Chapter 865: Sleep with me for a while

Fan Qingyao could see Baili Fengming's unspeakable secret, so he nodded and stopped asking.

Baili Fengming looked at her rare obedience, grabbed her hand and put it in his palm.

 Under the candlelight, the delicate bracelet on the wrist is very dazzling.

"When I first found it, it looked a bit too big, so I adjusted the length myself. I originally thought that if you felt it didn't fit, I would adjust it a little or two when you came back, but it turned out to be just right." Baili Feng Ming lowered his eyes and looked at the bracelet on Fan Qingyao's wrist. The beads that shone brightly under the candlelight were reflected in those dark eyes, adding a brilliance like starlight to his eyes.

After mentioning this, Fan Qingyao also remembered, "Is this bracelet really for safety?"

 Baili Fengming raised his eyebrows in surprise, "You know?"

Fan Qingyao shook his head and recounted the gathering with Han Jingchen and others that day, "When did you become so superstitious?"

Baili Fengming smiled faintly, "Maybe I've always been superstitious."

 “Superstition is the most unrealistic thing.”

“But as long as it makes people feel at ease, it’s good to be a little superstitious.”

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

As a dignified prince, how do you consciously say these things about ghosts and gods?

In the yard, Grandma He was taking the lotus leaf chicken bought by the concierge into the yard. She was thinking of asking the young lady if she wanted to eat some while it was hot, but she didn't expect that before she even got to the door, she heard someone in the house. There was a conversation coming from inside, and then I quietly looked inside along the door curtain...

 Mother He was so shocked that she almost threw the lotus leaf chicken in her hand.

Although she didn't know how the Crown Prince came in, looking at the smile on the young lady's face, Aunt He quickly turned around and left quietly, not forgetting to send away the other servants in the yard. go out.

I was following Chiwu, who was walking in the snow in the yard, when I saw Grandma He walking this way and that way. In the blink of an eye, there was not even a single figure in the yard. Out of sight.

Seeing this, Ninghan smiled and touched Chiwu's big head, "Let's go, I will take you to eat something delicious."

During this period of time, Chiwu was running back and forth to deliver letters, and he had obviously lost a lot of weight. Compared with Ta Xue, who only knew how to eat, sleep and enjoy life, he was as thin as a flash of lightning. Just looking at it made Ninghan feel extremely distressed.

In the room, Fan Qingyao chatted with Baili Fengming for a few more words, but again got no reply. Looking sideways, he saw Baili Fengming leaning on the Arhat bed, holding a wooden tea in his hand. He fell asleep with his face propped up.

 Such a hundred-mile phoenix is ​​rare.

Fan Qingyao knew that Baili Fengming looked good-tempered, but in fact he was the most suspicious. Perhaps it had something to do with his living environment when he was a child, and he kept an indifferent and distant distance from everyone. .

 To be able to sleep so unpreparedly now shows that he really has no wariness against Fan Qingyao.

The cool breeze blew into the house along the window lattice, gently ruffling his dark hair tied high on the back of his head.

  swinging. Fan Qingyao looked at his lightly green eyelids and knew that he probably hadn't had a good night's sleep in the two cities during this period. Seeing that he was still young, he couldn't bear to wake him up and looked for him. The cloak he usually wore tiptoed to his side, shook it off and gently covered him.

Who would have thought that such a gentle and almost silent movement would instantly wake Baili Fengming up.

 Baili Fengming opened his eyes, his eyes were cold and alert that Fan Qingyao had never seen before, and there was no sleepiness that a normal person should have.

If Fan Qingyao didn't know medical skills and could clearly distinguish the characteristics of a sleeping person, he would have thought that Baili Fengming was pretending to sleep just now.

How insecure do you have to be to be so vigilant?

But just for a moment, the coldness in Baili Fengming's eyes disappeared, leaving only the familiar gentle look of Fan Qingyao. Seeing Fan Qingyao holding the cloak in his hand that he hadn't had time to loosen, Baili Fengming Ming suddenly curled his lips and directly lifted Fan Qingyao up to his side.

 “Come sleep with me.” After carefully placing the person beside him, Baili Fengming hugged the person in his arms and closed his eyes again.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

You are playing a gangster so openly, Your Highness, do you still want to show your face?

But feeling Baili Fengming's heavy breathing again, Fan Qingyao couldn't bear to push him away, so she stayed by his side silently, feeling the warmth transmitted from his body to hers.

Unknowingly, Fan Qingyao also fell asleep in a daze.

When he regained consciousness again, Fan Qingyao suddenly opened his eyes and saw Baili Fengming's handsome face.

"wake up?"

Fan Qingyao nodded, "What time is it?"

"It's just past midnight." Baili Fengming touched her cheek, which was slightly hot from sleeping, and he felt so good that he couldn't bear to leave.

Fan Qingyao thought there was still some time, so he got up and asked someone to go to the kitchen to make some food. In the morning, Baili Fengming had to go to the palace and then to Dali Temple. He didn't know when he would be able to eat.

Unexpectedly, Fan Qingyao called out several times, but did not hear Ninghan's answer. When he walked out, he saw that even Chiwu and Taxue were gone in the empty yard, let alone other people.

In desperation, Fan Qingyao could only take Baili Fengming to the small kitchen in the yard. Fortunately, Fan Qingyao often turned on a small stove for the people in the yard. Now there is no shortage of firewood, rice, oil and salt in the kitchen, and there are also some seasonal items. vegetables.

Fan Qingyao didn't want to waste Baili Fengming's time, so he simply rolled up his sleeves and boiled water in a pot. After the water boiled, he cut the kneaded noodles into strips and put them into the pot. While the noodles were cooking, he picked them again. Started green vegetables.

Baili Fengming didn't say anything to stop him, but when Fan Qingyao was busy, he was silently doing it. He washed the vegetables when Fan Qingyao picked them, and he went to cook the noodles when Fan Qingyao was picking them. Looking for bowls and chopsticks.

They are obviously two people of noble birth, but there is no ambiguity in doing these things. On the contrary, they have a tacit understanding. It can be seen that they have endured hardships since childhood.

 One is the unpopular prince, and the other is the eldest lady who was kicked out of the house since she was a child...

Even if the memory of that time has become the past, the things that have been engraved in the bones since childhood will never be erased. It is also true that both Baili Fengming and Fan Qingyao know how to cherish it. and gratitude.

It was just a bowl of clear soup noodles, but Baili Fengming could eat it and ate it happily. Fan Qingyao looked at him and couldn't help but smile, and then smiled again.

 (End of this chapter)

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