Chapter 901: How are you more advanced than me?

Fan Qingyao naturally understood where Guan Pan'er was arrogant, so he smiled and said, "I feel ashamed to say that I am not ungrateful, but I really don't know what Concubine De means, but Miss Guan He thought I was being aggressive and didn't appreciate it, but it made me a little curious, how did Miss Guan see it?"

"What is the Crown Princess trying to do? Isn't it enough to embarrass my aunt? Now she wants to embarrass me as well?" Guan Pan'er looked at Fan Qingyao coldly.

Fan Qingyao still had a smile on his face, "Concubine De has a high position in the palace, so I don't dare to embarrass her, but Miss Guan has always been in trouble with her from the moment she opened her mouth to now. I don't remember that I have ever had such a problem." I have not offended the Miss Guan family, but in terms of status, it is indeed out of bounds for Miss Guan family to speak to me like this. Not to mention that I am Miss Guan family, even if I punish Miss Guan family, it is reasonable. "

Guan Pan'er didn't expect Fan Qingyao to be so arrogant, and she couldn't help but lose her temper. "My ancestors were the Guan family who contributed to the founding of Xiliang. How can you, a man who relies on men to show off his power, be able to compare?"

 Pan De Fei frowned when she heard this.

This is indeed the case, but it is still inappropriate to say it so openly.

But it was too late for Concubine Pan De not to say she wanted to stop her, but even if she wanted to smooth things over, because just when she was about to speak, Fan Qingyao's voice had already come to her mind, "Miss Guan's words are quite right." I have great ambitions, but my identity is appointed by the Emperor. By saying this, is Miss Guan questioning the Emperor's decision? "

Guan Pan'er's expression changed, and just as she was about to speak, Concubine Pan De interrupted, "Pan'er must not be rude. Not to mention the princess, every prince and concubine here is appointed by the emperor to be married."

When Han Jingchen and others heard this, their faces changed slightly. What did Concubine Pan De mean? She was clearly saying that they were all women who depended on men for their existence, but didn't Concubine Pan De also spend all day in the palace to please the emperor? Why didn't she See what kind of virtue you are.

Guan Pan'er took in the expressions of Han Jingchen and others, then looked at Pan De Fei and said with a smile, "Auntie is right, Pan'er was reckless."

Fan Qingyao listened to these words of holding a gun and a stick, looked at Guan Pan'er and said, "If you put it like this, Miss Guan is not only reckless but also superficial. It is true that we are all the royal daughters-in-law. Marry Husbands follow their husbands is a rule that has not changed for centuries in Xiliang, but what if the Guan family is one of us, and we are not looking for support for ourselves, but the Guan family is relying on the Guan family. "

They are all speaking on the basis of their status, so who is superior to whom?


“Princess Ping Lai is pregnant and should not stand for long periods of time. I will accompany her to the flower hall to sit for a while. I hope Concubine Pan De will forgive her.”

No matter how Guan Paner glared, Fan Qingyao saluted Concubine Pan De and then led Yan Hanbai towards the pavilion not far away.

When Han Jingchen and the other princes and concubines saw this, they naturally followed him.

Other people in the backyard could clearly tell that Concubine Pan De's niece had suppressed the situation, and they all slunk away with their feet wet, fearing that they would become a vent for others' anger.

Concubine Pan De knew that Guan Pan'er had always been domineering, so she chose her among all the little daughters in the family. But she didn't expect that she would be so uncontrollable. After leading people into the flower hall, she said with a stern face, "You Now that you have not stepped into the royal door, you need to think twice before doing anything.”

Guan Pan'er didn't dare to disobey her aunt, but she was holding her breath in her heart. "In my opinion, it was my aunt's niece who was too weak, which made those people so rampant. They didn't even give her aunt's face. I I wanted to help my aunt vent her anger, but I didn’t expect that Fan Qingyao would be so difficult to deal with.”

Concubine Pan knew that Guan Pan'er's words were intended to please her, but her anger was reduced a lot, "It's good if you want to earn face for me, but your current status is indeed no better than those who came here early, but you also There is no need to worry, since Imperial Concubine Yu has allowed you to come with me today, she is determined to bring this matter together, and when you really become the mistress here, it will be too late to help me. "

Guan Pan'er had already met the third prince when she entered the door. Thinking of his elegant appearance, her heart beat a few times faster uncontrollably, "I have remembered what my aunt said. Don't worry, aunt. I will definitely be filial to my aunt from now on."

Concubine Pan De nodded with satisfaction. Although she had always been worried about Pan Yulu's death, fortunately Concubine Yu did not give the vacant position to others, so even if she didn't want to let go of Pan Yulu's death, she still had to let go.

People, always have to look forward. Everyone at the pavilion looked very worried after they sat down.

"Although the third prince's concubine didn't get along with us, she always looked pretty good, but now this Guan Pan'er has a condescending attitude when we first met. It makes people uncomfortable just thinking about it." The second prince's concubine. Frowning.

The eighth princess sighed, "There is nothing we can do about it. The Guan family has been resting on their laurels relying on their reputation as the founding heroes. Even though the Guan family has not produced anyone who has served the imperial court for three generations, their popularity has not diminished. , which is enough to show the royal family’s attitude towards the Guan family.”

Yan Hanbai sighed, "If such a person really becomes the successor of this house, our life will be colorful again in the future."

 The second prince’s concubine, “…”

 Where is the diversity?

 Eighth Princess, “…”

 It is clearly the light of the sword and the shadow of the sword.

Han Jingchen looked at Fan Qingyao and said, "Do you think Guan Pan'er can really marry in?"

Fan Qingyao said, "Since Concubine Pan De can bring people here on this occasion, it fully illustrates Concubine Yu's attitude."

Han Jingchen nodded, "In that case, the matter is settled."

Fan Qingyao looked at the seemingly calm lake in the distance and remained silent.

 For Concubine Pan De, Concubine Yu's attitude naturally determines everything.

But for Guan Pan'er, this is the residence of the third prince. Even if Concubine Yu really wants to hand over the position of the third prince to Guan Pan'er, it would be beyond her reach.

In order to be corrected, Fan Xuening worked **** Baili Rongze. This can be seen from Baili Rongze's protection just now.

In this case, how could Fan Xuening watch helplessly as the position of the third prince and concubine was occupied by someone else?

In the last life, Fan Xuening often opposed Concubine Yu. In this life, Fan Xuening will never be outdone by Concubine Yu.

A maid hurriedly entered the courtyard, looked at Fan Qingyao and said, "To inform the Crown Princess, the Sixth Prince is here and would like to invite the Sixth Prince and Princess to the front yard."

Han Jingchen was stunned, "The Sixth Prince is here? What is he here for?"

When a royal daughter-in-law goes to funeral, it is inevitable that the third prince, as the husband, comes to attend the funeral, but why would the other princes come to attend the funeral for a royal daughter-in-law?

Han Jingchen got a headache when she thought about that stupid person at home. She picked up her skirt and went to the front yard to look for him.

Fan Qingyao took Han Jingchen's hand, looked at the maid and asked, "Who asked you to pass the message?"

 The sixth prince is a little short-sighted, but he is not a fool!

How can you not understand such a simple truth about when you should show up and when you should avoid it?

 (End of this chapter)

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