Chapter 846 Every slap is justified

On the bed, Pan Yulu was sitting weakly. When she saw everyone walking in, she curved her lips and showed a smile. However, she was probably too weak. Before she could speak, she started coughing violently. .

“Cough cough cough… cough cough cough…”

Pan Yulu kept coughing, tears oozing out of the corners of her eyes.

The maids and nuns who were just standing aside were standing stiffly on the spot, showing no movement at all.

Fan Xuening quickly walked to the bed with a cup of tea, "The third princess quickly took a sip of tea to moisten her throat."

Pan Yu appeared and faced Fan Xuening's approach, her body instinctively dodged, but she couldn't stop coughing, so she could only take the tea cup from Fan Xuening's hand.

The way he takes such careful care is really impressive.

But Fan Xuening could deceive others, but she could not deceive Fan Qingyao's eyes alone.

From the moment Fan Xuening entered the door, the atmosphere in the room was obviously a lot more depressing. Just when Pan Yulu coughed, the maids and grandmothers on the side had anxious looks in their eyes, and they were obviously worried about Pan Yulu.

Obviously worried but not daring to act rashly, it was obvious that he was afraid of something.

Although the person standing in the room at the moment was either the prince or the princess, it didn't mean that the people serving Pan Yulu didn't even dare to move.

 So it is obvious that the person these people are worried about is Fan Xuening.

"We want to catch up with the third prince and concubine, so we won't bother Aunt Fan." Fan Qingyao said directly to see the guests off. She had no time to waste time watching Fan Xuening's pretentious performance.

Fan Xuening's body visibly stiffened, and when she came back to her senses, she looked at Fan Qingyao with an aggrieved and innocent look on her face, "But what did I do wrong? If sister thinks I did something wrong, I can change it, but I'm really worried about the three The body of the princess is still there, I hope my sister won’t kick me out.”

"Just now I saw Aunt Fan's method of punishing the slaves. I thought Aunt Fan was a very self-aware person. But now I see that she is nothing more than that. There is no respect for family ties before the rules. Doesn't Aunt Fan not know such a simple truth? Or is Aunt Fan willing? Test the law by yourself and punish yourself like the slave just now? "

  To put it bluntly, when the princes and concubines are talking, you, the aunt, have no place to stay alone.

 The surrounding princes and concubines looked at this scene and didn't know what to say.

Although it is no secret that the Crown Princess and Aunt Fan are not on good terms, who would have thought that there are so many differences between Aunt Fan and the Crown Princess? They are just going to be beaten again!

More importantly, every word the princess said was reasonable.

To put it bluntly, every slap Aunt Fan received on the face was justified.

Pan Yulu looked at Fan Xuening, who had no choice but to turn around and leave. She had never appreciated Fan Qingyao's sharp teeth like she did at this moment, and even her heavy chest felt relieved.

Following Fan Xuening's departure, the servants in the room obviously breathed a sigh of relief. The maid quickly poured tea for Pan Yulu to make her happy, while the aunt looked at Pan Yulu's face and her eyes turned red silently.

With such an obvious gap between the front and back, other people in the room understood what was going on, no matter how slow they were.

But everyone really didn’t expect that Pan Yulu would be bullied like this by a concubine one day. It was really sad to think about it.

"Third Princess, you are also a decent lady, and the niece of Concubine Pan De in the palace. Now that you are living like this, who are you worthy of?" Yan Hanbai frowned and asked. Hearing this, the second prince's concubine and the eighth prince's concubine widened their eyes inexplicably.

 Princess Pinglai still dares to say...

"Third Princess, please don't take it to heart. Princess Pinglai's temper has always been like this. She did speak a little arrogantly, but there was no malice." Han Jingchen grabbed Yan Hanbai's hand, looked at Pan Yulu with a smile, and said in her heart She was so anxious that she wanted to scold her. What kind of person was he and he still stimulated her? If he really passed out, everyone present would not be able to shirk responsibility.

Yan Hanbai looked at Pan Yulu steadily, not intending to take back what he said.

She will never forgive Pan Yulu, but after all, they are just friends. Now seeing Pan Yulu like this, she doesn't feel very good in her heart.

"What Princess Pinglai said is that it was my own failure that led to such a life. But if you think about it carefully, I really envy Princess Pinglai's straightforward temperament." Pan Yulu sat on the bed and said: He looked at Yan Hanbai and smiled while coughing.

If she also had Yan Hanbai's temperament, could she also resolve her past feud with Fan Qingyao?

 But now that she has arrived in this world, there is no use in talking about envy.

Yan Hanbai sighed silently and turned his eyes away from Pan Yulu. Out of sight, out of mind.

Seeing this, the Eighth Princess and the Second Princess breathed a sigh of relief. They hurriedly came to Pan Yulu's side and chatted in random ways to ease the atmosphere.

Han Jingchen took the opportunity to get close to Fan Qingyao and said, "Should we think about it in advance, how to deal with it if the third prince's concubine makes a fuss about Princess Pinglai's rude words?"

Pan Yulu is bedridden now. Normally, she would not miss the opportunity to frame Yan Hanbai at this time. Although the matter would not lead to death even if it got serious, the effect of the response can still be achieved.

But now Fan Qingyao said, "Don't worry, she won't do it."

Yan Hanbai was stunned, "Are you sure?"

Fan Qingyao nodded.

Although I don’t know what Pan Yulu has been through during these days, Pan Yulu’s eyes are unexpectedly calm now, and she says calmly that there is no more calculation or hope, just like a puddle of ashes.

Han Jingchen didn't know how Fan Qingyao figured out that Pan Yulu wouldn't take the opportunity to cause trouble, but since Fan Qingyao said that Pan Yulu wouldn't, she stopped worrying about it. Seeing Yan Hanbai sitting alone in a daze, she was afraid Yan Hanbai said something uncontrollable again and walked over quickly.

The atmosphere in the room gradually became more lively with the chatter of everyone. Although Pan Yulu rarely spoke, she was really listening to the second and eighth princesses talking attentively. When they saw the two talking about something exciting, From time to time, I laugh with everyone, feeling rare peace of mind.

 Faced with such a third prince and concubine, even others began to be surprised.

But at this moment, Fan Xuening entered the door again, followed by someone, "Aunt Liao from the Second Prince's Mansion is here. She said that the Second Prince's concubine forgot the veil, so she specially brought it over."

Hearing this, everyone looked at Liao Yuwei who was beside Fan Xuening.

Liao Yuwei met everyone's gaze and responded with a generous smile, "I have met Princess Pinglai, several princes and princesses, and the crown prince."

 At the end of the sentence, he did not forget to show a friendly smile to Fan Qingyao, as if what happened before did not exist at all.

 (End of this chapter)

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