Chapter 902: The child in the belly is important

The maid was stunned, as if she didn't expect Fan Qingyao to ask such a question. She thought for a moment and then said, "When Aunt Fan was accompanying the third prince to socialize in front, she saw the sixth prince's carriage and thought that it might be the sixth prince. Yes, I sent a servant here to inform you."

Hearing this, Han Jingchen felt anxious. Would Fan Xuening be so kind?

Fan Qingyao smiled coldly, of course Fan Xuening had no good intentions!

But since Fan Xuening sent someone here to spread the word, it must not be groundless. If the sixth prince really showed up on such an occasion, the emperor would be furious if the news spread and the royal family would lose face.

After thinking about it carefully, Fan Qingyao looked at the second and eighth princesses and said, "Can you please accompany the sixth princess to the front yard to have a look? Since this maid told me, let her lead you there." ”

The second and eighth princesses understood. This was to make them keep an eye on the maid who was delivering the message. If there was really something fishy, ​​they would have evidence to excuse her.

Fan Qingyao looked at Han Jingchen and said, "Go. If the sixth prince is really here, he will be driven back no matter what the reason."

Han Jingchen knew that Fan Qingyao was worried that she would not be able to handle it on her own, so she asked the second and eighth princesses to accompany her. She nodded and followed the maid out of the pavilion.

 At the end of the day, things get easier when there are more people.

As soon as the others left, Yan Hanbai looked at Fan Qingyao and said, "What do you think Fan Xuening is planning?"

Fan Qingyao thought about Guan Pan'er's existence and said, "No matter what we plan, we must be careful."

The two were talking when they saw another palace maid enter the pavilion, "Someone just came to report that the Sixth Prince seemed to be here. Concubine De went to the front yard, but she was worried that Miss Guan was in the flower hall, so she I’m thinking of asking my slave to come over and tell Princess Ping Lai that they should go over and be with Miss Guan.”

  Let the current crown princess keep company with the princess. Concubine Pan De's niece is really a big arrogant person.

But regardless of whether Fan Qingyao or Yan Hanbai, no matter how much they slandered in their hearts, they did not really ignore Pan Defei's instructions. Otherwise, when word got out, wouldn't they take the initiative to give out the clues to others?

But just when Yan Hanbai wanted to get up, Fan Qingyao pulled her and sat back down, "Didn't you just say you were dizzy and nauseous? If so, you need to breathe more fresh air. Miss Guan's side. I’ll just go and accompany you.”

The baby in Yan Hanbai's belly will be full-term soon. How could he be so squeamish now? Even if he ran with the baby for dozens of meters, there would be no problem. Listening to Fan Qingyao's words, he knew that she was worried about her being in danger. .

"I feel much better now. Why don't I follow you to the flower hall first? If you feel unwell, I can come out later." Yan Hanbai looked at Fan Qingyao and said.

Even Pan Defei is not in the flower hall now, and Guan Pan'er is not a fuel-efficient lamp. If something really happened, she would be able to help Fan Qingyao get away with it.

"Being unwell means the child is making a fuss. Princess Pinglai is pregnant with twins and grandsons, but she cannot bear to be aggrieved. Concubine De has always understood justice, so she can understand." Fan Qingyao said, stood up and followed the The palace maid walked towards the outside of the pavilion.

Whether the Sixth Prince is really here or not, it is obvious that he is a bait used by Fan Xuening to scare away others. If this is the case, Fan Xuening will have to make other moves.

Fan Qingyao is rough-skinned and fleshy, so he is not afraid of Fan Xuening's inner calculations, but Yan Hanbai is still pregnant with a child, and there is no way he can serve as a stepping stone for Fan Xuening to rise to the top.

In the flower hall, Guan Pan'er was sitting bored by herself. She heard the footsteps and looked at the door with joy, thinking that her aunt was back. She never thought that Fan Qingyao would be the one who walked in.

 What is she here to do?

Fan Qingyao could tell from Guan Pan'er's expression that Concubine Pan De's instructions were probably not mentioned to her in advance, so Concubine Pan De must have noticed something, so she sent a message to her and Yan Hanbai to come and accompany her.

 The maid led Fan Qingyao to the door, then bowed her knees and left.

Under Guan Pan'er's gaze, Fan Qingyao walked through the door unhurriedly, then sat on the chair opposite Guan Pan'er, just looking at her. "Why does the Crown Princess have to squeeze in with me in such a big place outside?" Guan Pan'er frowned. Now that there are no outsiders here, she has no scruples when speaking.

Fan Qingyao said calmly, "If it weren't for the summons of Empress Dowager De, I would of course hope to stay further away from things I don't like."

Guan Pan'er didn't expect that Fan Qingyao's arrival was actually her aunt's intention, but when faced with Fan Qingyao's merciless words, even she was completely blackened, "I don't know what I'm arrogant about, no one in the main city knows that you are You're just a **** without a father. If you weren't lucky enough to be chosen as the crown princess by the emperor, you wouldn't even be qualified to talk to me based on your status."

Fan Qingyao sneered, "That's really embarrassing. I'll be lucky if you let me."

 Guan Pan'er, "…"

Can this person be a little thicker-skinned?

"Fan Qingyao, you don't have to be too arrogant. You and the prince haven't gotten married yet, and there is no one else around him. But once you get married to the prince, do you think you can occupy the prince by yourself? By that time, the warblers around the prince will be able to crush you to death!"

"I won't bother Miss Guan about the future matters. Miss Guan should care more about herself, and don't be complacent about being a stepping stone for others." Fan Qingyao also became cruel when he said it. Now, besides Apart from her, the only one left is Guan Pan'er herself. Guan Pan'er can have no scruples, so naturally she won't get used to anything.

If you want to stab her with a knife, Guan Pan'er is not worthy.

 “What do you mean by this…”

"What do you mean? Miss Guan won't think about it if she has a head?"

 “You made it clear to me!”

Facing Guan Paner’s questioning, Fan Qingyao kept his mouth shut.

Guan Pan'er was anxious and angry, and her face changed color. She had never been treated like this before in her whole life. The most hateful thing was that Fan Qingyao not only dared to treat her like this, but also dared to do it blatantly. Ignore her.

"Fan Qingyao, you..." Guan Pan'er was furious and stood up directly. However, before she could finish her words, she saw Fan Xuening entering the door carrying a tray.

Seeing the angry look on Guan Pan'er's face, Fan Xuening hurriedly came over and said with a smile, "Why is Miss Guan so angry? Even if my sister said something inappropriate, it was not malicious. Miss Guan sat down and drank. Tea relieves qi.”

Guan Pan'er knew that Fan Xuening and Fan Qingyao were related by blood. Now after listening to these words, she thought that Fan Xuening was helping Fan Qingyao. Seeing Fan Xuening lifting the tea cup, she brushed it over and said , "Stop pretending here, stay away from me."

Guan Pan'er's strength was actually not very strong, she just wanted to keep Fan Xuening away from her, but she didn't expect that with just such a wave of her hand, Fan Xuening fell to the ground.

 “There’s a rush…”

The tea cup and the tray were all smashed to the ground. Fan Xuening was lying on the mess on the ground, trembling in pain, and traces of blood dripped on the ground. Just looking at it was shocking.

 (End of this chapter)

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