Chapter 873: Sick of anger

The second prince originally felt that Liao Yuwei was too strong, but since his adopted concubine couldn't say much, he finally caught the Liao family's tail and went to the second prince's concubine's yard that night.

“Your Highness, Aunt Liao said she is not feeling well and would like you to come over and take a look.”

 In the middle of the night, the maid from Liao Yuwei Courtyard stood at the door and kept knocking on the door.

The second princess had no choice but to get up, put on her clothes, walked out of the door and said, took her sign and handed it to the maid, "Your Highness went to bed early, please quickly go outside and ask a doctor to come back and show it to Aunt Liao." look."

The maid looked at the sign in her hand. It didn’t matter whether she left or not.

The second princess frowned, "Why, do you want to make Aunt Liao's condition worse?"

As a maid, she naturally didn't dare to bear the burden, so she hurriedly walked out of the yard with the sign.

In the room, the second prince, who was not sleepy, did not expect that because of his indecisiveness, even his servants dared to disobey the second prince and his concubine.

Just seeing the second prince's concubine enter the door, the second prince said helplessly, "I've made you feel wronged. Aunt Liao has such a flamboyant temper. You just need to be more patient with her."

"I am the concubine and should not worry Your Highness. It is all my concubine's fault." Hearing these words, the second prince's face looked filled with gratitude, but her heart felt cold.

 In the final analysis, the temper of the second prince is still too weak. One side is the mother concubine and the other is the adopted concubine. It is difficult to distinguish which is heavier and which is lighter. But can't you still tell who is referring to Minglu?

 It's just that the second prince and concubine cannot say this at will.

The second prince's concubine was troubled, but Liao Yuwei was not much better.

If it weren't for the second prince's acquiescence, how could the second prince's concubine dare to drive her maid away on her own initiative? In the final analysis, it wasn't because the Liao family's affairs implicated her.

Since she married into the second prince's palace, Liao Yuwei has always been in favor of the second prince's concubine, but now she is being crushed over her head by the second prince's concubine. How can she swallow this sigh of relief?

That night, Liao Yuwei sent a letter to the Liao family. The next day, news came out that the old man of the Liao family was ill.

 Apparently very angry.

Of course Fan Qingyao knew that everything was the fault of the Liao family. If he wanted to wield a sword for Concubine Yu, he had to be prepared to be knocked to the ground.

 But Fan Qingyao overlooked one point. Sun Contong married a branch of the Liao family.

When he thought of this, Fan Qingyao quickly asked Ning Han to run away, for fear that the matter would involve Sun Contong.

Ning Han came back very quickly and said with a smile as soon as she entered the door, "Don't worry, young lady, Miss Sun's family said that the branch of the Liao family she married has not been with the old man of the Liao family for a long time, and she made it clear when the family was separated. Everyone should live their own lives, but now that something happened to the old lady of the Liao family, it’s too late for her husband’s family to be happy, so there’s no way they would bother her. "

Fan Qingyao breathed a sigh of relief, it was a good thing that Sun Contong would not be implicated.

Ning Han couldn't help but sigh, "Speaking of which, the old man of the Liao family is also a famous figure in our main city. I heard from the Miss Sun family that when the family was separated, the old man of the Liao family almost let him alone. The branch of the Liao family left home, but unexpectedly, he fell ill now. "

"The more reputable a person is, the more he can't afford to be embarrassed. He has always lived a respectful life. Now, even if he is criticized by the people in the main city, he also has to be complained by his granddaughter in a letter. The Liao family's No matter how hard-hearted that old man is, I'm afraid he won't be able to bear it," Fan Qingyao said calmly, not feeling any sympathy at all.

  The road is chosen by oneself. Not to mention falling ill, even if one dies, one has to carry it by oneself. The master and servant were talking, and even the curtain at the door was lifted.

Ninghan thought she was Nanny Xu and was about to ask if something was wrong. But when she saw the person coming, she froze on the spot and said, "Your Majesty, Your Highness...?!"

Fan Qingyao looked at Baili Fengming who came in and was stunned, "How come you have time to come?"

 Baili Fengming was wearing a familiar white robe with a tall green bamboo embroidered with silver silk thread. Facing Fan Qingyao's question, he smiled faintly and said, "It's rare that there is nothing important today, so my father told me to come and see you."

 Sure enough, the emperor was still wary of the Hua family.

Since Baili Fengming returned to the city, he and Fan Qingyao have met quietly in private. To others, Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming have never met. The emperor sent Baili Fengming here at this time. There is nothing wrong with visiting Fan Qingyao.

The Hua family knew in their hearts the purpose of the emperor's appointment of Baili Fengming to visit Fan Qingyao. In addition, Baili Fengming and Fan Qingyao were already openly engaged. The Hua family not only did not stop Baili Fengming, but actually Send the person directly into the backyard.

Fan Qingyao looked at Baili Fengming and said, "Since you're here, let's stay and have dinner before leaving."

Baili Fengming smiled and nodded, "Okay."

When Nanny Xu heard that His Highness the Crown Prince was going to stay for dinner, she was so happy that she went to the main kitchen in person and ordered a lot of dishes with a list of flavors. She even watched the people in the big kitchen cooking them one by one. I'm afraid there's something wrong somewhere.

The daughters-in-law of each house looked at this situation and quickly asked people around them to go out and buy special dishes from each restaurant. It was rare for the prince to come to eat at home, so he couldn't be too monotonous.

After a lot of trouble from the people in the house, when the food was put on the table, even Fan Qingyao was shocked. The round table, which was not big or small, was densely filled with all kinds of meat and vegetarian food. , even the Chinese New Year is not so rich.

Ning Han held a big jar and walked in the door, "Miss, the master said this is an old wine. I got it from Prince Heshuo some time ago. I haven't been willing to drink it, so I gave it to the prince." Your Highness added to the fun."

When Aunt Xu heard this, she smiled and rolled her eyes. The more people in the palace valued the prince, the more they made good friends with their little lady. After the little lady got married, His Highness the prince would be Considering the good things of the Hua family, he didn't dare to treat the young lady too badly.

How could Fan Qingyao not see the good intentions of the elders in the house? But if he really drank such a large jar of wine, he would probably be drunk until next year.

But before Fan Qingyao could politely refuse, Baili Fengming said, "It just so happens that Shaoxuan and Lin Yi are both greedy for wine recently, but they are really picky, and now it happens that they can borrow flowers to offer to the Buddha."

 Baili Fengming's words not only digested the whole jar of wine, but also established a good relationship with Hua Yaoting, Shaoxuan and Lin Yi.

Even if the relationship between the Hua family and Baili Fengming is not normal now, with the character of my grandfather, even if the sky falls, he will never open his mouth to the people around Baili Fengming.

As for Shaoxuan and Lin Yi, they may have some respect for their grandfather, but after all, they are people close to the prince.

 To put it bluntly, there is always a ditch that cannot be crossed between each other.

But once they drank a jar of wine, if Lin Yi and Shaoxuan really saw something happen to their grandfather in the future, they would not stand idly by.

 As the saying goes, eating people has a short mouth.

 (End of this chapter)

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