor bland directly pushed Fan Xuening to the forefront.

The maid who was originally serving the third prince's concubine ended up dying in your hands. Who knows whether this was a severe punishment or simply because she wanted to get rid of the people around the third prince's concubine?

Fan Xuening was stunned.

This basin of dirty water was thrown at her and she was completely defenseless!

"What my sister said is that my sister was too harsh. I will remember this in the future." What else could Fan Xuening say?

 Can’t say anything!

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "I don't have a strict sister like Aunt Fan."

 Fan Xuening, “…”

 Isn’t it okay for her to bow her head?

Fan Qingyao smiled lightly and walked directly towards the main room.

 The other princes and concubines saw this and quickly followed.

When Yan Hanbai passed by Fan Xuening, he could clearly notice that Fan Xuening's gaze was still as aggrieved and weak as before, which made people feel distressed.

Yan Hanbai fell into the lies spun by Fan Xuening in the past. Now, let alone pity, her throat would be tight if she didn't spit it out on the spot.

Fan Xuening saw that Yan Hanbai ignored her, a flash of resentment flashed in her eyes, but soon she returned to her previous look and followed the others through the door.

As soon as you step in, a strong bitter smell comes from the shop.

Not to mention Yan Hanbai who quickly covered his mouth and nose, everyone else also held their breath.

 What kind of medicine is this, and why does it taste so bitter?

Fan Qingyao frowned, and soon realized that the taste contained jujube kernels, purple salvia, schisandra chinensis and other medicinal materials. It didn't have much side effects. They were all mind-restoring medicines.

 I am afraid that I took it too much and for too long, and the smell in the house never dissipated, which is why it became so pungent.

 (End of this chapter)

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