Chapter 883 The man behind the screen

Cao Leshan sat here with Fan Qingyao for a while again before getting up and leaving.

Ninghan sent the person out of the house, and when she came back, she couldn't help but sigh, "Miss Leshan is so pitiful. She is oppressed by a mother like that all day long, and she doesn't even have any opinions of her own."

Fan Qingyao smiled faintly. If he really had no opinion, he would not have taken the initiative to apologize today. However, neither Cao Leshan nor Yin Liya had much to do with her. To put it bluntly, they were just a fault of the Hua family.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Mu Yan entering the door.

I guess I was walking in a hurry, my cheeks were red and my forehead was covered with sweat.

Fan Qingyao took out a handkerchief and wiped her forehead gently, "Why are you in such a hurry? Although it is July, there is still enough sunshine in the day. Be careful of heartstroke."

Mu Yan was really thirsty, so she took a big gulp of tea from her third sister's tea cup.

Fan Qingyao looked at Mu Yan like this, feeling both distressed and amused.

Cao Leshan, who had not yet walked out of the yard, looked at the warm scene in the house through the window, and realized that cousin Qingyao's smile was so beautiful.

In the room, Mu Yan drank three cups of tea before passing the booklet in her hand over and said, "Third sister, take a look."

Fan Qingyao took it and opened it, and it turned out to be a booklet for the new business alliance. Now the thick booklet was filled with names, and it was spread across shops in all walks of life in the city.

“Nowadays, more and more merchants are joining the merchant alliance, and most of them are from the old merchant alliance. The young master of the Su family said that all merchants who come from the old merchant alliance will have their membership fees waived for the first year.”

Fan Qingyao proposed to establish a new business alliance with Su Shaoxi, but the specific implementation was always handed over by Mu Yan and Su Shaoxi.

Firstly, she hopes that Mu Yan can gradually establish a foothold in the main city. Secondly, if she really marries into the royal family in the future, she will not be able to interfere in these matters in the main city, otherwise the man in the palace will be greedy. , I still don’t know how to squeeze the oil and water out of her body.

Fan Qingyao had no choice but to agree to help the imperial court raise the army, and it was also because the imperial army was the result of many years of hard work by her grandfather, but she would never use the money from the merchants in the main city to fill the bottomless pit in the palace.

Mu Yan didn't know what the third sister was thinking, so she paused and said, "The young master of the Su family also said that after a while, he will complete the negotiations on the cloth villages in the other two cities, and the number of people will increase."

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

Su Shaoxi has completely eliminated the old business alliance!

Although Su Shaoxi's methods were violent and ruthless, I have to say that the result was still very satisfying. Since Fan Qingyao had decided to hand over the business alliance to Mu Yan and Su Shaoxi, he naturally would not ask too many questions now. .

 In this way…

 The Liao family really made matters worse.

Han Jingchen was the first to hear the news. Knowing that Mu Yan had become the New Merchant Alliance, he guessed that Fan Qingyao's handiwork must be involved. He immediately ordered the Sixth Prince to go to the New Merchant Alliance's shop to buy medicinal materials. , seeing people eating and buying food, it gave the Sixth Prince so much pain. And as Han Jingchen took the lead, Princess Pinglai, the Eighth Prince, and the Princess of Heshuo County also participated. Aren't they the shops that support the New Merchant Alliance? Originally, they would go out to buy on weekdays. If If they can still support Fan Qingyao, why wouldn't they?

Even the second princess secretly sent people to several shops in the New Merchant Alliance after hearing about it. Although the things she bought were not comparable to those of the previous ones, she still voted for them. .

The number of people in the Merchant Alliance was decreasing day by day. Coupled with such troubles, the people in the Merchant Alliance moved faster. In just a few days, the originally bustling Merchant Alliance seemed to be haunted.

Seeing that the roster of names that originally numbered a thousand people was now empty, the elders of the Business Alliance looked at the Liao family with deep repulsion and resentment in their eyes.

What makes the Liao family vomit blood the most is that the Merchant Alliance is already in dire straits, but it has also been burdened with the people in the East Alley for no reason. Although it is not a big sum of money, it cannot last for a long time. It can continue to be supplied in this way. , within five years, there will be a hole in the front door of the Liao family.

The old man of the Liao family fell on the bed, woke up and fainted, fainted and woke up again. After going back and forth several times, half of his life was about to fall in. The two masters of the Liao family saw that things were really out of control. , I could only bite the bullet and send someone to send a post in the middle of the night.

 Fortunately, the person who received the post responded quickly, and the location was decided in the most famous restaurant in the main city.

The restaurant is located on the edge of the moat. The five-story red building is eye-catching. Because the late emperor once dined in this restaurant when he was on tour, and even wrote an inscription in his own hand as a gift with the four characters "Taotie Delicacy". Therefore, after the late emperor drove Hexi to the west, it was The imperial court took it into its pocket, and now it is a place exclusively for officials to eat.

The people who come here to eat are all officials and family members of the current dynasty. The two gentlemen of the Liao family who usually could only watch from a distance now actually walked in and were shocked just by looking at the buildings inside. of cold sweat.

As the waiter led the way, the two gentlemen of the Liao family walked around to a private room on the fourth floor. When they opened the door and walked in, they saw the exquisite delicacies placed on the table.

"You two don't have to be polite, just enjoy it." Behind the screen embroidered with hundreds of birds facing the phoenix, a feminine male voice suddenly sounded.

The two masters of the Liao family were obviously startled by the sound, but when they came to their senses, neither of them dared to show any anger on their faces. Instead, they bowed to the screen respectfully. Waist salute.

 “It was us who suddenly sent you a post out of the blue.”

“We had no choice, so we alerted you to come forward.”

At this time, the two Liao family masters no longer had the aloofness they once had. They were bowing down extremely humbly, not even daring to raise their heads at will.

The man behind the screen didn't think there was anything wrong and smiled softly, "Tell me, why are you looking for me?"

"You must have heard about the recent events in the new business alliance in the main city. Fan Qingyao is indeed very cunning, and it's all about stabbing him in the back. We really had no choice, so we invited you out. "Uncle Liao said helplessly.

"The Liao family followed your wishes and deliberately raised the dues, but now they are in this situation. You must help the Liao family." The second master of the Liao family also followed suit.

In fact, they were not familiar with this person, or had never met him in person, but they had dealt with this person several times with their father, and it was with this person's advice that the Liao family was able to The business alliance gained a foothold.

And what makes the Liao family dare not offend the most is that in order to please Concubine Yu, they sided with the third prince and even sent Liao Yuwei to be the aunt of the second prince. But now the person sitting behind the screen is Even Princess Yunyue today is addressed by her honorific title.

How could the Liao family dare to provoke such a high and low opinion?

 (End of this chapter)

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