Chapter 915 Do you believe me?

Shaoxuan was so sick that he almost vomited. In the blink of an eye, he saw that Fan Qingyao was fine, and he was still a little shocked. Fortunately, he had not seen the Crown Princess's ability before, even stepping on someone's belly. If you can do this, what does it matter now?

 So, for some blows, you get used to them with time.

The cave was very deep. Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming walked all the way in and estimated that they walked for a while before reaching the deepest part of the cave.

At the same time, the vision in front of me suddenly became clear.

Although it has been burned, you can still clearly see the elixirs scattered on the ground, as well as various burnt equipment and alchemy cauldrons...

This is obviously a Taoist temple built at the bottom of the mountain!

 Baili Fengming knew that Fan Qingyao wanted to check carefully, so he looked at Shaoxuan.

Shaoxuan understood the idea and quickly took out a few more fire sticks from his arms. After lighting them, he inserted them into the cracks in the mountain inside the Taoist temple. Although it did not last longer than the burning time of the torch, it was enough to watch the Taoist temple in a circle. .

As the entire Taoist temple was illuminated by the fire, some small holes hidden inside were also revealed. Fan Qingyao walked in with her skirt in hand, and her face, which was not very good-looking, became worse and worse.

There are many small openings inside. Except for a few that are used to hold other alchemy cauldrons, the rest are all covered with ashes. As Fan Qingyao entered, smoke and dust suddenly rose everywhere.

 What has so much dust?

Of course it’s human bones!

Fan Qingyao became more frightened and colder as she watched. She thought that the emperor in the previous life who drank human blood and ate human flesh had reached the extreme of evil. She never expected that there would be no end to human evil.

 The elixir made by countless children is really that delicious?

 It’s true that I’m not afraid of being choked to death!

Shaoxuan had never seen Fan Qingyao so angry before, so he quickly said, "It's all because of the incompetence of my subordinates. If we could have tracked this down earlier, so many innocent children would not have died."

Fan Qingyao knew that Shaoxuan could not be blamed for this. He narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Beasts have no humanity to speak of. So what if you found this place in advance?"

It’s not the same as it is now. Even if they abandon this place, they will still find a new place to continue committing crimes.

 Shaoxuan, “…”

 It’s over, the Crown Princess is really so angry that she has lost her mind.

Otherwise, who would the beast be scolding?

 Other than the one in the palace, Shaoxuan really couldn't think of anyone else.

Fan Qingyao was really furious and his clenched fists had veins bulging out.

 Baili Fengming reached out and held her hand. He could also feel the uncontrollable trembling in her body. "Now that things have happened, we still have to think of countermeasures quickly. Let's go out. The air here is not good."

Fan Qingyao looked at Baili Fengming's dark eyes and finally calmed down. He nodded. Before leaving, he took out a handkerchief from his arms and carefully wrapped the two pills on the ground in it. He followed Baili Fengming on the carriage back to the city.

 Baili Fengming looked at her cautious movements and breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that something would happen to her because of her anger.

Sitting on the carriage, Fan Qingyao suppressed the anger in his heart, and his rationality gradually returned to his brain. He looked at Baili Fengming and said, "After killing so many people, the pills refined are definitely not one or two. I'm afraid The emperor has already tasted the sweetness. If this matter cannot be cured quickly, I don’t know how many innocent lives will be lost."

On the day when the emperor really goes crazy, it will be difficult to control him even if the gods come down to earth.

"My father has always been suspicious. After this Taoist temple burned down, I thought it would sound the alarm for my father. Unexpectedly, in order to continue to use elixirs to contain and please my father, the third emperor brother encouraged him to secretly build it elsewhere. other Taoist temples.”

Fan Qingyao felt that she was still naive and that the emperor could no longer control himself before he went crazy.

 “Have you found out where the new Taoist temple is?”

 Baili Fengming said softly, "I only know that it is near the palace."

 This is also a difficult issue now.

The palace is no better than other places. It is heavily guarded. In addition, the emperor deliberately hides the Taoist temple. I don’t know how many eyes and troops have been deployed secretly. Once the Qianqi School is caught by the opponent, it will inevitably affect the whole body. . "Fan Qingyao understands Baili Fengming's concerns, but if he wants to fundamentally stop this matter, he can only expose it.

 Baili Fengming saw what Fan Qingyao was thinking, "It's not difficult to expose, but I'm afraid that my father will be partial and protect the three emperor brothers."

If something happens to Baili Rongze, who can continue to make elixirs for the emperor?

Fan Qingyao narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Then find a way to prevent the emperor from being partial."

"If this matter wants to be settled, it's not something you or I can stop. I'm afraid more people will have to be involved. Ayao, do you trust me?" Baili Fengming held Fan Qingyao's hand. , looking into her eyes.

 Involving more people means putting more people at risk.

It was difficult for him to reach out to the palace, but if Hua Yaoting and Prince Heshuo came forward, the matter would be solved.

The emperor wanted to hide the Taoist temple, so he had to secretly find heavy troops to guard it. Even though Prince Heshuo and Hua Yaoting were now empty-handed in the main city, their prestige in the army was unmatched.

 This is also the reason why Baili Fengming didn't tell Fan Qingyao at the beginning.

 Baili Fengming knew very well what his family meant to Fan Qingyao, and he knew even better that she was also very wary now. He didn't know if he was worth all her efforts to believe.

 Actually, the Hua family has been standing with Baili Fengming for a long time.

 One is prosperous and both are prosperous; one is deprived and both are deprived.

Even if Baili Fengming doesn’t ask, will the Hua family be fine if something happens to Baili Fengming?

 But Baili Fengming still asked.

Fan Qingyao knew that he was giving her a chance to repent.

As long as she shakes her head, with Baili Fengming's methods, there are many ways to get the Hua family out of this incident.

 But Fan Qingyao said, "Wait for my news."

  She didn’t say whether she believed it or not, but this sentence was more powerful than the word “believe”.

 Waiting for news from her.

 No hesitation, no shrinking.

 Because originally, she was going to advance and retreat with him.

Moreover, Fan Qingyao believes that neither his maternal grandfather nor his adoptive father are people who give up in spite of difficulties.

"Okay." Baili Fengming smiled. In fact, even if she really cowered, he could still find out where the new Taoist temple was, but it would just take more time.

 But she agreed without even thinking about it.

Of course Fan Qingyao knew what it meant for Baili Fengming to consider her, so as soon as he returned to the western suburbs mansion, he went directly to the main courtyard.

Tao Yuxian was still recovering from his injuries during this period. He took advantage of the good air to go out and walk around. When he saw Fan Qingyao coming in, he asked, "Why are you here at this time?"

"Suddenly I remembered something and wanted to ask my grandma. Is grandpa here?" Fan Qingyao smiled and looked at her grandma's complexion. She had indeed recovered a lot. However, the matter was not yet clear now. She really didn't want her grandma to be here at this time. Followed by on tenterhooks.

 (End of this chapter)

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