Chapter 854: Crazy Output

Fan Qingyao smiled half-heartedly, "If it was really a frame-up, how could the third prince still stay in Dali Temple?"

Grandma Ying's heart skipped a beat, "Is the Crown Princess slandering the Third Prince?"

"I was talking about today's events, but Auntie Ying got involved with the Third Prince. I was just following Auntie Ying's words. Where did the slander come from? It's just something that even Dali Temple has not decided yet. , How could Aunt Ying be so sure that the third prince must have been framed? "

Not only did Nanny Ying know that her third prince had been framed, she also knew that the people who framed the third prince were the Crown Princess and her group. However, suspicion was just suspicion. Even Concubine Yu did not have any evidence. How could she dare to do this? Are you talking nonsense here?

  "I'm just guessing, old slave." Looking up at Fan Qingyao again, Grandma Ying's heartbeat accelerated a bit. She really couldn't take it lightly, and she was almost tricked by the Crown Princess.

Fan Qingyao smiled, "I heard that Grandma Ying is the most capable person around Concubine Yu, but I didn't expect that Grandma Ying has to take care of Concubine Yu's daily life every day, and she also has to worry about the third prince. , it’s really hard work for Grandma Ying.”

Hearing these words, Grandma Ying almost lost her breath.

This statement clearly means that she stretched her hand too long!

“It’s the old slave’s fault that the Crown Princess is worried.” Even though she was full of anger, Grandma Ying knew that she couldn’t continue to quarrel with the Crown Princess, otherwise she would be the only one who would suffer.

Fan Qingyao saw that Aunt Ying had taken the initiative to give in, so she smiled and didn't say anything more. She just stopped.

 Aunt Ying, “…”

The Crown Princess spoke sharply, but he almost held a knife to her neck. How can this be called stopping at the last word?

 That's it for the time being!

 When other people looked at this situation, they would be lying if they said they were not surprised.

That is the most trusted person around Concubine Yu. Who dares to beat someone up like a sandbag?

 But Fan Qingyao dares!

In other words, Fan Qingyao has nothing to fear. Anyway, her relationship with Concubine Yu is there. Even if she gives in to Aunt Ying in everything today, will Aunt Ying help her to say good things in front of Concubine Yu?

  Naturally it is impossible.

 So, why did she still give in?

Aunt Ying obviously came here because of the Luohu matter. No matter what her relationship with Fan Xuening was in private, she would always be partial in front of outsiders. But if Aunt Ying didn't even gain face, naturally I just wasn't in the mood to talk to Fan Xuening anymore.

Sure enough, Aunt Ying turned back to look at Fan Xuening and said, "The Imperial Concubine said that Aunt Fan has done a good job in taking care of the third prince's residence during this period, but I think it was a lot of trouble. In the future, there is no need for Aunt Fan to interfere with the affairs of the third prince's residence." , No matter what happens, someone needs to be sent to the palace to ask for the royal concubine’s wishes.”

 Fan Xuening, “…”

 Does this mean that she has been completely ignored?

She had just been grounded some time ago and now she was being ignored again. How could Fan Xuening accept it? She immediately looked at Aunt Ying and said, "What happened today was all due to my negligence. I hope Aunt Ying can help me explain it in front of Concubine Yu." two…"

If it had been just now, Aunt Ying might have really put in a few good words for Fan Xuening. After all, the third prince's concubine is useless now, and maybe Fan Xuening will really come up in the future.

But now, how could Grandma Ying still be in the same mood after Fan Qingyao's crazy attacks?

If Fan Xuening hadn't caused this mess, she wouldn't have left the palace, and she wouldn't have been slapped in the face by the princess. Now just looking at Fan Xuening's face makes her extremely upset. It would be nice not to go back and file a complaint. How could you still help Fan Xuening to speak?

Seeing that it was getting late, Grandma Ying sent everyone present to the carriage one by one. After seeing the carriages leaving one after another, Grandma Ying did not even look at Fan Xuening. Grandma immediately got on the carriage back to the palace.

 In the blink of an eye, the entrance to the third prince's residence became completely silent.

Fan Xuening was left alone, frozen in place, like a bolt from the blue. Fan Qingyao sat back on the carriage and closed his eyes to rest. All the scenes that happened today flashed through his mind. Looking at Pan Yulu's appearance now, it was enough to see that he had really been abandoned by Baili Rongze. Otherwise, no matter how courageous Fan Xuening was, she would not dare to be so arrogant in the third prince's residence.

But it is normal for husband and wife to quarrel and bicker. Even if Baili Rongze really wanted to dote on Fan Xuening, there was no need to be so decisive.

Or, did Pan Yulu touch something that Baili Rongze could not forgive?


 Suddenly, a harsh sound of gongs sounded.

Fan Qingyao opened his eyes and lifted the corner of the car curtain to look out, and saw a group of knife-wielding officers and soldiers walking towards him. All the merchants passing by these officers and soldiers were forced to close their doors, even the vendors on the street. was dispersed.

Just in the blink of an eye, the originally bustling street suddenly became quiet.

Fan Qingyao's heart jumped inexplicably when he saw this scene.

Is this a curfew?

There is indeed a curfew in the main city, but it usually happens when something happens. It is not the same every night. Otherwise, the brothels opened on Flower Street will probably cry to death. However, the curfew has always been the earliest. It was Xu Shi, but now it was only Youshi, the sky was still bright, and there was not even a single soul in sight on the street.

Just as Fan Qingyao was thinking about it, he saw several small vendors hurriedly walking towards him not far away.

“I don’t know what happened, why is there a curfew all of a sudden?”

“I heard that the curfew this time is very strict. The Yamen only gave half an hour to evacuate. If there are still people walking around in the city after half an hour, they will all be put in jail.”

"I also heard that the city gates have been closed. Now we can neither enter nor leave our main city."

Fan Qingyao frowned when he heard this, and hurriedly asked the coachman to return home. His grandfather now had no real power in his hands, but he still had the qualifications to go to court. If he wanted to know what happened now, he was afraid that The only option was to ask my grandfather.

With this in mind, Fan Qingyao got off the carriage and headed towards the main courtyard.

At this time, Tao Yuxian was talking to Hua Yaoting in the main courtyard. When he heard that Fan Qingyao was coming, he quickly let people in.

As soon as Hua Yaoting saw Fan Qingyao walking in a hurry, he already knew something in his heart, "Do you also know about the curfew?"

Fan Qingyao nodded, "Grandpa, do you know what happened?"

Hua Yaoting smiled faintly and gestured to Fan Qingyao to sit down and talk, "No need to worry, just now news came from the court that Dali Temple had caught the person who caused trouble that day, but it seems that only one person was caught. I heard that people are now He has been imprisoned in Dali Temple. I think with the speed of Dali Temple Minister, he will have been examined by now. "

Fan Qingyao thought for a while and then understood, "So the city gate is sealed because you are worried that others will take the opportunity to escape?"

Hua Yaoting felt that having a smart grandson was such a blessing. He nodded and said, "Yes, the fifteenth anniversary event has been delayed for half a year. The people are panicking. It seems like this The next imperial court is bound to eradicate the problem."

 (End of this chapter)

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