Chapter 861 The surprise given by the Yu family

Concubine Yu looked at Queen Zhen Xi's leaving figure, her heart ached with anger, and she didn't know why she was so proud.

Seeing this, Aunt Ying quickly asked in a low voice, "Do you need me to ask Princess Yunyue to come over?"

Concubine Yu shook her head, "Forget it."

 It’s not that she wants to forget it, it’s just that she can’t.

Her original plan was to bribe a few people and send them to Dali Temple one after another, so that when everyone identified the prince, the prince would no longer be able to explain clearly.

But now that the first person sent to Dali Temple is dead, I am afraid that the news will spread out soon, and by then I am afraid that no matter how attractive the conditions she offers, she will no longer be willing to jump into Dali Temple.

  If you have a life to earn money but no life to spend it, no matter how much you are given, no one would dare to accept it.

Even if someone really risked his life, Concubine Yu couldn't continue sending people inside at this time. One person just died in the front, and someone else was taken into Dali Temple later to continue to identify the prince. Dali Temple is not a fool, how could he not see it? The clue?

 So what happened tonight completely disrupted Concubine Yu’s original plan.

 After Empress Zhenxi left Yueyue Palace, she asked someone to send the results of the matter out of the palace overnight.

Soon Hua Yaoting and Prince Heshuo got the news. Although the prince had to return to the main city to be examined by Dali Temple, the result was much better than they expected in advance.

But Fan Qingyao, who also learned the news, was a little surprised. He did not expect that the emperor would still let Baili Fengming return to the main city to be interrogated by Dali Temple.

From this point of view, the emperor is indeed partial to Baili Rongze.

And it’s also outrageously biased.

Fan Qingyao was not present at the scene, and did not know what the emperor's expression was at that time, but according to the person sent by the Queen to deliver the message, the emperor first asked Dali Temple to finish the matter, and then asked Baili Fengming to finish the matter. After going back to the main city to investigate, it seems that she seems to be trying to please Concubine Yu.

 Could it be that the emperor really can’t figure out who all this is related to?

 I’m afraid that may not be the case.

That's why the Emperor asked the Minister of Dali Temple to finish the matter, because he knew from the beginning that Baili Fengming was innocent, and afterwards he allowed Baili Fengming to return to the main city. It means that the imperial concubine slaps a sweet date.

The Minister of Dali Temple worked very quickly. As soon as it dawned, the results of Dali Temple's review were posted on the notice in the main city. The common people who had scolded the prince all night looked at the notice and finally closed their eyes. Mouth.

By noon the next day, the news that the prince had returned to the city was spread back to the main city.

In Fengyi Palace, Queen Zhen Xi was planning that she would be able to see her son at noon tomorrow at the latest, and saw Fan Qingyao entering the door under Lily's guidance.

“Come quickly and sit next to me.” Empress Zhen Xi smiled and waved.

“My daughter-in-law wishes my mother well.” Fan Qingyao knew that the Queen felt sorry for her, but he still bowed to the Queen in a polite manner before sitting on the other side of the Arhat bed.

Queen Zhen Xi looked at Fan Qingyao's well-behaved and sensible look and said with a smile, "If the child of you and Feng Ming can follow your character, I will be willing to be a vegetarian for the rest of my life."

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 Why did Hao Duanduan suddenly talk about this?

Empress Zhen Xi looked at Fan Qingyao's quietly blushing face and knew that the child was shy, so she stopped teasing her, "Although Feng Ming will go to Dali Temple to report like the third child when he comes back, I always feel that Feng Ming is going to Dali Temple to report. Ming took the opportunity to escape by returning to the main city."

Fan Qingyao nodded and said, "The Queen Mother is right. No matter how diligent the prince is in investigating the case in the two cities, what the people see is only the result and not the process."

To put it bluntly, the more Baili Fengming delays in the two cities, the more detrimental it will be to him. It would be great if the truth could really be traced, but I am afraid that the truth will never be traced. If people with intentions continue to spread rumors and stir up trouble to incite people's hearts, Baili Fengming will naturally be greatly undermined in the hearts of the people.

"Does the Queen know that after the prince returns, who will continue to investigate the affairs of the two cities?" Fan Qingyao hopes that Baili Fengming can come back wisely and safely, but she is also worried about the situation of the two cities. After all, everything has been lost. They are children. They have just come to this world and have not yet fully seen the beauty of this world.

 “He belongs to the third prince.” Empress Zhen Xi did not mention her official position, and one sentence was enough to cover it.

Fan Qingyao frowned slightly. The missing children in the two cities are the most troublesome nowadays. If the emperor really wanted to favor the third prince, how could he choose someone from the third prince to take over the two cities?

Isn't the emperor afraid that if things go wrong, he will cause hatred to the third prince?

Or rather, the emperor simply wanted to take the opportunity to warn the third prince. After all, Concubine Yu had been a little too active recently.

“The older the emperor gets, the more he thinks. Now even I can’t guess what the emperor is thinking.” Empress Zhenxi sighed.

Fan Qingyao was about to say something when suddenly Lily came in and said, "Queen, Concubine Yu has arrived."

Queen Zhen Xi and Fan Qingyao looked at each other silently after hearing this.

Although Fan Qingyao didn't know what Concubine Yu was doing in Fengyi Palace at this time, but thinking about Concubine Yu's defeat at the hands of the Queen yesterday, she had better stay away now, otherwise if Baili Fengming comes back, And if Imperial Concubine Yu catches her making a fuss about something, the gain outweighs the loss.

With this in mind, Fan Qingyao stood up and left first.

Empress Zhen Xi knew that Fan Qingyao had always been a sensible person, so she did not try to keep him. At this time, it was really better to have more things to do than less things, so she sent Fan Qingyao out through the back door of Fengyi Palace.

Unexpectedly, just when Fan Qingyao left Fengyi Palace, he suddenly saw a palace man coming in a hurry.

Fan Qingyao thought about it carefully and remembered that he had seen this person before when he went to the imperial palace. Then he saw that the person was running towards Fengyi Palace, so he stopped him in advance.

"But what happened?" When Fan Qingyao asked, he quietly put a purse into the palace man's hand.

The palace servant weighed the weight before putting it into his sleeve. He looked at Fan Qingyao and lowered his voice, "The Crown Princess didn't know something. She just received news from the emperor that the Crown Prince encountered a landslide on the way back to the city. Shaoxuan The young master is seriously injured!"

What? !

 “Do you know how the prince is doing?”

"I don't know. The news came very suddenly. I heard that the letter was still stained with blood..." After the palace man finished speaking, he did not dare to delay and hurriedly ran towards Fengyi Palace again.

Fan Qingyao's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly turned around and walked in the direction of Fengyi Palace.

The palace attendants ran much faster than Fan Qingyao. By the time Fan Qingyao returned to Fengyi Palace, Queen Zhenxi had already heard about the prince's distress.

Concubine Yu was a little surprised when she heard the news, but she soon calmed down again.

Early this morning, she received a letter from someone from the Yu family, saying that she was asked to come to Fengyi Palace to wait for a surprise, otherwise Concubine Yu would not be sitting here looking at the Queen's face.

 Unexpectedly, this is the surprise that the Yu family was talking about?

Although the palace attendant who came to report did not say anything about the prince, looking at the emperor's anxious face, Concubine Yu was still very comfortable.

 (End of this chapter)

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