Chapter 908 She really guessed it right

Fan Qingyao walked to Nanny Sun, knelt down and said, "I wonder where Nanny Sun was injured?"

Mother Sun is the person close to Concubine Pan De, so she naturally knows that Concubine Pan De and the Crown Princess have never dealt with each other. Now after hearing these words, she subconsciously looked at Concubine Pan De.

 Pan Defei, “…”

 Is it useful to see her at this time?

Concubine Pan De was helpless and could only say to Grandma Sun, "Just answer truthfully."

Grandma Sun slowly rolled up her trouser legs, "When Concubine De was in the front yard, she heard the news that Miss Guan had an accident in the flower hall in the backyard, so she asked the old slave to come over first and take a look. Although the old slave was worried about it, He was looking at the Miss Guan family, but he didn't dare to lose control. Unexpectedly, just when he was about to reach the pavilion, he suddenly saw Princess Pinglai who was also in a hurry. The old slave wanted to salute and say hello, but he didn't expect that at the foot of the One slip…”

If others heard this, it would be simply unreasonable sophistry by Grandma Sun. However, Fan Qingyao was silent for a moment and then suddenly helped Grandma Sun up.

Pan Defei was stunned, "What are you going to do?"

Fan Qingyao had no time to explain to Concubine Pan De now. He just looked at Grandma Sun and said, "I wonder if Grandma Sun can lead me to the place where you fell?"

After hearing this, Grandma Sun looked at Concubine Pan De again.

Concubine Pan De was obviously ignored by Fan Qingyao just now. She was obviously very unwilling to cooperate, but she still nodded helplessly.

 Otherwise, what else could she do?

Aunt Sun quickly led Fan Qingyao out of the yard with a limp. Seeing this, the others quickly followed her. Everyone followed Aunt Sun to a corner not far from the pavilion. Grandma Sun stopped.

Han Jingchen looked at this place and said, "This is indeed it."

The second and eighth princesses also nodded. The situation was urgent at that time, so they didn't pay attention to where it was, but now that they looked at this place, they remembered it.

Grandma Sun pointed to the area where she fell, then looked at Fan Qingyao and said, "I only remember that it was near here, but I can't remember where exactly I knocked down Princess Pinglai. "

Fan Qingyao glanced around the area briefly, then looked at Baili Rongze and said, "Please send someone to dig, please, Third Highness."

  Baili Rongze, “…”


 What to dig!

“I wonder what the princess is looking for?” Baili Rongze asked.

Fan Qingyao looked at Baili Rongze and said, "You will only know if you dig it up."

Hearing this, Fan Xuening obviously became nervous.

She couldn't believe that Fan Qingyao really guessed everything based on his wounds, but now that so many people were standing here, she couldn't find any reason to stop him even if she didn't want to.

Baili Rongze frowned, obviously showing impatience.

But Fan Qingyao had already spoken. If he didn't comply, it seemed that there was some shady secret hidden in the third prince's mansion. He could only call a few servants in the mansion and dig around the place where Fan Qingyao's finger was. .

For the sake of beauty, when the pavilion was first built, the short stretch of road around it was all made of sand. Now it is not difficult to dig it out. Several servants have rounded their arms, and it didn't take much time to dig it out on the ground. Many holes were dug.

Everyone stared with wide eyes, all curious about what kind of medicine the princess was selling in her gourd.

Fan Qingyao didn't say anything. From time to time, he looked at Fan Xuening who was hiding in Baili Rongze's arms, taking in her extremely nervous look but trying her best to stay calm. Did she guess correctly?

 “Your Highness, there is something!”

 “The slave also dug something up here!”

 “There is also here...”

As the voices of the servants rang out one after another, dozens of pebbles were dug out from the originally seemingly flat sandy road!

Everyone was stunned when they saw this. How could there be such a thing here?

"The abrasions on Grandma Sun's legs are very obvious, but they are different from ordinary abrasions. The wounds vary in depth, and the heaviest part is accompanied by purple round bruises. Normally, she would fall down It was absolutely impossible for such an injury to occur. I saw that there was no crossroads near the pavilion, so I thought that someone should have scattered cobblestones here in advance. "

As Fan Qingyao spoke, he randomly picked up a pebble on the ground and compared it with the wound on Grandma Sun's leg. Although it couldn't be said to be exactly the same, the shape of the wound was almost the same as the pebble.

  When everyone heard this, their hearts were beating fast.

Dozens of cobblestones that were not supposed to appear here were dug out. If they were really used for decoration, why did Grandma Sun hide all these stones after bumping into Princess Pinglai?


Someone deliberately hid the stone here so that Grandma Sun could bump into Princess Pinglai!

Pan Defei looked at everything in front of her in shock, and it took a long time before she looked at Fan Qingyao not far away.

 She couldn't believe that someone would plot against her right under her nose.

 But what she couldn't believe even more was that Fan Qingyao would actually help her?

 But Fan Qingyao just helped.

 And it’s the kind that’s well-founded…

Fan Qingyao also looked at Concubine Pan Defi. When their eyes met, she nodded slightly. There was no need to say thank you. She had already paved the road ahead. As for what to do with the rest, she didn't need to say more.

Concubine Pan De knew that Fan Qingyao had always been at odds with the third prince. Normally, she should help the third prince, but now that her interests were involved, she could only put other things aside for the time being.

"No wonder I feel something is wrong. Grandma Sun is the old man who is following me. How could she make such a low-level mistake? It turns out that she has been tricked by some evil-minded people. If the matter had not been found out today, Grandma Sun The people from your third prince’s residence have taken my life!”

If Concubine Pan De dares to say she is number one in the entire palace when it comes to speaking harshly and loudly, no one dares to say she is number one. Her words like knives resounded through the entire third prince's mansion, and Baili Rongze's face turned ugly. There are no words to describe it.

Grandma Sun took the opportunity to kneel on the ground and burst into tears, "Old slave thinks that he has never done anything to disgrace the third prince. How come the people in the third prince's house hate old slave so much? This is not what he wanted. Put the old slave to death!"

 Baili Rongze didn't expect that things would turn out like this, but before he could speak, he felt his arms sink. When he looked down, he saw that Fan Xuening had passed out.

"Come here! Call the doctor quickly!" Baili Rongze didn't know how to explain, so he simply took the opportunity to hug Fan Xuening and hurriedly left, leaving all the remaining people where they were.

 (End of this chapter)

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