Chapter 855 Let’s fight to the death

Fan Qingyao also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what his grandfather said.

The incident on the 15th was basically Baili Rongze's own doing. If Dali Temple can really find something out of this investigation, not to mention catching all the troublemakers, even Baili Rongze will be bitten out.

Once the news comes out, no matter how partial the emperor wants to be, what will happen?

 The common people are sharp-eyed and they also hold grudges. Once the truth is known to the common people, it will be difficult for Baili Rongze to regain the support of the people.

Tao Yuxian looked at Fan Qingyao and wondered, "Why do you look so worried?"

Fan Qingyao thought that because the fifth prince's matter had not been finalized for the time being, she did not tell her grandfather, otherwise she would worry about her grandfather's temperament again. Now that she saw her grandmother asking, she was hesitating whether to tell the truth to her. As soon as he said it, he saw Grandma He suddenly entering the door.

“Master, madam, Prince Heshuo is here.”

 “Please come quickly.” Hua Yaoting thought that Prince Heshuo must also have received the news.

Prince Heshuo came very quickly. As soon as he entered the door and saw Hua Yaoting and Tao Yuxian, he was busy trying to speak. But as soon as he opened his mouth, he saw Fan Qingyao sitting next to him, and he had already opened his mouth. His mouth just closed again.

Hua Yaoting looked at Prince Heshuo who was speechless and asked, "But is there any news from Dali Temple?"

Prince Heshuo nodded, but the corner of his eye was still looking in the direction of Fan Qingyao.

Seeing Prince Heshuo nodding, Hua Yaoting subconsciously waited for Prince Heshuo to say more, but in the end, after waiting and waiting, Prince Heshuo didn't speak again.

"What on earth has been found in the trial? You should speak up!" Hua Yaoting looked at Heshuo County Prince and urged him. A military commander just goes straight in, so there is no point in saying anything. Nowadays, those who do not live or die here are anxious to death?

 Heshuo County Prince, "…"

 He also wanted to say it, but he didn’t know how to say it!

Fan Qingyao looked at Prince Heshuo and said, "Whatever my foster father wants to say, just say it."

The Prince of Heshuo County knew that Fan Qingyao must have noticed the look in his eyes just now. Although he really didn't want to say it himself, even if he didn't say it now, Fan Qingyao would get the news soon.

Thinking of this, Prince Heshuo simply gritted his teeth and said, "The person who was arrested and taken to Dali Temple to cause trouble has confessed, saying that the person who instigated this incident was His Highness the Crown Prince."

Even though Fan Qingyao was prepared and knew that things might not go as smoothly as she thought, she still stood up suddenly after hearing the words of Prince Heshuo, "Are you sure the troublemaker said it himself?"

Hua Yaoting and Tao Yuxian's hearts also skipped a beat. They never expected that things would turn out like this!

"As soon as Dali Temple found out, they quickly sent someone to deliver the news to me. I also know the person who sent the message. He is a confidant of Dali Temple Minister. This person also said that Dali Temple Minister wanted to directly send the message to me. The news was sent to the Hua family, but I was worried that there would be too many eyes in the main city, so I could only inform me temporarily." After hearing about this, King Heshuo rushed over quickly, and the shock in his eyes has not completely subsided. Woolen cloth.

"How could it be His Highness the Crown Prince?" Hua Yaoting frowned and asked, not believing that the Crown Prince could do such a thing, or that if the Crown Prince really had such insidious means, he would not have been suspected by the Emperor until now. , being kept abreast of the Third Prince.

"Since the Minister of Dali Temple sent the news, I'm afraid it won't be false." Prince Heshuo naturally believed in the prince's character, but now it's not just for them to believe it.

Fan Qingyao smiled coldly, "The Soldiers and Horses Division has been investigating for half a year but no one has been arrested. How come the troublemaker was caught as soon as the third prince was taken to Dali Temple for rigorous interrogation?"

Even if others can't understand it, it's impossible for Fan Qingyao not to understand it. Such a familiar method is basically the way people like Concubine Yu do things.

Hua Yaoting and Prince Heshuo looked at each other, and then they both looked at Fan Qingyao.

Fan Qingyao knew that the trouble had reached this point, and there was no need to hide anything anymore. He even told the fifth prince that it was the third prince who was causing trouble, and that Yunyue poisoned him to silence him.

 Hua Yaoting, “…”

 Is there still such a thing?

Prince Heshuo also belatedly raised his voice. When Fan Qingyao asked him for help some time ago, he was only concerned about Anshuang and finally pushed Wan Shanshan to the ground and rubbed him. Now he heard what Fan Qingyao said. , what else don’t you understand?

"No wonder you asked me to send people to break into the Army and Horse Department in the middle of the night. It turned out to be just to get the fifth prince out of the Army and Horse Department in an honest way."

Fan Qingyao nodded and said, "Yun Yue can poison the fifth prince once. If he poisons twice, he can poison him three or four more times. If he lets the fifth prince stay in Bingma Division, he will just watch the fifth prince die. It's just that At that time, there was no conclusive evidence to prove that it was the third prince who did it, so I discussed with the queen not to alert the enemy for the time being. "

Hua Yaoting frowned, "Later, you also did the portrait of the third prince?"

Fan Qingyao nodded and told the story of Mrs. Yuan's visit, "Even if the Minister of Dali Temple can hide one portrait, he can't hide other subsequent portraits. Since the third prince has a plan to frame the prince, "

When Hua Yaoting heard this, he finally understood, "Now that the third prince is still in Dali Temple, it will be difficult for him to do anything else. I am afraid that this matter will be done by Concubine Yu."

The King of Heshuo County said, "Fortunately, it is just one person's one-sided statement now, and the other troublemakers have not been found yet. Maybe we can eradicate the roots before the other troublemakers are sent to the Military and Horse Division."

Hua Yaoting nodded and said, "This is nothing more than a way."

Fan Qingyao listened to the discussion between his adoptive father and his grandfather. He could not say that this method would not work, but compared with Concubine Yu's vicious methods, it was a bit too conservative.

And no one knows when Concubine Yu will let other people come forward.

Or, in other words, will Concubine Yu release others?

If there really is no more movement from Concubine Yu, should we just let the man in Dali Temple now slander Baili Fengming with his red mouth and white teeth?

Fan Qingyao's hand holding the handkerchief in her sleeve was constantly tightening. In the previous life, she might still be hesitant, but in this life, she no longer has any scruples.

Since Concubine Yu doesn't want to do anything wrong, let's just fight to the death.

 I don’t know whether the fish will die by then, but the net will definitely be broken.

Seeing that his grandfather and adoptive father had already begun to discuss the deployment, Fan Qingyao stood up and walked out of the house in silence.

 “Xiao Qingyao!” Tao Yuxian’s voice suddenly sounded from behind.

 (End of this chapter)

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