Chapter 916 Too Confused

Tao Yuxian looked at Fan Qingyao's late night visit and felt that there was something important. He quickly pointed in the direction of the study and said, "Your grandfather is discussing matters with Prince Heshuo in the study at the moment. Just go over there."

Is your adoptive father here?

This saves trouble.

Fan Qingyao looked in the direction of the study and nodded, but when he looked away, he did not leave immediately. Instead, he took the initiative to take his grandmother's arm from Aunt He's hand and walked with her in the yard.

Tao Yuxian was stunned, "Didn't you say something happened?"

"No matter how big the deal is, it's not as important as staying with grandma." Fan Qingyao said with a playful wink.

Hearing this, not to mention Tao Yuxian, even Grandma He beside him was amused.

 The young lady is obviously much more mature than any other young lady in the house. To be able to act like this and say such words now is clearly to please the old lady.

This kind of care is really touching.

Tao Yuxian shook his head helplessly, looked at Fan Qingyao with a smile and said, "You are so old, but you are still like a child."

Fan Qingyao took advantage of the situation and snuggled up to her grandmother. "No matter how old they are, they are all grandma's children."

 Tao Yuxian, “…”

 Is this mouth smeared with honey?

But looking at Fan Qingyao clinging to his side, Tao Yuxian's heart finally calmed down. If Xiao Qingyao really came to the main courtyard to find someone in an emergency, there would be no time to make her happy.

"By the way, Sister Shan woke up during the day. When she heard that her mother was gone, she cried so hard that she fainted. This child had a hard life, and a mother like that is always thinking about her." When talking about Cao Leshan, Tao Yuxian sighed. I'm obviously more angry.

Fan Qingyao knew that her grandmother wanted to make up for it, so she thought for a while and said, "Speaking of which, Mu Yan is currently busy with the marriage between Luo Yueluo and Peng Jing. I heard that the matchmaker he found is pretty good. If grandma doesn't worry, I'll pass it on." Let the matchmaker come to the house in a few days. As long as we are willing to spend money, we can always find a suitable family for cousin Leshan. "

Tao Yuxian didn't expect that Yue Luo and Peng Jing were about to have a good thing, so he quickly asked Aunt He to help write it down, and went to add something to Yue Luo when he came back. After finishing the instructions, he nodded and said, "This idea is not bad, just follow this Just do what you say."

The Cao family originally wanted Cao Leshan to come to the main city to propose marriage. Although there were some interruptions, things that needed to be done still had to be done. Even if the Cao family didn't want to take care of it, the Hua family still had to take care of it. We couldn't really let Cao Leshan Stay in the flower house and become an old girl.

Tao Yuxian talked to Fan Qingyao for a while, and he was obviously a little tired. Fan Qingyao personally helped his grandmother into the house and lay down, then turned and went out to the study.

In the study, Hua Yaoting was chatting with Prince Heshuo. When he heard that Fan Qingyao was coming, he was stunned. When he came to his senses, he quickly opened the door and took Fan Qingyao in person. Come in.

As soon as Prince Heshuo saw Fan Qingyao, he became very energetic.

Although he didn't watch this child grow up, he had watched it for a few years. He knew the rules and had a sense of propriety. Now that he was able to come here at this time, I'm afraid there was something big going on.

"But what happened?" Hua Yaoting went straight to the point. His grandson knew very well that if something hadn't happened, how could she have done such an unmeasured thing.

Since Fan Qingyao was here, he had no intention of hiding anything. Seeing that his adoptive father and grandfather were all listening, he wanted to tell her carefully about the peace and blessing that Pan Yulu left for her, as well as the details of going to the Taoist temple with Baili Fengming today. Said it again.

 Heshuo County Prince, "…"

 Hua Yaoting, "!"

Even though the two of them were prepared, they were still stunned by the giant melon falling from the sky.

 After regaining consciousness, both Prince Heshuo and Hua Yaoting stood up from their chairs.                                                    give gas.

How can people be calm when they treat people's lives like a child's play?

Especially since that person is the emperor!

 What does the emperor mean?

The Nine-Five Lord, the belief of the people of Xiliang, is such a person who is worshiped by thousands of people, but because of his own selfish interests, he extends his claws to the people who trust him the most!

As long as he thinks of the people in the alleys of the main city who are going to be stupid for the rest of their lives, whether it is Hua Yaoting or Prince Heshuo, they cannot calm down for a long time!

“So, the emperor connived at the affairs of the common people in the alley?” Prince Heshuo asked.

Fan Qingyao nodded, "I'm afraid that's the case."

It was precisely because Baili Rongze understood that the emperor was eager for success in the matter of immortality that he dared to try to throw dirty water on Baili Fengming in the name of finding a new furnace for the emperor.

So what if the emperor knew about it after the fact? Didn't he want to help Baili Rongze hide the matter?

 After all, he still hopes that Baili Rongze will continue to do sneaky things for him.

“I’m afraid that the people who attacked my adoptive father and grandfather were also related to the third prince.”

No matter what Fan Qingyao thought about when his grandfather and adoptive father were injured, there were still some things he couldn't figure out. But if he connected the matter with Baili Rongze, everything would make sense.

Something happened in the main city, and he sent people to attack his grandfather and adoptive father. If his real grandfather and adoptive father did not survive, Baili Rongze would pour the dirty water of the main city on Baili Fengming, and then Baili Fengming would What was lost was not only the support of the people, but also the two right-hand men of his adoptive father and grandfather.

 From the very beginning, Baili Rongze planned to fundamentally disintegrate Baili Fengming!

Facing these sudden truths, Hua Yaoting and Prince Heshuo looked extremely ugly.

 Your worldview has collapsed, how can you not look ugly?

“I didn’t expect that the emperor could be so confused.” Prince Heshuo sighed heavily.

Fan Qingyao said, "It's true that the emperor is confused, and it's true that the three princes are helping the emperor to do evil. No matter how much the emperor wants to follow these heretical ways, how could he have fallen into this without the help of others?"

Prince Heshuo sighed heavily and was so worried that he couldn't even speak.

The third prince was confused because he wanted to reach the top. He could still say he was young and frivolous, but what was the emperor doing? He was ignoring his own identity and the lives of the people of Xiliang.

   You are really confused.

Hua Yaoting looked at Fan Qingyao and asked, "How does the prince want to deal with this matter?"

Fan Qingyao did not hide anything from his grandfather and adoptive father. After telling him again about Baili Fengming burning down the Taoist temple outside the city, he paused and said, "Now the prince's people have traced the new The Taoist temple is near the palace, but it is heavily guarded. If you want to continue to investigate, you will need the help of your grandfather and adoptive father. "

Hearing this, Prince Heshuo and Hua Yaoting looked at each other.

After a long while, Prince Heshuo asked, "So what the prince means..."

Fan Qingyao said, “If we want to eradicate the root cause, we must expose this matter.”

As soon as these words came out, not to mention Prince Heshuo, even Hua Yaoting's chest jumped heavily.

 (End of this chapter)

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