Chapter 885 Another trick by Fan Qingyao

Fan Qingyao did agree to meet, but he did not immediately send the reply to the Liao family.

As a result, the Liao family, who had been waiting for news in the mansion, were anxious as ants on a hot pot, especially the two masters of the Liao family, who had not had a good night's sleep for several days.

Either you see him or you don't see him, you always have to give him a pleasant word, but Fan Qingyao, who is biased, doesn't even say that he has seen him, let alone not to see him. He just drags him along without **** or killing, and there is no movement at all.

I have to say that Fan Qingyao’s move was really cruel.

In just a few days, the two gentlemen of the Liao family were turned into livid faces.

Finally, the second master of the Liao family couldn't wait any longer and came to the door of the Xijiao mansion in person to ask for an explanation.

Fan Qingyao burst out laughing when he heard that Fan Zhao had come to report.

The second master of the Liao family is really restless. It has only been a few days before he can't sit still?

 It's just one thing that he wants to see him, it's another thing entirely whether he wants to see him or not.

Of course Fan Qingyao would not come forward to meet the second master of the Liao family, and he directly asked Fan Zhao to report to Fengtian Mansion.

On the surface, Fan Qingyao has nothing to do with this matter, but now the second master of the Liao family has gone to the door of the western suburbs mansion with a group of Liao family servants, insisting on meeting the princess, isn't it? What's the point of looking for trouble?

Soon, the second master of the Liao family was captured by Fengtian Mansion.

When the eldest master of the Liao family learned about this, he was so angry that he almost threw him over on the spot. With a dark face, he fished the man out of Fengtian Mansion. After returning to the manor, he directly pinned him to the ground in the main hall.

The second master of the Liao family knelt on the ground and looked at his eldest brother with an unconvinced expression, "Are we really going to let that little **** go on rampant?"

"You are so presumptuous! How can you say such dirty words casually!" The Liao family uncle glared at his younger brother. After all, she was a legitimate Crown Princess, so how could they allow them to slander her at will.

The second master of the Liao family frowned and said, "I'm so angry that I want to ask Fan Qingyao in person what he means. It's just Fan Qingyao who is making a fuss out of a molehill. Others don't understand me, so why doesn't my eldest brother understand me either?"

Of course the uncle of the Liao family knows his younger brother, but he knows the reason for Fan Qingyao's delay even more clearly, "Do you really think that he has nothing to do and is deliberately using this matter to make things difficult for us?"

 “What if?” The second master of the Liao family obviously did not react.

"Let's send a message to the Hua family and keep our attitude to the lowest level. No matter how the matter is discussed, Fan Qingyao will give our Liao family a step up. Otherwise, it will be arrogant. But now that you are making such a fuss, it actually seems It seems that our Liao family is forcing us to meet. In this way, even if Fan Qingyao is still unwilling to compromise, the people in the main city will never be able to say a word against Fan Qingyao! "

The uncle of the Liao family really wanted to pluck out his brother's head and stuff his own into it.

The second master of the Liao family also widened his eyes after hearing this.

 Obviously people are stupid.

At this moment, Fan Qingyao's reply was delivered to the Liao family in a hurry.

“I didn’t expect that little girl Fan Qingyao to be full of evil intentions!” After the second master of the Liao family came to his senses, he cursed bitterly.

Uncle Liao also had a headache. He also couldn't understand. The Crown Princess seemed to be in her teens. Daughters of normal families were still ignorant at this age. How could she be so different from other people when she was born into the Crown Princess?

No matter how angry the two gentlemen of the Liao family were, they still sent the reply message immediately. Unexpectedly, they received a reply very quickly, and the time was set for the evening of the next day.

Fan Qingyao was really surprised when he heard about the agreed time.

This time she obviously defeated the Liao family. Normally, the Liao family should delay the meeting first and wait until they calm down completely before discussing the meeting. But unexpectedly, they made an appointment directly for the next day.

In this way, either the big fish didn't take the Liao family seriously at all, or he was too calm and self-possessed. However, no matter what the reason was, Fan Qingyao could never take it lightly.

Since the appointment was for the next night, Fan Qingyao went to Sun Mansion in advance to visit his mother in the morning.

Hua Yuelian saw her daughter coming, smiling so hard that she couldn't close her mouth. She quickly ordered people to cook more meals that Yue Ya'er liked to eat.

Although Qingxin, who was held in her mother's arms, could not speak yet, she already recognized her. When she saw her sister coming, she stretched out her fat arms and babbling, wanting to hug her. When she was hugged by Fan Qingyao Finally, she just stayed in that warm embrace and refused to come out.

While eating, Hua Yuelian remembered the visit of the Cao family and said, "That cousin of yours has such a temper. Speaking of which, Leshan is the poor child. The Cao family has always been very patriarchal. I heard that Leshan When Shan was born, in order to please the Cao family, your cousin threw Leshan away to be raised by her mother in the house. Later, it wasn't until your cousin got seriously ill that she couldn't have any more children. So he brought Leshan back to his side to raise."

Fan Qingyao was stunned, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"Actually, the Cao family is not the only one who favors boys over girls. Looking at all the rich and powerful families in our main city, all of them hope to have children and grandchildren to continue the family line. If you were a boy back then, the Fan family would not Treat you like that..."

Hua Yuelian looked at Fan Qingyao and smiled bitterly. It was all her fault for not giving her daughter a good growing environment and childhood.

Fan Qingyao held her mother's hand and said, "Why do you say this so politely?"

Hua Yuelian looked at her daughter's delicate features and said, "Both Sun Che and the people in this house are so loving and loving. It is because of this that I feel that it was me who made you homeless because of my own will." My child, I always thought that if you live your whole life and you can’t even make the decision on your own affairs, you might as well die to be clean. But only now do I know that my so-called backbone has tricked you..."

Hua Yuelian's tears couldn't stop flowing down. If she had been able to compromise a little more, if she hadn't been so **** noble, would her Yue Ya'er be the eldest lady of the Fan family, instead of having to be raped even now? Criticized as a wild child without a father.

In his last life, Fan Qingyao did blame his mother.

 And more than once.

Even after her mother died, she never wanted to burn paper money for her mother.

Just as her mother said, she hated her mother's aloofness and complained about her mother's selfishness.

But now, she feels that it is a rare thing for a mother to live for herself. A person's life is so long, why must she stick to the worldly perspective?

 Only if you are brave enough to live the life you want, your life will be considered worthwhile.

 (End of this chapter)

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