Chapter 853 Someone is coming to the palace

“If you still have the energy to get angry, it’s better to think more about how to get yourself back on your feet.”

Once upon a time, Fan Qingyao also saved Fan Xuening because of his innocent child.

Speaking of which, Fan Xuening at that time was similar to Pan Yulu now, both looking like they couldn't survive. But Fan Xuening had one thing that Pan Yulu didn't have, and that was that Fan Xuening could stand up again no matter what kind of predicament she was in. Even if you use all kinds of cruel methods.

"Fan Qingyao, I know you want me to get better and continue fighting with Fan Xuening, so that you can reap the benefits." Pan Yulu was depressed, but it did not mean that she was stupid.

"I want to keep you alive, and I really don't want to see Fan Xuening being proud, but whether you can continue to fight with Fan Xuening has nothing to do with me. You can also choose to continue living in confusion like this. This is your freedom. "Fan Qingyao said it very lightly.

Even without Pan Yulu, she had no intention of letting Fan Xuening continue walking down comfortably, so Pan Yulu was just a pebble to help rub his feet. With her, it would indeed make Fan Xuening feel more pain, but not It really has to be her.

 Pan Yulu, “…”

There is really nothing to talk about today!

Pan Yulu still doesn't like Fan Qingyao even now, but whether she likes Fan Qingyao or not, it is an obvious fact that she cannot defeat Fan Qingyao. No matter how hard she struggles or resists, she will be defeated by Fan Qingyao in the end. Qingyao's hands.

Just like now, Fan Qingyao clearly told her her purpose. Did Pan Yulu really refuse to fight because of Fan Qingyao's purpose?

  Naturally it is impossible.

Her current situation, if she continues to fight, it will be a problem for her to survive.

Pan Yulu also knew very well that as long as she fought with Fan Xuening, Fan Qingyao would be taken advantage of for no reason. This feeling of knowing that she is serving others but unable to struggle...

 It’s really terrible!

 Having said what needs to be said, Fan Qingyao naturally has no need to continue standing here.

Pan Yulu looked at Fan Qingyao's back as he left. She was so angry that her head hurt, but she would not forget that just after she opened her eyes, people around her told her that it was Fan Qingyao who saved her. fact.

 No matter what Fan Qingyao's purpose was, she owed Fan Qingyao her life.

Pan Yulu gritted her teeth and suddenly said, "Some time ago, I asked someone to pray for peace and blessings for the Crown Princess at the Huguo Temple, and I enshrined it in the main hall on the west side of the Huguo Temple. If the Crown Princess doesn't mind it, please take the time. Go and take a look, hoping to keep the Crown Princess in good health."

Fan Qingyao paused and walked out of the house without even looking back.

 Don't say that she never believed in ghosts and gods. Even if she really believed in it, she wouldn't believe that Pan Yulu would be in such a good mood to do such a thing.

Pan Yulu watched Fan Qingyao's back disappear at the door, silently curling her lips and showing a bitter smile.

She knew that Fan Qingyao would not believe it easily, which was more appropriate. If she could still fight, she would have someone destroy the thing in advance, but if she...

Fan Qingyao would think of visiting Huguo Temple sooner or later. Fan Qingyao left the house. Han Jingchen and others had almost rested. The lake had fallen and the **** soup had been drunk. Anyone who wanted to stay in the third prince's mansion to waste their time simply got up and went home.

Fan Xuening heard that everyone was about to leave, even if she didn't want to show up, she still hurried over with the servants in the house, "I didn't entertain you well today. Speaking of which, I didn't expect that the boatman was so vicious. Some days ago, I I just fined him some money, but he still harbored a grudge and was able to attack several princes and concubines. "

Everyone looked at Fan Xuening's hypocritical look and felt extremely sick in their hearts.

 Really, someone who can so blatantly blame others for what he has done, let’s not talk about scheming or anything else, is quite thick-skinned anyway.

Hearing these words, Fan Qingyao took a step forward. Unexpectedly, before she could speak, she saw a boy running over in a hurry.

“Aunt Fan, someone is coming from the palace!”

 When they heard that someone was coming to the palace, everyone was stunned.

The person who can send someone from the palace to the door of the third prince's residence, you don't need to think about it to know who it is.

Although everyone knew that the person standing at the door of the mansion could not be Concubine Yu, they still followed Fan Xuening and walked towards the door of the mansion. Even if it was not Concubine Yu, it must be someone close to Concubine Yu. And everyone present now The prince's concubine or the princess, which one can offend the emperor's favored concubine?

Sure enough, before everyone could reach the door of the mansion, they saw the figure of Grandma Ying.

Fan Xuening, who was walking at the front, quickly cheered up and walked up with a smile on her face, "I don't know what happened, but you bothered Aunt Ying to make this trip?"

Fan Xuening deliberately raised her voice a little, just to appear to have a good relationship with herself and Grandma Ying. Even though she knew in her heart that Concubine Yu disliked her, but now that there were outsiders present, she believed that Concubine Yu didn't like her even if she didn't like her. She will not help outsiders dismantle her.

Aunt Ying's eyes did fall on Fan Xuening, but she quickly looked behind her. When she saw Fan Qingyao slowly coming with everyone, she quickly walked forward a few steps and said, "What happened today?" The masters were frightened, and the imperial concubine was frightened even when she heard about it. However, it was not convenient for the imperial concubine to leave the palace, so she specially sent old slaves to visit the masters. "

Fan Qingyao was stunned when he heard these words. She did have the idea to alarm Concubine Yu, but she hadn't sent anyone into the palace yet. How come Concubine Yu knew Xin'er?

Yan Hanbai quickly bumped into Fan Qingyao with his arm and said in a low voice, "It's me, I'm the one who let people enter the palace."

Hearing this, Fan Qingyao understood that Yan Hanbai had probably guessed her intention of jumping into the lake to save people, so he sent someone to the palace in advance to spread the news. Although it was a bit unexpected, it had to be said that it was exactly what he wanted.

"Now that the third prince's concubine is ill in bed, and the third prince is not in the mansion, the third prince's mansion is now headed by an aunt, so some negligence is natural. Fortunately, there is no danger today, otherwise if a big disaster occurs, this responsibility will be Who will take care of it?”

Fan Qingyao's words directly put the current situation in the third prince's residence on the table. Fortunately, there were not many people around, otherwise everyone would know that the third prince spoiled his concubine and killed his wife?

Aunt Ying had already seen the Crown Princess's sharp tongue, but now that it fell on her, she still couldn't bear it, and her face became a little dark, "What the Crown Princess said, I don't know who framed it." Our third prince, if this were not the case, it would never be the turn of an aunt to interfere in the affairs of the third prince’s residence.”

 (End of this chapter)

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