Chapter 852: What did I eat when I grew up?

As soon as the ship docked, Pan Yulu was carried away in a hurry by the servants who had been waiting on the shore.

Although Han Jingchen woke up, he was still very weak. Yan Hanbai quickly asked a few maids to help him down and change clothes together with the Eighth Prince Concubine and Fan Qingyao.

Fan Qingyao was still a little worried about Fan Xuening. After all, compared with Fan Xuening's cruelty, Pan Yulu's methods in the past were completely inferior. But after all, Pan Yulu was from the third prince's residence, and it was not easy for her to reach out for diagnosis and treatment, so Before leaving, Yan Hanbai specially asked the doctor to keep an eye on him personally.

Yan Hanbai has always been a man of action, so he quickly asked a boy to hold his sign to invite the doctor into the house.

Fan Xuening looked at the few people in front of her, handling things in an orderly manner. There was no need to pass by her at all, and she could only follow and help bitterly.

Things have turned out like this, why is she still struggling?

 There is nothing to struggle with.

Fan Qingyao and others were arranged to a clean guest house. After the maid delivered the clothes and then left, the few people in the room truly breathed a sigh of relief.

 The Eighth Princess couldn't help but said, "I didn't expect that swimming in the lake now would be life-threatening."

Fan Qingyao looked at the eighth prince and asked softly, "What happened to your ship?"

The eighth princess thought for a while and said, "I don't know what happened. Just when the boat was sailing to the middle of the lake, a lot of water suddenly poured into the boat. We still didn't realize what happened. Then The boatman was so frightened that he jumped out of the boat. The boat was already unstable, and if it swayed like this, it would capsize."

Han Jingchen looked at Fan Qingyao and asked, "Qingyao, did you just see the boatman of our boat?"

Fan Qingyao shook his head.

  Nature is invisible.

I am afraid that Fan Xuening did something on the boat early in the morning, and then asked the boatman to capsize the boat on purpose. In this case, everything seems to be reasonable.

 As for the boatman…

Since he helped Fan Xuening do so many unspeakable things, how could he still be alive until now?

 It is estimated that not long after he fell into the lake, he was killed by someone else assigned by Fan Xuening.

Fan Qingyao will never forget that when she plunged into the water to look for Pan Yulu, she smelled the strong smell of blood.

“Have you heard that the boatman who rowed the boat for the third prince’s concubine has been found?”

“Even if we find him, what can we do? I’m afraid he will be punished by death this time.”

"What kind of capital crime is there? The man was already out of breath when he was rescued. I heard that he was trying to escape, but he accidentally got his ankle entangled in the lotus. He tried to cut the lotus with a dagger, but he hurt himself instead. The man carrying When I came up, there was no blood at all, it was so scary.”

Outside the window, the maids passing by were whispering.

Inside the room, the faces of several people who heard the sound were surprisingly ugly.

 Is there really such a coincidence in this world?

How can it be.

The eighth princess has thought about it now, and said, "I really didn't expect that a little aunt would have such vicious thoughts, and would even do such a thing for the sake of getting a higher position."

Han Jingchen said quietly, "This Aunt Fan is really becoming more and more courageous. How about the third prince and concubine?"

"It's nothing serious. I'm already weak and I fainted after choking on some water. As long as I rest quietly, there won't be any root causes of the disease." Fan Qingyao thought about what Fan Xuening had done, but he was very calm. He probably was. I was probably so disgusted that I was numb in my last life. But today's Fan Xuening has become more and more consistent with her previous life.

   Insidious and vicious, he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

"The third prince's concubine doesn't have a bad temper, why is she living like this?" The eighth prince's concubine doesn't like the third prince's concubine, but as the saying goes, one mountain is higher than the other, and one person is more evil than the other. Compared to Aunt Fan, who can be called crazy, the third prince's concubine appears to be quite innocent.

Fan Qingyao shook her head, this was something she had never been able to understand.

Han Jingchen was extremely angry, "Is it so easy to take advantage of her?"

Seeing that several people had changed their clothes, Fan Qingyao stood up and sneered, "If the third prince's concubine had not been killed, Aunt Fan's plan would have come to nothing. She didn't take any advantage, but our clothes were all It was bought with money, and if it is wasted, some interest will always be recovered.”

Han Jingchen's eyes lit up after hearing this. She liked to see Fan Qingyao's unreasonable look.

The eighth prince's concubine originally felt quite aggrieved, but when she saw Fan Qingyao say this, she suddenly became enlightened. What Fan Qingyao's methods were, she knew even without thinking about it, she was beaten by Fan Qingyao. How miserable it must be for the person Yao is targeting.

A few people left the courtyard and returned to the main courtyard. Yan Hanbai greeted them, "You're here at the right time. Let's drink the **** soup quickly."

When Fan Qingyao and others entered, Yan Hanbai thrust a bowl of **** soup into his hands.

 Several people drank the **** soup and finally recovered.

 The eighth prince's concubine asked curiously, "Where is Aunt Fan?"

Yan Hanbai really didn't want to mention Fan Xuening, so he answered quite simply and clearly, "Send it to the doctor."

Han Jingchen knew from Fan Qingyao that Pan Yulu was fine before, so he didn't ask carefully now. It happened that the second princess was curious about what happened, so she asked with wide eyes, and unknowingly, a few times The two sisters-in-law just chatted together.

Although Fan Qingyao knew that Pan Yulu was fine, he still put down the **** soup in his hand and walked into the back room while a few people were chatting.

In the room, Pan Yulu, who was also drinking **** soup, saw Fan Qingyao come in and wanted to say hello, but felt that the two people did not have such a good relationship. However, if she did not speak, she knew that Fan Qingyao saved her life. For a moment, he opened his mouth in confusion, but he couldn't say anything.

"You need to take a good rest, otherwise no one can help you." Fan Qingyao said straightforwardly, and did not feel that there was anything to hide between him and Pan Yulu.

 After all, I have been tortured so well...

Hearing this, Pan Yulu had a hint of sarcasm in her eyes, "Don't think I don't know. You want me to live well because you don't want to see Fan Xuening so arrogant."

Fan Qingyao nodded, "You are right."

 Pan Yulu, “…”

  Do you want to answer so simply?

"Fan Qingyao, it's not you who gave me charity. To put it bluntly, you're not much better than me now. It's just that you haven't reached my level yet." Pan Yulu looked at Fan Qingyao coldly. smiling.

Fan Qingyao said calmly, "If you are talking about the fact that I saved you, there is no need at all. Today we are guests at the Third Prince's Mansion. If something happens to you, although it has little to do with us, telling it will be harmful to us." Reputation still has some influence.”

Pan Yulu was really angry to death. She didn't understand what Fan Qingyao had grown up on, and how he could do it without losing a single word.

 (End of this chapter)

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