The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 894: It turns out that the Cao family is like this

Chapter 894 It turns out that the Cao family is like this

The fourth daughter-in-law, Yafu, stood up and said, "My daughter-in-law, I will go and have someone send the news to the Cao family."

Hua Yaoting nodded, then looked at the other daughters-in-law and said, "You all should go down first. Although they are not from our Hua family, they are gone after all. Let the servants in each house lower their voices. "If there is no big event recently, don't go out and walk around at will."

 The daughter-in-law of the Hua family understood that her father-in-law was going to express his mourning.

Even though it was the daughter-in-law of the Cao family who died, after all, it happened in the Hua family, and the Hua family always had to show an attitude towards it.

 As everyone left, the main courtyard also became quiet.

Later, Hua Yuelian and Sun Che both came. Hua Yuelian looked at her mother on the bed, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably. Seeing this, Sun Che asked Hua Yuelian to stay at Hua's house temporarily. , but Qingxin is still young now, and she has to stay with her mother in the Hua family. Fortunately, Brother Ren is not very old, so Wu Qiuzao simply took Qingxin back to his yard to take care of her.

Seeing that it was getting late, Fan Qingyao thought about asking Ninghan to go to his yard to move his bedding. Then he realized that Baili Fengming was still in the yard, so he took Ninghan back to the yard himself.

Aunt Xu, who had already packed the bedding, saw Fan Qingyao entering the door and said, "An hour ago, the people around His Highness the Crown Prince came to send a message, saying that the Emperor and the Queen had returned to the palace, so His Highness the Crown Prince entered the palace first. I went, but His Royal Highness left a message before leaving, saying that he would come to visit the young lady when he had time. "

"I know." Fan Qingyao nodded. He originally wanted to wait until the matter was settled before continuing to ask Baili Fengming about Tang Juwei. Now that something like this has happened, other things can only be done. Let it go for now.

During the period when her grandmother was sleeping, Cao Leshan never woke up. During the day, Hua Yuelian helped Fan Qingyao take care of her mother. The daughters-in-law in each room took turns taking care of Cao Leshan. Although Tao Yuxian and Cao Leshan were gradually getting sick. There were signs of recovery, but the two of them didn't wake up for a day, and everyone in the Hua family just couldn't rest assured.

 At this moment, news came from the Cao family.

What came was not the Cao family, but a letter from my aunt. The content of the letter was also very brief. It meant that natural and man-made disasters were unavoidable, but now the Cao family was far away in Lingcheng, dealing with other things and had no other choice. For the time being, the Hua family had to worry about taking care of Cao Leshan. As for the dead Yin Liya, the letter did not mention a few words at all, and there was no instruction to send someone to take Yin Liya's body back to the mausoleum.

Hua Yaoting was not good at dealing with things in the backyard at all. After receiving the letter from the Cao family, he was even more confused. The living people were easy to talk about, and the Hua family was not bad at those who wanted money and a few mouthfuls of food, but the dead ones What should people do? They can’t always stay in the yamen, right?

That night, Hua Yaoting asked Hua Fengning to go to Lingcheng. He originally wanted the Cao family in Lingcheng to bring people to pick up Yin Liya. Who would have thought that he would not know until Hua Fengning arrived in Lingcheng that Cao The families had been separated a long time ago. Even if they still lived under the same roof, they were still separated early. It was precisely because when the families were separated, the girls in each house had been so quarrelsome that they had no contact with each other now.

Yin Liya was the daughter-in-law of the eldest family, so it was normal for others to be indifferent. However, Hua Fengning stayed in Lingcheng for three full days and was surprised that she had never seen the uncle of the Cao family. In the end, she asked around and found out that Cao The uncle of the family recently fell in love with a girl from a brothel, and now he lives in a flower house all day long.

As for the other concubines and juniors in the eldest house, they were often bullied by Yin Liya. Now that they heard that the person died outside, they were too late to be happy, so they didn't even bother to ask. In the end, Hua Fengning had no choice but to find the aunt of the Cao family. However, she never thought that this aunt had no rights at all in the Cao family. The first wife just said it nicely. After the old man of the Cao family died, the concubines below He and his son divided the family property thoroughly.

The reason why the Cao family's aunt helped Yin Liya connect with the Hua family was because Yin Liya promised this aunt that she would give her aunt some favor money after Cao Leshan got married.

When Hua Fengning came back and told the truth, all the daughters-in-law of the Hua family were shocked. They originally thought that the Cao family's life in Lingcheng would be so glorious, but they didn't expect that their life would become such a virtuous one. .

It's just that the Cao family can ignore Yin Liya, but the Hua family can't really let her stay in the Yamen like this. Since the Cao family is unwilling to come forward, Hua Yaoting takes the initiative to bring her back and simply buys her. The coffin was found at the foot of the mountain again and the person was buried there.

When Tao Yuxian woke up, Yin Liya had already been laid to rest. Fan Qingyao knew that this matter could not be hidden, so he told his grandmother everything about the Cao family.

Tao Yuxian never imagined that he always wrote to himself about how he married his cousin well, but in fact, he lived like this.

Grandfather and grandson looked at each other for a long time, then Tao Yuxian sighed and said, "I remember when I was young, your aunt was very competitive. I think the Cao family in Lingcheng was still the family chosen for me. , it’s just that your aunt wanted to marry the old man of the Cao family in Lingcheng once she met her, but she didn’t expect that she would end up like this after fighting for her. "

Fan Qingyao did not expect that such a thing would happen, but she was glad that her grandmother had indulged her aunt, otherwise where would their remaining children and grandchildren come from now.

"Things have passed. Grandma must not relax." Fan Qingyao does not have such a kind heart. She cannot care about other people's housework. She only cares about the family in front of her.

Tao Yuxian nodded, "Don't worry, grandma is fine, but how is Sister Shan?"

Fan Qingyao said softly, "It's nothing serious. I just hit my head. It will probably take a while before I wake up."

"Speaking of which, what happened that day was also thanks to that girl Sister Shan. I didn't expect her mother to make such a fuss. Sister Shan just came back a little late from shopping, and she was just yelling and cursing. She had to say that Sister Shan had bought something. The dumplings that came back were not what she usually eats, and Sister Shan was so shameless when she was scolded that she ran away, her girly voice yelling that she was going to be beaten to death..."

Of course, Tao Yuxian couldn't really let Yin Liya act recklessly in the Huguo Temple, so he chased after her. When she finally reached a hilltop, he saw Yin Liya beating Cao Leshan. Tao Yuxian hurriedly walked over to try to persuade her, but unexpectedly she was there. At this time, Yin Liya failed to hit Cao Leshan, but instead slipped and fell.

 (End of this chapter)

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