Chapter 860 How is your son doing?

 Aunt Ying, “…”

 It is really helpless.

 After the Empress Queen entered the door, she led people directly towards the palace. Her words were almost worn out, and she was completely useless. If anyone else, Aunt Ying might have been stronger, but the Queen Empress...

How dare she?

While Concubine Yu was having a lawsuit with Aunt Ying, Queen Zhen Xi had already walked up to the emperor and said, "I send my regards to the emperor."

Emperor Yongchang frowned and asked, "Why is the Queen here?"

Empress Zhen Xi said with a worried look on her face, "I was awakened. After careful inquiry, I found out that it was coming from Yueyu Palace. I was worried about the emperor, so I thought of coming over to have a look. Now that I see that the emperor is safe, I The palace is relieved."

As Queen Zhen Xi spoke, she really meant to turn around and leave.

"You're already here, why don't you come sit with me." Emperor Yongchang looked at the queen's back and said, the queen was quite obedient and sensible during this period, and the queen's coming over in the middle of the night was also a reflection of her thoughts for him. , if he just lets people go like this, he will inevitably be suspected of spoiling his concubine and destroying his wife.

“It’s all my concubines’ fault for disturbing the Emperor.” Empress Zhen Xi said this, but when her words fell, everyone was already sitting next to the Emperor.

Concubine Yu looked at this scene with stars in her eyes.

The queen, this shameless bitch, dares to seduce the emperor in public!

"The queen came at the right time. The minister of Dali Temple just reported that the thief who insisted that the prince was the chief envoy of the Fifteenth had just hanged himself from a beam in Dali Temple. What does the queen think of this?" Emperor Yongchang picked up the tea cup and seemed to be casually talking. Asking.

 Empress Zhen Xi was obviously stunned, and then looked at the Minister of Dali Temple, "Is this really true?"

The Minister of Dali Temple nodded quickly, "What the Queen said is absolutely true."

 “This, how can this be good...”

As soon as these simple words were spoken, Queen Zhen Xi’s tears fell.

Turning her head, Empress Zhen Xi looked at the Emperor and said, "I originally thought that as long as the person is still here, as long as the prince is interrogated carefully, he will always be able to clear the prince's innocence, but I didn't expect that the person would die as soon as he said so. , the prince can no longer explain clearly?"

Emperor Yongchang was stunned, as if he did not expect that what the Queen said was completely opposite to what he thought.

It is true that people are dead, but precisely because of this, there is no evidence of death.

 So it’s not that the prince can’t tell clearly, but that no one can prove that the prince is the envoy.

Seeing the queen's anxious look, Emperor Yongchang thought for a long time and felt that the queen's reaction was reasonable. Even if she is the mother of a country, she is just a woman locked in the harem. How do you know other things?

 Looking back at the prince…

Since he was a child, he has been ignored by the people in the palace because of his neglect. To put it bluntly, the prince actually grew up with the queen, and many things and etiquette were taught by the emperor himself.

And if the queen is so brainless, how can the prince have so much thought?

 In the final analysis, the prince is still the one in his palm.

With this thought in mind, Emperor Yongchang gave up the idea of ​​pursuing the matter and said, "Please give the minister of Dali Temple a seat."

Hearing this, the Minister of Dali Temple and Queen Zhen Xi breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of their hearts. There are some things that do not need to be explained by the Emperor, and can only be observed from the Emperor's attitude.

"The Empress came uninvited in the middle of the night. I'm afraid she didn't hear something in advance. Otherwise, it was such a coincidence that the Dali Temple Minister had just arrived, and before he had even said a few words, the Empress followed him." Concubine Yu hummed unhurriedly.

Queen Zhen Xi was not in a hurry, "Concubine Yu has doted on Dai Sixth Palace since she entered the palace. She doesn't understand how others have been waiting for the emperor. If Concubine Yu doesn't believe it, you can send someone to the other palaces now to have a look." , let’s see how many people can really sleep peacefully.”    You can say that I doubt you uninvited.

 I can tell you that you are selfish and seeking favors.


 Hurting each other.

 Let’s see who stabs whom with the knife and it hurts more.

Concubine Yu squeezed the handkerchief tightly, even though her heart was burning with anger, she had a pitiful expression on her face, "I know that the Queen is accusing me of not knowing the rules, but I know that I don't understand the rules. The Queen cannot interfere in government affairs just for this reason.”

"What Concubine Yu said, I don't know what happened, so I rushed over to have a look. If it is true, Concubine Yu met the Minister of Dali Temple before me." Queen Zhenxi It was the same as if I was wronged, I was innocent, and I just happened to bump into him.

If the concubine was still furious just now, now she is so angry that it reaches her hair!

 Looking at this situation, the Minister of Dali Temple wished he could dig a hole and disappear on the spot.

Emperor Yongchang did not stop the queen and Concubine Yu from going back and forth. He waited until the two of them stopped talking, then looked at the Dali Temple minister and said, "Let's just close the case and declare it to the outside world. It's just a misunderstanding." Don’t let the people be worried anymore.”

"I obey the order." The minister of Dali Temple accepted the order and left without looking back.

Just as the minister of Dali Temple left, Emperor Yongchang said to Bai Tu again, "Pass on my oral instructions and ask the prince to return to the main city quickly for review."

Empress Zhen Xi's heart skipped a beat. Although the matter of the portrait has not yet been found out, and since the third prince is still under investigation, it is understandable that the emperor would ask the prince to come back and undergo the same investigation at this time. However, the emperor will not issue an edict sooner or later. , but giving the decree at this time always gives people an illusion...

 There is an illusion that the emperor is favoring the third prince.

 After all, if the third prince is under investigation alone, he will be criticized by everyone.

  But if there is another prince, it will obviously share the suspicion of the third prince.

 Empress Zhen Xi knew that the emperor had always been partial, but she did not expect that he had become so partial.

In order to make the third prince feel better, he even sent the prince to Dali Temple together!

Emperor Yongchang lost his mood after being so tormented, so he stayed in Yueyue Palace for a while and then left.

As soon as the emperor left, Queen Zhenxi naturally had no need to stay here anymore, and she had to go out with her people.

“Congratulations to the Queen, you will be reunited with the Prince soon.” Concubine Yu suddenly said with a smile.

 Empress Zhenxi stopped and turned back, looking at Concubine Yu with a smile on her face behind her. When did a dog spit out ivory from its mouth?

Concubine Yu paused and said, "It's just a pity that the prince has to go to Dali Temple to report before he reunites with the Queen. After careful calculation, since the founding of Xiliang, the prince was the first one to be sent to Dali Temple. Where is the crown prince?"

 Queen Zhenxi, “…”

Sure enough, what comes out of a dog’s mouth is only dog ​​talk.

"The Crown Prince went to Dali Temple in the early days. I was a little worried at first, but after Concubine Yu said this, I remembered that the third prince happened to be in Dali Temple as well. This way, I feel relieved. Compared to the other princes, the third prince is already very familiar with things."

 Before you laugh at my son, first see what kind of character your son is.

They are all going to report at Dali Temple, who is more senior than whom?

 (End of this chapter)

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