Chapter 914: Beasts are engraved in the bones

Baili Fengming was in poor health when she was a child. The queen did not dare to say anything, so she could only secretly drag Ji Hongliao to seek medical advice. However, the recovery of the body did not happen overnight, and at that time Baili Fengming was not affected by the disease. Chong, even if Ji Hongliao could prescribe the medicine, the precious medicinal materials in the palace would not be used on Baili Fengming.

The Empress was so ill that she sought medical treatment, so she collected a lot of heretical medical books to see if she could find any useful methods.

It was at that time that Baili Fengming saw the method of using living people to make elixirs from the Queen.

Later, Ji Hongliao had a big quarrel with the Queen because of this matter, without even caring about his identity. At the risk of being beheaded, Ji Hongliao scolded the Queen bloody.

 Although the words are unpleasant to hear, they are not without truth.

 It was exactly like this that the Queen gave up her inappropriate thoughts.

Because the incident was so fresh in his memory at the time, when Baili Fengming heard that a child was missing, the first thing he thought of was the book he saw at the Queen's house.

The body of a living person is a treasure. Its Qi is feminine and soft. Boys and girls have not yet grown up, and their bodies are pure. Virgins have a flexible mind and are good at thinking, so they are good at gathering spiritual energy at the top, so the brain should be taken. A child's heart is born strong, and the spiritual energy gathers there. This is why I picked his heart.

 Looking at the above, we should use the blood as the guide, the bones as the square, and only with sincerity, can we achieve great success.

Even now, Baili Fengming clearly remembers the process of writing in the book. At that time, he thought it was extremely ridiculous. He never thought that one day this joke would turn into a cruel reality.

Just because he wanted to find out, it didn't happen overnight. After Baili Fengming went to the two cities, and when he couldn't find any clues about the missing children, he roughly guessed the mastermind behind it.

"Everything that has been done, no matter how clean it is, has traces. The only reason why nothing can be found is not that the hands and feet of the person who did the work were too clean, but that someone helped erase the traces." Baili Fengming He said with a wry smile.

Fan Qingyao looked at Baili Fengming and asked, "So you deliberately delayed the two cities in order to conduct a secret investigation?"

Baili Fengming nodded.

He asked Lin Yi to contact the Qianqi School secretly and conduct investigations according to his own ideas. Sure enough, he found something.

"I wanted to find an opportunity to talk to you about this some time ago, but I didn't find the opportunity." Just looking at Fan Qingyao in front of her, Baili Fengming didn't know what to say to keep her calm.

"Where is the thing? Take me to see it." Fan Qingyao saw Baili Fengming's thoughts. Since she didn't know how to express it, she went to see it herself.

"You are just too stubborn." Baili Fengming said this, but he still bent down and put on her shoes himself, and took her hand and left the Huguo Temple together.

He knew that even if he told the truth, she still had to see it with her own eyes.

 He was unwilling to stop her, but he was willing to go with her.

Lin Yi had been waiting outside for a long time. The two of them walked out and quickly opened the car door, "Your Highness, Crown Princess."

 Baili Fengming helped Fan Qingyao get into the carriage and gave the order, "Go to the barren mountains thirty miles outside the city."

Why didn't Lin Yi know what that place meant? To be honest, that place was so evil that even he, a man, didn't want to go there again. But when faced with His Highness's order, he could do nothing but turn the horse's head. other.

Fan Qingyao listened to Baili Fengming's instructions, looked at him and said, "Is your place near the main city?" "I was also surprised when I checked outside the main city. Although the most dangerous place is the safest. But such a risky move does not seem to be the character of the Third Emperor Brother. I am afraid there is someone guiding him behind his back." Baili Fengming nodded, sat down next to her and held her in his arms. inside.

Even though the carriage was lit with some silver charcoal, her face was still extremely pale.

 Exalted person?

 Who else can be a master?

Of course it’s Tang Juwei!

Fan Qingyao smiled coldly, "When the medicinal materials were burned in the Yu family's shop, I felt strange. Now that I think about it, I am afraid that everyone around the Third Prince is surrounding this matter. Princess Yunyue is even more generous, even the head of the Medicine Master Pavilion was moved out. "

This act of bringing people around him to kneel and lick him is more and more like Baili Rongze's style in the previous life.

Fan Qingyao remembered that when the emperor in the previous life was terminally ill, Baili Rongze devoted all his money and behaved like a filial son, stealing the limelight in front of the emperor. Even later, the emperor heard that eating human flesh and drinking human blood could delay the disease. Regarding life span, Baili Rongze also followed the instructions.

In fact, Fan Qingyao should have thought of it a long time ago. In his last life, he could stuff human blood and human flesh into his mouth. What's so strange about using living people to make elixirs in this life?

 The word "animal" is never superficial, but is engraved in one's bones.

 Baili Fengming saw Fan Qingyao's face getting worse and worse, and knew that he was really angry. He said softly, "Nothing happened to the missing children in the main city. It's just that they need a suitable opportunity to show up."

Fan Qingyao was stunned, "Aren't you going to bluff me?"

 Baili Fengming smiled and rubbed her cheek, trying to make her complexion rosier, "Why have I ever fooled you?"

At that time, Baili Fengming was in the two cities. After learning that something happened in the main city, he asked Shaoxuan to return to the city secretly to investigate. This way, he could follow the clues and find the place outside the city.

"The reason why that place is now abandoned is precisely because of the fire that Shaoxuan set. At that time, the people inside were only focused on escaping for their own lives and could not care about others. Shaoxuan took the opportunity to secretly take away all the boys and girls. Come out."

Fan Qingyao calmed down. If this is really the case, it can be said to be a blessing among misfortunes.

At this moment, the carriage that had been moving forward stopped.

Before Fan Qingyao got off the carriage, she smelled the smell of something burning, which showed how powerful the fire was. When she got off the carriage, she saw that the foot of the barren mountain in front of her had long been covered by dead leaves. The traces have also been cleaned up.

 This shows how good those people were at hiding at that time.

 Even if it is a burned-out place, all traces can be hidden.

"Be careful where you step." Baili Fengming pulled Fan Qingyao and moved closer to the foot of the mountain. Even if Shaoxuan was holding a fire in front of him, he couldn't illuminate the surrounding darkness at all.

After almost a stick of incense, Fan Qingyao followed Baili Fengming and stood at a certain place at the foot of the mountain. As Shaoxuan pushed aside the dead leaves and weeds in front of him, a figure was suddenly revealed inside. cave.

 A gust of wind blew in my face, filled with a vomiting smell.

Fan Qingyao knew that it was the smell of rotting corpses and blood intertwined.

 (End of this chapter)

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