The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 862: Do you really think she, Fan Qingyao, is easy to bully?

Chapter 862 Do you really think she, Fan Qingyao, is easy to bully?

Queen Zhen Xi was only worried about the prince, and naturally did not see the gloating in Concubine Yu's eyes. But the problem now is that the palace people did not say anything about the prince. Even if she found the matter in front of the emperor, she would not be able to persuade the emperor to send someone to deal with the prince. of.


Even though there is no evidence to prove that the prince is the instigator of the troubles on the 15th, the prince returns to the main city this time to go to Dali Temple for investigation. If someone is sent to deal with the prince at this time, I am afraid it will arouse the resentment of the people.

Empress Zhen Xi pinched the handkerchief in her hand. Of course she knew that no matter how worried she was, she could never let anyone come to help the prince at this time. She was so desperate that Concubine Yu had to say it out for fear that the world would not be in chaos. , "According to my concubine, it's better for the Queen to stay calm and calm. The palace officials didn't say anything about the Prince. It would be inappropriate for the Queen to go into a big fight at this time, right?"

 Queen Zhenxi, “…”

If she hadn't been worried about her son's comfort and had no time to talk to Concubine Yu, she would have sewn that mouth shut herself!

Fan Qingyao, who stood at the door and saw everything, also understood the reason why Queen Zhenxi stood still, but she also saw Concubine Yu's gloating in her misfortune.

Now that the Queen has made up her mind on this matter, Fan Qingyao also knows that she can't solve any problems if she comes forward. He turns around and leaves again, thinking that he can only let Langya go this time. Who would have thought that as soon as she walked in, he would see Prince Heshuo also hurriedly got off the carriage.

Seeing Fan Qingyao, Prince Heshuo lowered his voice and asked, "Have you heard that the prince is in danger?"

Fan Qingyao asked in confusion, "How did the adoptive father find out?"

"It's a coincidence. When I went out to do errands today, I happened to pass by a teahouse in the west of the city. Seeing that there was only one shop nearby, I thought I would go in and have a rest. Unexpectedly, I heard someone in the shop saying that the prince was in danger. I thought that It’s a rumor, but I didn’t expect that the prince would actually be in danger if I asked someone to come into the palace to inquire about it!”

Fan Qingyao nodded and said, "I have just learned the news and am planning to send someone out of the city to meet the prince."

Prince Heshuo frowned, "I'm afraid it's inappropriate."

There is still a long distance between the main city and the two cities. The most important problem is that there are many different branches, large and small. Unless people are sent to meet each road, otherwise it will be in vain.

 After all, no one knows which path the prince is taking.

 So unless someone is sent by the imperial court, it is simply a waste of time.

"Don't be too anxious. I'll discuss it with your grandfather first. Since we can't meet the prince, we always have to make complete preparations in advance." Prince Heshuo comforted him while walking towards the main courtyard. Go.

Who would have thought that such a thing would happen before the prince returned to the main city. Now the fifth prince is still in a coma. If something happens to the prince, there will be chaos in the court again.

Fan Qingyao watched his adoptive father leave, and the plan he had planned in his heart was completely disrupted.

However, Fan Qingyao also knew that his adoptive father was right. It was simply risky to send one or two people out alone to rescue Baili Fengming. Moreover, Baili Fengming's distress this time was also quite suspicious. If it was really man-made, in this case It is indeed too risky to send Lang Ya and Ning Tian out when we know how many people are on the other side and how prepared they are.


Fan Qingyao seemed to suddenly think of something, and immediately turned back to his yard and called Ningtian over, "Go to the teahouses near the west of the city and find a teahouse with only one shop, and then carefully inquire about the news about that shop. , be sure to check carefully.”

Ningtian nodded, turned around and left.

Fan Qingyao always felt that the gloating in Concubine Yu's eyes when she was in Fengyi Palace seemed to be hiding something, but she didn't care at that time, just thinking that Concubine Yu couldn't control the secret joy in her heart after hearing the news.

 But her adoptive father’s words reminded her.

Even the adoptive father wanted to go to the palace to seek confirmation that Baili Fengming was in danger. How could a small shop in the main city know the news?

Think again of Concubine Yu’s expression at that time...

Fan Qingyao actually already had the answer in his heart.

So when Ningtian came back and told Fan Qingyao that the shop belonged to the Yu family, Fan Qingyao was not surprised at all.

 Is it really the Yu family? "That shop belongs to the Yu family. I heard that it has been under the control of the Yu family for decades. Later, after the eldest lady of the Yu family married into the Yu family, the old lady of the Yu family handed over the shop to the Yu family. The eldest lady takes care of it and sells some tea and tea sets. I heard that the business of the shop is not very good, and no customers have come to the door for several days. "

 The eldest lady of the Yu family.

Hearing Ningtian's words, Fan Qingyao felt his anger rising.

The eldest wife of the Yu family was unwilling to lose her son, but she did not dare to confront the old lady of the Yu family, so she thought of Concubine Yu in the palace. How could Concubine Yu help her for no reason?

 Unless she can do something to make Concubine Yu happy.

Before returning to the city, Baili Fengming would definitely write a letter to inform the emperor about her itinerary. After all, this was not an important matter. Considering Concubine Yu’s status in the emperor’s heart, it would not be difficult to find out.

Concubine Yu knew it, and the eldest lady of the Yu family naturally also knew it.

Fan Qingyao originally thought that Mrs. Yu's family would quit after learning the lesson from the last incident, but unexpectedly, she started to make ideas that she shouldn't have. She really didn't know the heights of the world.

For his own little calculation, he actually decided to target Baili Fengming?

 She really thinks that Fan Qingyao is just a decoration!

Fan Qingyao looked at Ning Tian and said, "Let's go find out what other shops there are under Mrs. Yu's house. I want to know everything."

The Yu family has quite a few shops in the main city, but they are all gathered near the west of the city. Ningtian checked them out one by one, and it was already afternoon when he came back again.

Fan Qingyao looked at the list in his hand and called Langya over again, "I'd like to thank you two for a trip tonight. Every one of the Yu family's shops will be burned or soaked with water. No one will be left alive." !”

 If you want to climb high, you have to pay the price.

Didn’t Mrs. Yu family want to have a relationship with Concubine Yu?

Then she will let the eldest lady of the Yu family see whether she can reach such a high branch as Concubine Yu!

Langya and Ningtian had no objections to Fan Qingyao's instructions. However, after the two of them left the door, Nanny Xu felt uneasy and said, "Little miss, this is unethical."

"Whoever uses the method, since Madam Yu likes to hide in the dark and do shameful things, I will treat her in the same way as she does."

 Talking to villains about being a gentleman is just a waste of time.

 If you want to make the person who deserves pain feel pain, you have to use the right method.

Mother Xu was still a little worried, "But if someone finds out, what will the young lady do?"

“The eldest lady of the Yu family doesn’t have that ability yet.” Fan Qingyao said calmly.

Even if the Yu family's shop is given to the Yu family's eldest lady, the Yu family's old lady is still in charge. This can be seen from the Yu family's old lady's ability to successfully remove the child from the Yu family's eldest lady's side. .

The eldest lady of the Yu family has a guilty conscience. Once there is a problem in the shop, she will not dare to ask the old lady for help. Naturally, she will think of Concubine Yu first.

  Will Concubine Keyu really help?


Fan Qingyao has been mother-in-law and daughter-in-law with Concubine Yu for a lifetime, so how can he not understand Concubine Yu's unkindness and unrighteousness.

 (End of this chapter)

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