Chapter 886: Tang Juwei

“Yue Ya’er, I’m sorry, it was my fault...” Hua Yuelian held Fan Qingyao’s hand, her wrist trembling.

Fan Qingyao smiled, "Mother has never done anything harmful to the world, nor has she ever betrayed anyone, so why do you say you are wrong? If you are really wrong, it will be those who don't understand me. It's really wrong. If my mother had to compromise in the first place, how could I be loved and cared for by the Hua family? If my mother was willing to work as a cow and a horse in the Fan family, how could she be so devoted to me? "


“Mother, no one can tell you the path you want to take. No one is qualified.”

Hua Yue Lian choked and said, "Mom, I just feel sorry for you..."

Fan Qingyao smiled softly, "Mother feels sorry for me, but I am proud of my mother. I wonder if there is no mother in Xiliang who dares to be her own woman like me."

Hua Yuelian knew that this was her Yue Ya'er comforting her, but her heart felt inexplicably warm when she heard it. Looking at her daughter's gentle and firm appearance, she suddenly felt that she had not lived for just a few decades, but she had not yet... A teenage boy is transparent.


Qingxin didn't know what happened, and she couldn't figure out the conversation between her sister and her mother, but when she saw her mother crying, she anxiously stretched out her chubby little hand, wanting to wipe it with her mother, but... Thinking of wiping her mother's tears and leaving her sister's arms, her little face became confused for a moment.

Hua Yuelian and Fan Qingyao were both amused by this little thing when they saw this scene.

Fan Qingyao finished his meal and chatted with his mother for a while. By the time he came out of the Sun Mansion, the sun had already set towards the west.

After returning to the mansion in the western suburbs, Ning Han had already been waiting in the house. Fan Qingyao was busy changing his clothes and combing his hair as soon as he walked in. Because he was going out to meet strangers today, Fan Qingyao specially wore men's clothes, which made it even easier. After taking care of his appearance, he waited until everything was settled before he got into the carriage again.

The meeting place was a bit unfamiliar to Fan Qingyao. When Langya arrived by car, Fan Qingyao discovered that it was actually a flower shop.

Lang Ya looked at the smoky atmosphere outside the door and frowned subconsciously.

How could Fan Qingyao not guess that this was a deliberate attempt to embarrass her, but since she decided to meet, she would have to go through all kinds of dangers, so just trying to embarrass her with a mere flower house would be too much to underestimate her. .

Leaving the wolf fangs outside, Fan Qingyao entered the flower building alone. Based on the principle of neither listening nor looking, he followed the boy who led the way to the door of a private room on the second floor. When he opened the door, he saw a man standing there. He sat with his back to her and listened to the geisha playing and singing.

The man did not look back when he heard Fan Qingyao's footsteps, but continued to listen to the tune attentively.

Fan Qingyao looked at the seat specially set aside for the man, lifted up his robe and sat on it, silently listening to the geisha's playing and singing.

The man didn't seem to expect that Fan Qingyao could be so calm. The corners of his lips curved up, and he suddenly gave three high-fives. The geisha who was still playing and singing quickly stood up and saluted, and then hurriedly left.

With the geisha leaving, the private room also fell into silence.

"I didn't expect that the Crown Princess is not only resourceful but also brave. I really admire you." The man looked at Fan Qingyao first and said, then picked up the teapot and poured tea himself.

Fan Qingyao was shocked. Even if the Liao family knew that Qingnangzhai was related to her, she came here in disguise this time. Fan Qingyao was still very confident in his disguise, but now This man could see through her disguise at a glance, which showed that he was also an expert in medical skills. Just as Fan Qingyao was thinking about it, the man had already pushed the tea cup over.

Fan Qingyao instinctively turned sideways to take it, and then he saw the man's appearance clearly.

She is wearing a green robe, black hair hanging loose, and the ends of her hair are only fastened with simple jade buttons. She is lazily adding a touch of indescribable charm, her skin is fair, and her eyebrows are long. If you don't distinguish carefully, this kind of appearance can really be described as... It is difficult to distinguish between male and female.

 What surprised Fan Qingyao the most was that she had seen this face before...

 This man was the man who accompanied the emperor when he was appreciating lanterns on the 15th!

The man was still smiling like a spring breeze, "Tang Juwei has seen the Crown Princess, but he didn't expect that the Crown Princess would be so surprised. It seems to be a rude act by someone on the Tang Dynasty."

Fan Qingyao came back to his senses, suppressed the surprise in his heart and nodded lightly, "The person who posted the post to me was the Liao family. I didn't expect that you claimed your surname was Tang. It really surprised me."

The smile on Tang Juwei's face was still there, "I have long heard that the Crown Princess is very sharp-tongued, but now that I see her, she is indeed well-deserved."

However, Fan Qingyao obviously had no intention of dealing with him anymore. He stood up and said, "The reason why I came to the appointment today is because of the sincerity of the Liao family. Since it is not the Liao family who is here, I don't think I have either." It’s necessary to stay here.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and walked away without any hesitation.

Tang Juwei looked at Fan Qingyao's back and said, "If I tell you, even the old man of the Liao family would give me three points of noodles when he saw me, I wonder if the princess would still be willing to stay and have a sip of tea? "

Fan Qingyao felt nervous. He originally thought that this man was just a cooperative relationship with the Liao family, but now his tone seemed to put all the pressure on the Liao family.

This can be seen from the fact that the two arrogant and arrogant men of the Liao family would post messages to her in a condescending manner.

After calming down, Fan Qingyao walked back. Now she didn't care about this person's relationship with the Liao family. What she wanted to know more was why this person was standing beside the emperor on the fifteenth day. And judging from the emperor's attitude, he seemed to be very polite to this man.

In Xiliang, there is only one person who can bend the height of ninety-five people.

Tang Juwei looked at Fan Qingyao who sat back beside him, and the smile in his eyes became stronger.

Calculating the fact that he has been in the main city for such a long time, what he has heard the most is about the deeds of the princess in front of him. He originally thought that she was just a smart girl, but he did not expect that he underestimated her.

Every word or action may seem careless, but in fact it is done step by step.

Just like just now, he clearly knew that she got up and left just to test his relationship with the Liao family, but in order to keep her here, even if he guessed her thoughts, he still had to follow the path she designed. .

Such a shrewd mind is really rare.

Under Tang Juwei's gaze, Fan Qingyao picked up the teacup in front of him and took a sip. Then he put down the teacup and said, "The tea has been drunk. If you have anything to say, Mr. Tang, just say it."

 (End of this chapter)

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