Chapter 874 The Liao family comes to the door

Things in the palace are changing rapidly, and no one can say that there will be no surprises at all. I think Baili Fengming made such an arrangement after hearing that his grandfather was felt sorry for by the people in front of the emperor.

It was rare for Baili Fengming to see Fan Qingyao lose his mind, so he simply didn't disturb her and just sat aside drinking tea, thinking all over the place with her.

By the time Fan Qingyao came to his senses, everyone in the room had already left. Even Baili Fengming had finished two cups of tea in his hand.

 “I’m sorry for your trouble.” Fan Qingyao said softly.

"Your family is also mine, and it's worth the trouble." Baili Fengming picked up the chopsticks first and placed the Buddha's hand in front of Fan Qingyao's bowl.

“I’ve eaten the Buddha’s Hand from this restaurant before. It tastes good. Try it.”

Fan Qingyao looked at the Buddha's hand in the bowl and was in a trance for a moment.

If she remembered correctly, it seemed that she had never mentioned in front of Baili Fengming that she liked eating Buddha's hand.

 How did he know?

In the last life, Fan Qingyao really loved the taste of bergamot. She still remembered that she was so unreasonable that she asked people around her to buy bergamot for her to eat all day long. Later, when Baili Rongze learned about this, he went out of his way to eat it every day. Someone was sent to find a restaurant for her during the whole trip, and she was given bergamot to eat every time.

At that time, Fan Qingyao ridiculously thought that it was pampering.

Think about it now, it’s just a brainwashing method by Baili Rongze.

"What?" Baili Fengming asked softly when he saw that Fan Qingyao hadn't moved his chopsticks for a long time.

Fan Qingyao came back to his senses, looked at Baili Fengming's eyes that seemed to hide thousands of stars, smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, I just thought of something I shouldn't have thought of."

 Baili Fengming smiled faintly and did not ask what was going on. Seeing that Fan Qingyao finally picked up the chopsticks, he followed her to eat the food.

Fan Qingyao rarely saw that Baili Fengming had such a good appetite, so he asked curiously, "I didn't see you using chopsticks at the banquet before."

"I had some problems in the past. I would get sick after eating something too greasy." Baili Fengming paused the chopsticks in his hand because he wanted to speak. Even if it was just a simple action, it revealed a good education and an unstoppable attitude. Royal courtesy.

 But his actions were in stark contrast to his words.

Stomach problems are accumulated over many years. Baili Fengming is only old now, so it is conceivable that his diseases should have been left in his childhood.

Although Baili Fengming did not elaborate, Fan Qingyao could not understand that an unpopular prince, even if he lives in the East Palace and holds the title of prince, his life may not be easy, and Concubine Yu is He was counting on his son to reach the top, so he regarded Baili Fengming as a thorn in his side.

"You need to take care of your stomach problems. I'll help you take care of it after you get married." Fan Qingyao was thinking in his mind. It would be a bit unreliable to let Baili Fengming run to Hua's house three times a day.

"Okay." Baili Fengming looked at Fan Qingyao and smiled lightly, but the deep dimples at the corners of his mouth had not disappeared for a long time.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 Speak as you say and smile so ambiguously. What are you doing?

The meal was eaten leisurely. After the meal, Fan Qingyao was afraid that Baili Fengming's stomach would not be able to bear too much food, so he specially prepared a simple medicine and asked Ninghan to drink it with tea. Brew.

 Baili Fengming thought that he had finally gotten some clues about what he had sent to investigate during this period, so he thought about telling Fan Qingyao while drinking tea. After all, he had never thought of hiding it from her. But before Ninghan came back from delivering tea, the yard was noisy.

Fan Qingyao looked at Ninghan who came in with a tray and asked, "What happened?"

Ning Han's expression was also ugly, "I really didn't expect that the Liao family could do such a shameless thing. They rushed into the backyard in broad daylight and said that it was a matter of life and death that they needed to discuss with the young lady. From Yi Nunu's point of view, she was just bullying Fan. Brother is so fooled!”

 Speaking of this matter, Fan Zhao really did not dare to stop him.

Now everyone in the main city knows that the second prince has a concubine who is a member of the Liao family. In addition, the Liao family has been talking about the sky falling and waiting for the princess to save her life. Fan Zhao is a bandit, how can he understand these rich people? He was twisting and turning, for fear of delaying his lady's important event, so he let the person in.

Fan Qingyao naturally knew the reason why the Liao family came to the door, but since they were here, wouldn't it seem like she was in the wrong if she didn't see them?

Ninghan saw that the young lady had no intention of refusing, so she asked, "Do you need a slave to take me to the flower hall?"

Fan Qingyao shook his head, "No need, just let them in."

 She doesn't have time to prepare anything for someone who doesn't deserve it.

Ninghan nodded and hurriedly turned around and walked out the door.

The people standing at the entrance of the yard this time are the eldest and second uncles of the Liao family. To say that these two are considered to be prominent figures in the main city, even if they come to ask for something, they are still very impressive, especially after hearing that When Ning Han asked them to come in, the two of them looked as if they should take it for granted.

What kind of princess is she? She is just a woman with long hair and short knowledge.

Women are just chaff, worthless, and they are all dependent on men. It is just that the granddaughter of the Hua family has a good life and has become a piece of clothing around the prince.

“Brother, as soon as we meet, let’s give this little girl who doesn’t know the world a lesson first,” the second master of the Liao family suggested in a low voice.

The uncle of the Liao family smiled coldly, "There is no need to avoid anything. Even if she is a princess, how can she really cover the sky with one hand in the main city? Don't forget, our Liao family is the leader of the business alliance in the main city. With her, How dare a little girl be so arrogant in front of us? "

Qingnangzhai is indeed managed by Mu Yan now, but the heads of the two Liao family members are not in vain. The reason why the Liao family raised prices was to prevent Fan Qingyao from treating the people in Dongxiang.

Although the Su family is currently promoting a business alliance with Qingnangzhai, how come the Liao family doesn't know that the person behind it is actually the Crown Princess?

 So they must come to the Crown Princess to talk about this matter today.

Thinking like this, the eldest and second masters of the Liao family walked in the door with their heads held high, but they didn't expect that they didn't have time to say a word after entering the house. No matter how they looked at it, they felt that they were leaning against each other at this moment. Why does the man reading on the Arhat's bed look so familiar?

 Think about it carefully...

 Take a closer look again!

The legs of Mr. Liao and Mr. Liao felt a little weak.

Your Majesty, Your Highness the Crown Prince?

Baili Fengming seemed not to notice the two dumbfounded people at the door, and concentrated on the book in his hand.

 In the quiet room, the only sound left was the sound of reading books from time to time.

It was Fan Qingyao who was sitting next to Baili Fengming. He subconsciously looked towards the door. When he saw the two people standing at the door, he smiled and said, "Are you two guests of the Liao family?"

 (End of this chapter)

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