The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 851: In the end, was Fan Qingyao messed up?

Chapter 851: Was Fan Qingyao messed up?

The person who stands taller cherishes his life. Which princess can jump into the lake to save others?

 But Fan Qingyao did it.

When she saw Fan Qingyao's face clearly, the eighth princess burst into tears with joy, "Just now, when the sixth prince said that the princess would definitely come to save us, I thought the sixth prince was frightened and talking nonsense. Badao, no, how could I have thought that the Crown Princess is really here..."

Fan Qingyao swam to the two of them and took a general look. Although the eighth prince's concubine was not good at water, she could barely take care of herself. Although Han Jingchen had been relying on the eighth prince's concubine to keep him from sinking, he obviously drank too much. With so little water, people are already feeling confused now.

Fan Qingyao looked back at the ship that was already approaching, and quickly said, "Follow me."

Han Jingchen heard Fan Qingyao's voice and opened his eyes weakly. When he saw Fan Qingyao's face, he trembled and said, "Qingyao, you are here..."

 Immediately, I passed out with relief.

Fan Qingyao hugged Han Jingchen and led the eighth prince toward the ship behind him.

Even though Liao Yuwei and Fan Xuening were reluctant on the boat, they still knelt down and stretched out their hands. If it was spread that they refused to save the princes and concubines, how would they behave in the future?

The second princess also squatted down in another place, looked at Fan Qingyao and said, "Princess, here!"

Fan Qingyao almost did not hesitate. With the help of the second prince's concubine, he first pushed Han Jingchen onto the boat, and then he pulled the eighth prince's concubine and handed him into the hands of the second prince's concubine.

When Fan Xuening and Liao Yuwei saw this, their expressions were so ugly that they could not be described in words.

Yan Hanbai in the pavilion saw something happened in the center of the lake. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He quickly ordered the boys in the third prince's residence to prepare the boat, "Why are you standing there? Hurry up and save people! I tell you, today If the master here breaks a hair, all of you slaves will never survive tomorrow!"

Yan Hanbai was really angry, his eyes were red.

The boy at the third prince's residence was so frightened by Yan Hanbai that he quickly found a boat and rowed towards the center of the lake.

 But when Yan Hanbai finished his instructions, he felt as if something was missing.

Even if Fan Qingyao no longer regards Pan Yulu as a human being, if something happens to Han Jingchen and the eighth prince's concubine, Fan Qingyao will definitely not leave him alone. But is Fan Qingyao jumping into the lake really just to save people?

Yan Hanbai always felt that Fan Qingyao's starting point was not that simple, so he quickly called the maid who was standing outside the pavilion, "Enter the palace quickly and tell Concubine Yu the news of the accident."

The maid is from the third prince's house after all, so she was naturally hesitant after hearing these words.

Yan Hanbai looked at the maid with cold eyes and said, "Everyone saw the Crown Princess falling into the lake. This matter is not something you, the Third Prince's Mansion, can conceal if they want. If you take the initiative to inform Concubine Yu, perhaps the guilt can be reduced." , if we wait for us to sue the palace in person, none of you will be able to walk around without food!"

After hearing this, the maid felt that her legs were weak. She didn't dare to delay, so she hurriedly ran towards the door of the mansion.

Yan Hanbai breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the maid running away and continued to look towards the center of the lake. He never thought that such a glance would make his heart almost jump out of his heart in fear.

 Did she see something wrong?

 Otherwise, why did she see Fan Qingyao plunge into the lake again?

  Is this really life-threatening?

Facing Fan Qingyao's actions, not to mention Yan Hanbai, even the faces of everyone on the boat were not good.

Especially Fan Xuening, looking at Fan Qingyao's figure disappearing on the lake again, she really wished that Fan Qingyao would just die. She designed so many things just to get rid of Pan Yulu, but Fan Qingyao just wanted to Go against her and go find Pan Yulu.

But I think so in my heart, but I can't say that, "What are you doing, sister? Although I am also worried about the third prince's concubine, I also don't want anything to happen to my sister. How can my sister be so careless about her identity and take risks?" Such a risk." The eighth princess had been given a lot of water for no reason, and she was so exhausted that she had nowhere to vent. Seeing the smell of tea in Fan Xuening's face, she felt sick to death, "How could the princess be in Pinglai in the first place? The palace saved Aunt Fan, so why can’t it save the third princess now? If the princess really does what Aunt Fan said, the grass on Aunt Fan’s grave will be very tall now.”

The second prince’s concubine also followed suit, “The prince’s benevolence and righteousness cannot be matched by anyone.”

 Fan Xuening, “…”

Have these people been poisoned by Fan Qingyao?

  Why are everyone helping Fan Qingyao to speak!

Before being pushed onto the boat by Fan Qingyao, the eighth princess was told by Fan Qingyao to keep an eye on Fan Xuening. Now her eyes seemed to be glued to Fan Xuening's body, without even blinking.

Fan Xuening did not expect that things would turn out like this. Coupled with the eighth prince's eyes that were staring at thieves, now she could only hope in her heart that Fan Qingyao could not find the third prince. No other.

 I don’t know when, the ships coming to support also arrived.

 But Fan Qingyao’s figure never appeared on the lake.

Han Jingchen opened his eyes faintly and saw that there was no figure of Fan Qingyao around him. His voice became hoarse in desperation, "What are you looking at? Hurry down and find the Crown Princess!"

 The eighth and second princes reacted and quickly urged the servants to find the person.

 “Hurry up and find someone, hurry up!”

“If there is anything wrong with the crown princess, all three of your princes’ houses will have to be buried with her!”

Of course the boys knew the identity and weight of the Crown Princess, and they immediately wanted to jump off the boat, but at this moment a burst of water suddenly surged onto the lake.

Immediately afterwards, Fan Qingyao surfaced.

At this time, in Fan Qingyao's arms, there was Pan Yulu who had long since lost consciousness.

The moment he saw Pan Yulu, Fan Xuening's feet swayed and he almost fell into the lake.

 This rare opportunity turned out to be spoiled by Fan Qingyao.

The servants in the third prince's residence saw the crown princess and the third prince's concubine showing their heads, and hurriedly went down to help. Everyone was busy and finally pushed the two people onto the boat.

The second princess hurriedly walked over and put her coat on Fan Qingyao's shoulders. The eighth princess quickly ordered the boatman to sail the boat back, and then ordered people to prepare **** soup as soon as they landed.

Fan Qingyao looked down at the unconscious Pan Yulu and put his hand on her cold wrist. Although her pulse was a little weak, fortunately the problem was not serious.

 (End of this chapter)

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