Chapter 882 Lived at Hua’s House Temporarily

Even though it was the Cao family who proposed marriage, since the person comes to the Hua family, the Hua family still has to help lay the lining.

Tao Yuxian was busy looking for a tailor to come to Cao Leshan's home to make new clothes for Cao Leshan, and also specially hired a craftsman to customize a set of jewelry. Although the daughter-in-law of each house did not like the style of Grandma Biao, she did not want to be delayed because of this. In the child's life, he deliberately took time to take Cao Leshan to the main city to relax and gain experience.

The Liao family has taken over the people of Dongxiang. Fan Qingyao specifically asked Ninghan to send his prescription to the Liao family, and even personally marked the prescription.

 Two copies, one for the Liao family and one for her.

In this way, the Liao family can only prepare the medicinal materials according to Fan Qingyao's prescription. If the Liao family wants to cut corners, it is not impossible, as long as they are not afraid of confrontation in court.

The old man of the Liao family was in bed to recuperate. Hearing this, he rolled his eyes and passed out completely. However, no matter how reluctant the Liao family was, they had to prepare the medicine according to Fan Qingyao's prescription. Sent to the East Alley via the servants of the Liao family.

Concubine Yu did not expect that Baili Fengming would reveal the matter of Dongxiang to the emperor. Now the emperor clearly wants to use the people in Dongxiang to build a good reputation for herself. No matter how angry Concubine Yu is, she can only If you can give up, will you really disobey the emperor?

 Fortunately, the people in Dongxiang could not recover as before, otherwise Concubine Yu would really die of worry.

For several days, Fan Qingyao was busy communicating with the Liao family, and did not pay attention to the news in the house. When he heard about his cousin, it was the news that Cao Leshan was in love with a prostitute.

At that time, it was only Yin Liya and Cao Leshan who talked about getting married. When the two came back, Yin Liya was crying so hard that she complained that her daughter was not living up to expectations and was looked down upon by others.

Originally, it was the Cao family who wanted to marry each other, and the Hua family didn't want to do much inquiring. Tao Yuxian didn't expect that the marriage would be bad, so seeing Yin Liya's angry look, he simply kept her here to recuperate for a while.

In this way, it is logical that Yin Liya and Cao Leshan temporarily live in Hua's house.

This news is not good news for everyone in the Hua family. Even Hua Yaoting, who usually doesn't care about the backyard affairs, was speechless for a while after hearing it.

 In the final analysis, Yin Liya is still too difficult to get along with. No one will feel too happy just thinking about continuing to live under the same roof with such a person.

But it was not easy to live well, and the daughter-in-law of each house still had to visit Yin Liya every day and say all kinds of comforting words.

"My servant heard that the family that proposed marriage to the Cao family had already made a marriage arrangement with the Cao family a few years ago. How could it be that it was just a matter of marriage?" Ninghan now heard that there are people in the big kitchen every day. I have to cook for my grandma first, and then it’s someone else’s turn. I don’t know when this kind of life will end.

Fan Qingyao said, "Perhaps I was dazzled by the scenery of the main city, but no matter what the reason for the marriage proposal fell through, the Cao family cannot stay in the Hua family forever."

Ninghan nodded, hoping for the first time that this day would pass quickly.

“Little miss, Miss Leshan is here.” Nanny Xu stood at the door and said.

Fan Qingyao was a little surprised, but thinking that since everyone was here, it was hard to really keep them out, so he nodded and said, "Invite people in."

 Cao Leshan opened the curtain and walked in. She was wearing a slim-fitting aqua blue dress and a delicate plum blossom hairpin on her temples. Compared with the first day we met, she now indeed looked like a lady from the main city.

“Leshan has met cousin Qingyao.” As soon as Cao Leshan saw Fan Qingyao, she took the initiative to salute.

Fan Qingyao signaled Ninghan to bring a chair over, and waited for Cao Leshan to sit down before saying, "Why do you have time to come here?"

Cao Leshan was still a little cautious when facing Fan Qingyao. She pinched the handkerchief in her hand and said, "I know that everyone in the house doesn't like my mother, but in the final analysis, it was because of my mother that she fell ill. It was me. It’s no use asking the Hua family to help me share the burden. If cousin Qingyao is angry, just tell me.”

After Ninghan heard this, she realized that Miss Leshan was here to apologize. Thinking about the domineering cousin's grandma, and looking at the sensible and obedient cousin Miss Leshan, it's really hard to imagine that these two people could be mother and daughter.

Fan Qingyao looked at Cao Leshan and said, "But what are you talking about with someone in the house?"

 Cao Leshan quickly shook her head, "No, it's me who feels I owe the Hua family..."

"Since no one said anything, cousin Leshan doesn't need to worry too much. Although the Hua family and the Cao family are not direct relatives, I heard that my grandmother and aunt were very close when they were young. Since they are a family, there is no need to say more. Family talk.”

No matter why Cao Lexan had such an idea, she shouldn't say it.

If my grandmother hears these words, I'm afraid she will feel guilty and self-blame. After all, the reason why the Cao family came to visit is because my grandmother cares about the relationship between the sisters. If my cousin hears this, I'm afraid she will misunderstand that the Hua family is behind the scenes. What he said would make the relationship between the two families even more tense.

Fan Qingyao doesn't like his cousin, but since his grandmother can let her come to the house, it proves that she still cares about her sister. In this case, Fan Qingyao naturally doesn't want her grandmother to do bad things out of kindness.

Hearing this, Cao Leshan quickly stood up and said, "Did I say something wrong that made cousin Qingyao unhappy?"

Just when Fan Qingyao was about to speak, he saw some bruises on one side of Cao Leshan's ear. He quickly got up and pulled the person over to check, and saw that one side of Cao Leshan's ear was torn from the base of the ear.

“Ninghan, go get my medicine box.”

 “Yes, Miss.”

Fan Qingyao pulled Cao Leshan back to the chair. After Ninghan delivered the medicine box, he carefully treated the wound on Cao Leshan's ear.

It was at this time that Fan Qingyao discovered that there were a lot of scars on Cao Leshan's body. They were of different shades. It seemed that they had not fallen at the same time.

Thinking about Yin Liya's temperament, it is self-evident how Cao Leshan got these injuries.

However, Fan Qingyao had no intention of asking. After the wound was treated, he carefully told Cao Leshan not to let the wound touch water in the near future, and handed over the ointment he had just applied, "Take this, remember to do it every night Apply it before going to bed, so you won’t get any scars.”

 Cao Leshan looked at the ointment in her hand and didn't know what to do for a moment.

Ning Han was afraid that Cao Leshan, like Yin Liya, would be dissatisfied with things just because she was rich, so she hurriedly said, "This is what our future uncle gave to my lady from the palace. No matter how much money you have, you can't buy it." ”

 “In the palace? In the palace?” Cao Leshan was so frightened that she almost threw the ointment on the ground.

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "It's not that precious, but it is indeed better than what is sold on the market. Take it back and use it."

Cao Leshan nodded, looking at Fan Qingyao's red eyes, "Thank you, cousin Qingyao."

 (End of this chapter)

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