The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 893: They were all beaten so badly that they lost their appearance.

Chapter 893: They were all beaten so badly that they lost their dignity.

Hearing this, Fan Qingyao did not dare to delay. He quickly asked someone to get the medicine box and walked towards Cao Leshan's yard.

The third daughter-in-law, Peihan, was also worried that something would happen to Cao Leshan, so she hurriedly followed Fan Qingyao out of the house. She couldn't help but mutter to herself along the way, "We only thought that the child Leshan was frightened. How come something happened just fine?"

Fan Qingyao asked, "On the way back, did cousin Leshan show any abnormalities?"

The third daughter-in-law, Pei Han, shook her head, "At that time, we were all worried about my mother-in-law's safety, but we really didn't observe Leshan's child carefully. However, the child held her mother-in-law in her arms the whole time and refused no matter what we said. Let go..."

Hearing this, Fan Qingyao frowned.

The third daughter-in-law Peihan saw that Fan Qingyao's expression was wrong and asked quickly, "What's wrong?"

"My grandma suffered a violent impact, which caused blood to accumulate in her body. If she had been lying flat all the time, it would have easily caused the blood to flow backwards and choke her heart and lungs." Fan Qingyao was originally lucky that his grandmother was blessed with a good life. , the accumulated blood did not flow back into the heart and lungs. Now it seems that it should be Cao Leshan's credit.

The third daughter-in-law, Peihan, was stunned when she heard this. After a long while, she said in a trembling voice, "So that's what happened... Leshan's child also has skin injuries all over her body. Unexpectedly, she is still thinking about her mother-in-law. Xiao Qingyao, you We must save Leshan, that child's life is already hard enough..."

Fan Qingyao looked at the tearful face of his third sister-in-law and nodded silently.

The two people hurriedly arrived at the courtyard where Cao Leshan lived. They instinctively walked towards the house, but unexpectedly the maid blocked their way.

“Third grandma, Miss Leshan is staying here. Miss Leshan does not live in the house.”

The third daughter-in-law, Peihan, frowned, "This is the only room in this yard. Where else can I live if I don't live here?"

The maid lowered her head and said, "My cousin said the house was too small for two people to live in, so she asked Miss Leshan to live in the woodshed over there that day..."

The third daughter-in-law Peihan was shocked, "Why didn't you tell me something like this earlier?"

The maid didn't dare to raise her head, "Miss Leshan Biao said that originally she came to the Hua family with her cousin to cause trouble to the Hua family. She should not cause trouble to the Hua family again for such a trivial matter."

The third daughter-in-law, Peihan, really didn't know whether to praise Leshan for being sensible or Yin Liya for being vicious, so she was so angry that she simply walked around in circles twice.

While the third daughter-in-law Peihan was talking to the maid, Fan Qingyao had already arrived at the woodshed carrying the medicine box.

The firewood shed is not big, and as soon as I pushed it open, I saw Cao Leshan lying on the withered grass. Her thin body was curled up into a ball, and her palm-sized face was so calm that it made people feel panicked.

Fan Qingyao hurriedly walked over and squatted down, putting one hand on Cao Leshan's wrist, and the other hand carefully groping around her body, checking for other injuries.

  The third daughter-in-law, Peihan, who rushed over belatedly asked anxiously, "How is it? But is there still hope?"

Fan Qingyao did not answer immediately, but stretched out his hand again to fumble towards Cao Leshan's head. When he took his hand back again, his palm was stained with light blood.

“There aren’t many external injuries on the body. I probably hit the back of my head when I slid down the mountain wall.” Fan Qingyao said and picked up Cao Leshan. "What are you doing here? Hurry up and help!" Peihan, the third daughter-in-law, looked at the maid aside. But after saying this, she was worried that the maid was clumsy, so she simply followed Fan Qingyao and carried him back to the house.

After placing the person on a clean bed, Fan Qingyao asked the maid to get scissors. He first cut off some of Cao Leshan's hair, then took out catgut and silver needles from the medicine box, and carefully sewed up the wound. After everything was done, the maid was given another prescription and asked to go find Ning Han to get the medicine.

“Xiao Qingyao, can this person wake up?” Peihan, the third daughter-in-law, asked softly.

Fan Qingyao looked at Cao Leshan who was still sleeping on the bed, "There are no fatal wounds on his body. It should be a coma caused by hitting the back of his head when he fell off the mountain wall. As long as he rests at home, he will wake up naturally after a while."

Peihan, the third daughter-in-law, breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. However, she couldn't help but feel distressed when she saw Cao Leshan having her hair cut off. She was not even as old as her daughter, but she was having a good day. Not a single day passed.

Fan Qingyao waited for the maid to get the medicine back, and after giving instructions on how to take it, he returned to the main courtyard with his third aunt.

Hua Yaoting had already returned from the palace and was accompanying Tao Yuxian in the back room. He came out when he heard the noise in the outer room.

Fan Qingyao, who had just sat down, quickly wanted to stand up and salute, but Hua Yaoting held her shoulders down and said, "Sit down, our family doesn't have that many rules to begin with."

Fan Qingyao nodded, looked at his grandma and said, "Grandma's injury is indeed not serious, but fortunately there is no fear of life. I will stay with grandma during this period. Grandma must not neglect herself because of worries about grandma. It’s the body.”

Hua Yaoting looked at Fan Qingyao, his eyes filled with relief, "Okay, I'll do whatever you want."

The fourth daughter-in-law Yafu thought about Fan Qingyao leaving in a hurry just now, so she asked, "How is Sister Shan going?"

Fan Qingyao said, "I hit the back of my head and fell into a coma. I will wake up after a while of cultivation."

The third daughter-in-law, Peihan, thought for a while and said, "I don't know how the people at the Yamen are looking for her. I have to talk to the Cao family in Lingcheng about this matter."

"When Feng Ning's child came back and heard about this, he went directly to the Yamen. I thought the news would come back soon. However, this matter cannot be delayed. We still need someone from the Cao family to come." Hua Yao Although Ting didn't care about the affairs in the backyard, now that something like this happened, Yu Qing and Lihua's family wanted to meet the Cao family.

As he was talking, Hua Fengning walked in from outside, his face not very good-looking.

"Fengning, what did the people in the yamen say? Have you found the person?" The second daughter-in-law, Chunyue, has always been timid, and of course she hopes that everyone will be safe.

Hua Fengjing was silent for a moment and then said, "I found the person, but he was knocked out of shape. I was worried that bringing him back would scare the people in the house, so I checked the person at the Yamen and stopped him first. At the Yamen."

The second daughter-in-law, Chunyue, almost fell off her chair when she heard this. She was stunned for a long time before losing her voice, "How could this happen? I was a good person when I just left the house, and then I disappeared..."

"If it's gone, it's gone. There's no point in crying." After all, Hua Yaoting is someone who has been dealing with the outside all year round. In fact, when he saw Hua Fengning's expression, he understood what was going on. Nowadays, people cannot be resurrected after death. This is also something that can't be helped.

 (End of this chapter)

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