Chapter 907 There are more exciting things

Concubine Pan Defei has been in the palace for decades. What kind of methods have she not seen?

She was indeed a little confused because of the suddenness of what happened just now, but seeing Fan Xuening kneeling here crying in the rain, if she couldn't taste it, then her previous decades would have been in vain.

Concubine Pan De's eyebrows were slightly lowered, and she looked at Fan Xuening again and said, "Since His Highness has entrusted you with the affairs of the backyard, no matter what happens, you are certainly to blame. Now that something has happened, you don't want to think about it." How can you calm down the anger of the Third Highness, but you are still here crying and crying, if you have this ability, Aunt Fan, you deserve to be a concubine for the rest of your life."

Fan Xuening's expression changed when Concubine Pan De said that. She lowered her head and said, "What Concubine De taught me is that I know I was wrong."

"Since you know you are wrong, get up quickly. My time is limited and I don't have time to watch you cry and scream here. If the auspicious time for the burial of the third prince's concubine is delayed, it will be useless for Aunt Fan to cry by then. Used it." Pan Defei said coldly.

If the burial time is delayed, the reputation of the royal family will be affected. When the emperor blames him, Fan Xuening will naturally not be able to bear it, so even if Fan Xuening does not want to get up, he will have to support himself and stand up.

But just as Fan Xuening stood up, her body tilted and she fell to the ground.

Baili Rongze quickly stretched out his hand to help the person, and noticed that the person in his arms was cold and trembling. Then he looked at the boy behind him angrily and said, "What are you still doing? I didn't see the collision." Where is Princess Lai's evil slave still kneeling? Send me an order to drag him out and kill him with a cane."

Grandma, who originally thought she had escaped, was almost frightened to death when she heard these words. She knelt on the ground and kowtowed, "Old slave, I really didn't mean to do it. I didn't know what happened but I bumped into Ping Lai." Princess, Your Highness, please have mercy, have mercy..."

"Princess Pinglai and her daughter are safe. Even King Pinglai's attitude on this matter is unclear. At this time, he ordered to be killed with a stick. Why should the Third Highness be so anxious to help King Pinglai make the decision!" Concubine Pan De's face also darkened. The person who killed her with a rolling pin in front of her didn't hit her in the face.

Baili Rongze hugged Fan Xuening and said with a cold face, "It is an indisputable fact that someone close to Concubine De has bumped into Princess Pinglai. Now I am just doing business, so why should Concubine De be so partial!"

 The atmosphere in the courtyard suddenly became cold.

Concubine Pan De's face was as ugly as she could be. She didn't look like she was joking when she looked at the third prince, but the third prince really didn't know that it was Concubine Yu who brought her with her today. If the third prince really gave in in public If she can't get off the stage, is she obviously going against Concubine Yu?

Thinking of this, Concubine Pan De's heart tightened.

I'm afraid that the third prince not only knows it, but also does it on purpose!

In this way, the third prince is planning to violate Concubine Yu's arrangement. If this is the case, Guan Pan'er will naturally not be able to marry into the third prince's mansion.

Concubine Pan De looked at Fan Xuening, who was nestling in Baili Rongze's arms. She was so angry that she wished she could have this little **** dragged out and cut into pieces to relieve her hatred!

Han Jingchen looked at this scene and lowered his voice and said, "It's really wonderful."

Fan Qingyao sneered, "There's something even more exciting. Do you want to see it?"

Han Jingchen was stunned for a moment and saw Fan Qingyao suddenly walking towards Concubine Pan De.

 Pan Defei, “…”

 What to do?

It was Concubine Pan De who was in a stalemate with Baili Rongze when she saw Fan Qingyao suddenly walking in her direction. She said she wasn't nervous to say it was false, because she was afraid that Fan Qingyao would cause trouble again at this time.

One Fan Xuening is enough, but if we add Fan Qingyao...

Pan Defei gets a headache just thinking about it.

Fan Qingyao stood in front of Concubine Pan De, bent his knees and said, "Since the Third Highness wants to find out everything clearly, this matter must not be ambiguous. I wonder if Concubine De will allow me to check my mother's injury first?"

Concubine Pan Defei, "..." When has it been and you still have your injuries examined?

"I have already said that Grandma Sun did not bump into Princess Pinglai on purpose." Concubine Pan De looked at Fan Qingyao with guarded eyes, not believing that Fan Qingyao would really be so kind to help her.

Fan Qingyao said unhurriedly, "Everything must be based on evidence. Since Empress Dowager De is convinced that Grandma Sun is innocent, why should she be afraid of having her injuries examined?"

Concubine Pan De was going to be furious, but Fan Qingyao said it like this. If she continued to stop her in every possible way, wouldn't it be clear that she was a thief with a guilty conscience?

Seeing that Concubine Pan De acquiesced, Fan Qingyao turned around and walked in the direction of Grandma Sun.

When Fan Xuening, who was nestled in Baili Rongze's arms, saw this, she gently tugged on Baili Rongze's sleeve and said in a voice like a mosquito, "Your Highness, I am afraid..."

Concubine Pan De saw this scene in her eyes, and her chest hurt even more with anger. She was a shameless little bitch, she was still thinking about hooking up with a man at this time!

 Baili Rongze looked down at Fan Xuening in his arms. Although Fan Xuening didn't say what he was afraid of, Baili Rongze didn't know about the feud between Fan Xuening and Fan Qingyao. He was afraid that Fan Qingyao would take revenge.

With these thoughts in mind, Baili Rongze looked at Fan Qingyao and said, "This matter has been decided, so I won't bother the Crown Princess to intervene."

Fan Qingyao stopped following the sound, turned to Baili Rongze's direction and said, "After all, this matter involves Princess Pinglai. When we were in the room just now, Princess Pinglai also gave me full authority to investigate and handle the matter. I know that His Highness is well-intentioned and hopes to give Princess Pinglai a satisfactory answer as soon as possible, but I think that since the answer should be a fair and just truth, what does Your Highness think?"

 The words fell and he smiled faintly.

 Baili Rongze was stunned for a moment, looking at the smile on Fan Qingyao's face.

Fan Xuening seemed to have noticed something, and quietly leaned into Baili Rongze's arms.

When Baili Rongze came to his senses, he could only nod helplessly and said, "In that case, I have nothing to say."

According to the relationship between Fan Qingyao and Princess Pinglai, it is reasonable for Princess Pinglai to leave the matter to Fan Qingyao. Concubine Pan De did not dare to stop it, and Baili Rongze also had the same scruples.

  The word "guilty as a thief" is something that not everyone likes to bear.

Fan Xuening didn't expect that Baili Rongze really agreed, and a trace of anxiety flashed in her eyes, but thinking that she had done it perfectly, Fan Qingyao was afraid that nothing would be found out, and Fan Qingyao shouldn't be able to find out anything. Deliberately giving false evidence to frame her.

 After all, there are so many people watching.

Fan Qingyao definitely wouldn’t dare.

Thinking of this, Fan Xuening quietly felt relieved, and waited for a while to see Fan Qingyao's helpless look.

 In other words, now everyone's eyes are on Fan Qingyao.

 (End of this chapter)

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