Chapter 913: Death

If Pan Yulu hadn't really died, Fan Qingyao would never have believed everything written above.

 But the fact is that Pan Yulu is really dead.

  Died in his own house after knowing the truth of the matter.

After Fan Qingyao read the last word in the letter, he felt his heart was both hot and cold.

What makes her cold is that she finally understands why Fan Xuening is clamoring for Concubine Yu so much, but Concubine Yu still chooses to turn a blind eye. She understands even more why the emperor indulges Baili Rongze more and more without any limit!

What made her hot was that she couldn't suppress the burning anger in her chest.

 Because she never thought that someone in this world could really do such a ridiculous thing!

Fan Qingyao knew that the matter could not be delayed, so she turned around and walked out the door. She must inform Baili Fengming of the matter as soon as possible, otherwise if she allowed the matter to spread, the consequences would be disastrous.

But just when her feet were about to cross the threshold, her whole body suddenly became stiff, and then the familiar pain exploded from her heart, spreading completely uncontrollably throughout her body...

Unable to bear the pain, Fan Qingyao instinctively fell to the ground and huddled on the cold ground. She could only breathe heavily to relieve the fatal pain.

Feeling every inch of skin on his body was like being cut out by a knife, and feeling every inch of bone in his body like being scraped by a knife, Fan Qingyao suddenly understood that the so-called punishment from heaven was actually always there...

Raising her eyes and looking towards the Buddha statue enshrined in the room, Fan Qingyao seemed to see the Buddha smiling at her in the haze, as if everything she did was under the control of the Buddha, and what he did to her God's punishment is a shackles that she cannot escape.

Fan Qingyao knew very well that from the moment she opened her eyes, every step she took was going against nature. Maybe as long as she lived by nature, she would not suffer God's punishment. Maybe the pain in her body was Reminding her that God's will cannot be violated...

 But she just wanted to go against nature!

 She has to repay all the debts she has owed.

She will also make all those who owe her receive the punishment they deserve.

If this is going against heaven, then she will go against heaven!

Suffering from the pain of thousands of arrows piercing his heart, Fan Qingyao looked at the Buddha statue and showed a faint smile. Either he would take her life away, or he would watch her stabbing the world with his eyes.

 The severe pain made Fan Qingyao gradually lose consciousness, and his body became lighter.

Fan Qingyao didn't know what she was seeing. The surroundings were filled with endless darkness, as if one abyss after another was opening its **** mouth to her.

I don’t know how long it took before Fan Qingyao gradually gained some consciousness.

“God’s will is impossible to do. Your Highness the Crown Prince acted against heaven in the first place. Why bother now...”

“Master Xingyun, there is no need to say anything, I have made up my mind.”

“If the Crown Princess continues to be stubborn, she will definitely be punished by God!”

 “Even if there is a divine punishment, I will still be with her.”

Fan Qingyao opened his eyes and saw the familiar face of Baili Fengming.

 Baili Fengming saw Fan Qingyao waking up and quickly hugged him in his arms, "How is it, but you still feel uncomfortable somewhere?"

When she felt the warmth of Baili Fengming covering her cold body bit by bit, Fan Qingyao realized that she had really woken up. "Where is this place?" As soon as she opened her mouth, she realized that her voice was extremely hoarse. look.

Baili Fengming put the already warm tea to Fan Qingyao's lips and fed her to drink it little by little, "You fainted at Huguo Temple. I happened to come to help my mother pray for peace and happiness. I heard that you Came here after fainting."

Fan Qingyao drank some water and his throat felt much better. "I just heard you talking to Master Xingyun. What are you talking about?"

 Baili Fengming was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly and said, "This is the first time I heard that you can still dream when you are in a coma. There are only you and me in this room all the time. Where is Master Xingyun?"

Hearing this, Fan Qingyao stood up in confusion and looked around. Sure enough, there was no one else in the room.

Perhaps she really heard wrong just now.

"I haven't asked you yet, why did you come to Huguo Temple?" Seeing that Fan Qingyao still looked weak, Baili Fengming hugged him in his arms again.

Fan Qingyao looked at Baili Fengming in front of him. His still hazy consciousness finally came to his senses. He grabbed Baili Fengming's lapel and asked, "Do you know what the emperor is doing now?"

 Baili Fengming was stunned, "What do you know?"

Fan Qingyao kept tightening his fingers on the hem of his clothes, and the veins on the back of his hands bulged, "He is making elixirs! Using living people to make elixirs!"

Since ancient times, all emperors have pursued immortality, so there has always been a shortage of alchemists and warlocks in the palaces of various countries, in order to develop elixirs of immortality for emperors.

But immortality is just a luxury wish. As the world goes by, the emperors of various countries also know that this is impossible to achieve. In addition, the manpower and material resources spent on raising a group of warlocks to refine elixirs are incalculable. Gradually, the There is no more sorcerer in the palace.

Fan Qingyao knew that the emperor had been thinking about the taste of Lingxue Pills, but she thought that as long as she didn't mention it again, the emperor would give up her hope. But who would have thought that the emperor would be so crazy, and he would Start looking for someone to make elixirs secretly.

The person who is secretly helping the emperor run around is none other than Baili Rongze!

Fan Qingyao handed the letter left by Pan Yulu to Baili Fengming, "I have always thought that Pan Yulu's death was strange. I didn't expect that Pan Yulu, who accidentally spied on this matter, had already thought that he was not going to die soon, so he He left this letter for me specifically at Huguo Temple.”

This letter clearly states that the children who disappeared in the two cities were all taken away to make alchemy.

Pan Yulu also accidentally learned about this from the conversation between Yunyue and Concubine Yu. Later, she fancifully thought that as long as she kept this secret, Baili Rongze would have to dote on her and bow to her, but as a result But instead it led to death.

Fan Qingyao knew that Pan Yulu might not believe everything he said, but the facts were right in front of him.

If Baili Rongze hadn't privately connived and helped the emperor refine the elixir, the emperor would never have favored Baili Rongze overtly or covertly.

In this case, it makes sense why Tang Juwei appeared next to the emperor.

As the king of a country and the leader of all people, he is doing harmful things in private!

 Such an emperor is simply a shame to Xiliang!

 We must find a way to end this matter completely, otherwise more and more people will pay their lives for it.

Fan Qingyao looked at Baili Fengming and said, "Perhaps Pan Yulu wrote this because she wanted to use me to avenge her, but I think the credibility of this matter is very high, and it needs to be carefully verified..."

 Baili Fengming gently patted Fan Qingyao's thin back, "Everything written above is true."

Fan Qingyao was stunned, "What did you say?"

 Baili Fengming smiled bitterly, "Because I already knew it."

 (End of this chapter)

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