Chapter 864 is finally back

Fan Qingyao took the handkerchief and opened it gently. There were some medicinal materials wrapped inside?

Shouwu, Panax notoginseng, Astragalus, Ganoderma lucidum, Ginkgo biloba…

These medicinal materials don't seem to be anything special. They are common medicinal materials in the main city. They are basically used to strengthen bones and muscles, soothe the nerves and help sleep.

But if Fan Qingyao remembers correctly, the shops under the Yu family all sell tea, tea sets and the like. Normally, no medicinal materials are added to tea.

Looking at the young lady with a frown on her face, Grandma He thought that she had delayed things. How dare she continue to delay the young lady here to think about things? She hurriedly followed the young lady's instructions and took people to buy lotus leaf chicken.

Not long after Aunt He left, a tall figure gracefully landed in Fan Qingyao's yard.

The man approached the house where Fan Qingyao was staying step by step. Because it was the middle of summer, the doors were wide open and only covered with a curtain. So when the man raised his hand and lifted the curtain, he saw the person sitting there. Fan Qingyao in front of the writing desk.

Under the candlelight, Fan Qingyao was holding the medicinal materials in his handkerchief and was thinking about something. His fair face was soft and bright by the candlelight. His black hair was pinned loosely behind his head with a silver hairpin. He was dressed in light blue. The colorful long skirt makes the already delicate facial features even more delicate and moving.

Fan Qingyao could feel someone looking at her, but she just thought it was Aunt He and said softly, "Aunt He doesn't need to blame herself, it's just some ordinary medicinal materials. Ningtian just gave the medicinal materials to Aunt He. Did you say anything else when you were pregnant?”


 “Aunt He?”


Fan Qingyao, who called several times without getting any response, raised his head in surprise and unexpectedly saw the tall figure leaning against the door.

 He stood there quietly, and when he saw his presence finally in her eyes, he smiled faintly.

When Fan Qingyao saw the person coming, she didn't know whether she was excited or surprised. She stood up immediately. After a while, she walked towards him.

 Step by step, slowly but surely.

The cool breeze blew through the door, making the hem of his white robe move.

Fan Qingyao waited until he stood still in front of him before softly saying, "Come back?"

 “Well, I’m back.”

  A simple answer, but it seems to contain a thousand words that cannot be said.

As he finished speaking, Baili Fengming stretched out his long arms and hugged Fan Qingyao in front of him.

Smelling the familiar scent, Fan Qingyao slowly closed his eyes and leaned on his steadily beating heart, feeling an indescribable peace in his heart.

"When did you come back?" Fan Qingyao didn't know how long it took before he spoke again.

Baili Fengming said calmly, "I just came back. Shaoxuan and others are still outside. They will wait until early tomorrow morning before returning to the palace."

When mentioning Shaoxuan, Fan Qingyao seemed to have thought of something. He quickly opened his eyes and broke away from the embrace in front of him. He pulled the person in and looked at him carefully by the candlelight.

 Baili Fengming didn't struggle at all. He just acted as Fan Qingyao manipulated him. He seemed to be obedient and cooperative, and his good temper left people speechless.

Fan Qingyao looked over Baili Fengming carefully. He was worried even if there was no sign of trauma. He checked Baili Fengming's pulse again and breathed a sigh of relief, "You're not injured." That's good. How about Shaoxuan? Is the injury serious? "Shaoxuan's injury is not bad, but some skin is broken."

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

Don’t fool me by thinking I can’t see.

Baili Fengming met Fan Qingyao's suspicious eyes, smiled, and pulled her to sit on the Arhat bed, "What the Yu family wants is to use this incident to please Concubine Yu, so as long as I release the news, If someone is injured, the Yu family will naturally inform Concubine Yu about the matter."

“Have you found out that the Yu family did it?”

"It's not that they have found it. It's just that compared to those around Brother Sanhuang, the Yu family is too careless and careless in doing things. They use brute force to create mountain landslides. If Shaoxuan and Lin Yi still listen to such a big movement If you don’t see them, the two of them are really worse than trash.”

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 You look down upon the Yu family so much. Do the Yu family know?

However, listening to Baili Fengming's words, Fan Qingyao gradually understood the meaning, "You don't just want to make the Yu family take it lightly, right?"

Baili Fengming picked up the teacup in front of Fan Qingyao, and drank it without hesitation. After putting down the teacup, he said again, "This time I was summoned back to the main city by my father. It's just that my father is summoning me to the main city." In order to share the curses and suspicions of the people on the Third Emperor Brother, I cannot resist Father’s will, but it does not mean that I must help share it when I return to the main city. "

 There is a difference between being examined by one person and being examined by two people together.

Now that the people are all staring at this matter, no matter how much the emperor favors Baili Rongze, he still can't drag him out openly, so he takes the opportunity to call Baili Fengming back, just for this reason. Some people's attention shifted from Baili Rongze to Baili Fengming.

Fan Qingyao knew that with Baili Fengming's foxy character, it was absolutely impossible for him to serve as the emperor's tool obediently, but he didn't expect that Baili Fengming would simply take over the Yu family's affairs and follow the trend. As long as Baili Fengming was in danger, If it comes back, it will be a narrow escape.

People's hearts are partial to the weak. Before there is any evidence that Baili Fengming is the culprit, the people will naturally subconsciously feel that if the prince does not come back, these things will not happen. Why did the prince suddenly come back? What caused the commotion about the third prince?

Fan Qingyao looked at the handsome face next to him and really admired him.

   Baili Fengming’s sales this time were spot on.

To put it bluntly, let alone Baili Rongze trying to attract hatred with the help of Baili Fengming, it would be nice if Baili Rongze did not attract hatred for himself because of this incident.

"I have indeed found out some clues about missing children in the two cities." Baili Fengming looked at Fan Qingyao and said.

Fan Qingyao raised his eyebrows, "Do you know whether those children are alive or dead?"

Baili Fengming looked at Fan Qingyao but didn't answer.

Fan Qingyao had just ignited hope, but he fell to the bottom in an instant.

 There is no answer, does that mean...

"There is no definite conclusion on this matter yet, so it's not convenient for me to tell you in detail now. Can you give me some more time and let you know when I have reliable evidence?" It's not that Baili Fengming doesn't want to say it, but I didn't want to scare her so early.

 In other words, even he doesn't know how to face the things he found out now.

 If the facts are really as he found out...

 Xiliang is afraid that it will be completely overturned!

 (End of this chapter)

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